Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1046: : You have to learn to let go (2 more)

Look at the excitement and transformation, I guess it's both.

I heard that my aunt Liu Fang is now working as a salesperson in a department store. Liang Bingan has been hanging around at home after losing her job. For a proud person like Liu Fang, the beauty is not there, and it is more uncomfortable than killing her.

The Liang family must go to the camp, so they want to please her and her mother.

This is the plan of Aunt Liu Fang.

Xia Xiaolan was noncommittal.

Therefore, you have to have the ability to be a human. A top relative like Liu Fang used to disregard the wishes of the mother and daughter to arrange Xia Xiaolan's marriage on his own, treating Xia Xiaolan as a pawn, only calculating without respect.

After suffering a big loss on Xia Xiaolan, she found that she couldn't provoke Xia Xiaolan, and the gap between the two sides was a bit big, and she didn't dare to retaliate after being sacked.

Perhaps during the Chinese New Year, I heard Tang Hongen’s pomp from the village population, which made Liu Fang and Liang Bing’an more and more uneasy. Now they have completely reduced their faces, their attitudes are stubborn, from calculating to avoiding, and then from avoiding to thick. Facing to please...Xia Xiaolan hung up the phone and turned around in her mind, not paying much attention to the Liang family.

"It's quite interesting, the **** looks at Mung Bean, is it pleasing to the eye?"

Xia Xiaolan didn't know that Xiao Yu was Xiao Rou, who had seduce Liu Yong's companion.

She only had to confirm whether Liu Yong had been deceived, and she would care about what the accompany girl looked like. Xiao Yu was so frightened when she saw her, she shrank her neck and hid, the two of them had never seen each other.

Xiao Yu just knew that she was Xia Dajun's daughter.

Xia Xiaolan had no way of knowing that Xiao Yu and Xiao Rou were the same person, otherwise she would immediately think of Liu Tianquan, and it was definitely not accidental that Xiao Yu appeared next to Xia Dajun.

Now, Xia Xiaolan can only say that the two are "destined".

Wang Ba looked at Mung Bean, and Xiao Yu was still suspected of being pregnant. This news indeed made Xia Xiaolan disgusting enough.

She broke off with Xia Dajun, but people outside don’t think so. Whether Xiaoyu’s children are male or female, they are Xia Xiaolan’s half-sisters or younger brothers... With this child, will Xia Dajun have another Demon?

Xia Dajun is not a demon, what does Xiao Yu think?

Xia Xiaolan felt that the downfall of Fan Zhenchuan was to save the women who were persecuted by Fan Zhenchuan, and it was a delightful thing!

But there is one exception. Xiao Yu is different from other women. Others are persecuted by Fan Zhenchuan, but Xiao Yu is willing to do so. Normal women can't take the initiative to come to the door, saying that they want to serve Fan Zhenchuan with Xia Xiaolan!

Xiao Yu, who has abnormal brain circuits, might even hate herself for ruining her comfortable life.

Xia Xiaolan pondered Xiao Yu's mentality, and felt that Xia Dajun's marriage to Xiao Yu was an untimely bomb.

"Or, should you promise Du Zhaohui and let Xia Dajun lose his job?"

Xia Xiaolan muttered, Grandma Yu listened anxiously:

"You are not stupid. If people find out that Dajun Xia can really be used to threaten you, you will have a lot of trouble in the future. I can expel Dajun Xia to please you, and I can ask Dajun Xia back to work to make you angry, please If you don’t invite Xia Dajun, it’s all someone else’s mouth. It’s better to wait for him to hate Xia Dajun and get rid of him. It’s none of your business!"

Grandma Yu and Dajun Xia had never dealt with each other, so she just listened to Xia Xiaolan's talk about what Dajun Xia did, and she knew who the other party was.

Such a man, fortunately, he met a wife like Affin before.

Now that I am married to Fan Zhenchuan’s little nanny, I still have the Xia family upset by the little nanny?

