Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1048: : Beauty Talk in the Circle (4 more)

Xia Xiaolan thought for a while, "So you really know