Grandma Yu taught Xia Xiaolan: "The old man loves his young wife. This little nanny used to be able to **** off Fan Zhenchuan's original partner. It can be seen that she is shameless and has the means. She may marry Xia Dajun because she wants to add obstacles to you, and most of them also have a picture of Xia Dajun. The reason for the money. Didn’t you say that all the Xia family ran to Pengcheng to live with Xia Dajun? Just look, the Xia family will be very lively in the future!"

A Fen's heart is kind, and Xia Dajun's foolishness and filial piety can bear it. In the end, he couldn't bear it because the Xia family partnered to bully Xiaolan.

That little nanny can't bear it.

Grandma Yu really wanted to laugh when she thought that the Xia family was half-dead by the little nanny.

Grandma Yu tugged at the corner of her mouth.

What to do, she hasn't liked to laugh for many years, now living with Liu Fen's mother and daughter, more and more things in her life make her want to laugh, it feels completely uncontrollable!

Xia Xiaolan was also joked by Grandma Yu:

"Then you said, don't you need to tell my mom for now?"

Grandma Yu nodded, "Telling her is a heartbreak, but you can tell Mayor Tang. I don’t like to hear, your mother will really marry Mayor Tang, and she will live with Tang Hongen in the future. Your daughter should Let it go, and you have to worry about everything else for her. How about the marriage management, can you go beyond it? It depends on your mother learning how to deal with it."

My daughter is worried about everything, and Liu Fen is not as good as other family members.

Who is the mother, and who is the daughter?

Grandma Yu felt that Xia Xiaolan should try to trust Mayor Tang, and slowly hand over Liu Fen's "custodial rights" to Tang Hongen.

Grandma Yu was telling the truth, and Xia Xiaolan felt it was a bit stuffy.

"Don't you like to listen. If you want to have this idle time, you should spend more time on your own objects! Isn't Zhou Cheng handled the Shi family's affairs quite well? Why don't you just take the time to see Zhou Cheng? A man who doesn’t care about him, don’t blame other lesbians for worrying about you."

Grandma Yu taught her with all her heart, Xia Xiaolan thoughtfully:

"Grandma Yu, is this the experience of someone who came here? It sounds like there is a story..."

Grandma Yu likes to drive flies: "Bangwan, do you know how to respect the elders, don't listen if you don't like to listen!"

Xia Xiaolan skinned her skin, and hurried to recycle: "Listen, why don't you listen! What you said is all good words. I originally planned to go to North Hebei Province on the weekend. Today I will go to Zhou's house first to visit Zhou Cheng. Elders."

Zhou Cheng spent her vacation on her, and Xia Xiaolan was willing to visit her family more for Zhou Cheng.

Although Zhou's family does not lack food or clothing, her concern is different.

Grandma Yu took a look at the time and told her to leave quickly, "Remember to bring something. No matter how good Zhou Cheng’s parents are to you, you are still an outsider. Don’t go empty-handed when you go to someone else’s house. No, isn’t it happy to receive something from you?"

Every sentence is life experience, and Xia Xiaolan is glad to be taught.

After she rode away, Liu Fen drove home:

"I heard from my neighbor, Uncle Zhao, that Xiaolan had come back?"

Grandma Yu looked at Liu Fen, who could drive around the capital in her car. Who could believe that Liu Fen was a middle-aged divorced rural woman? The destiny of human beings is really wonderful. Grandma Yu has summed up a rule. Don't sneer when you are rich and have a good relationship. Maybe you will be left behind.

Don't accept your fate even when you are poor, work hard, and you may turn over sometime.

Seeing Liu Fen's ruddy complexion, Grandma Yu didn't mention anything about her heart. She always wanted a woman to worry about it, so Mayor Tang worried:

"I've been back. I haven't been to Zhou's house for a long time. I'm going to Zhou's house for dinner tonight. Are you going to Yangcheng for autumn clothes again?"

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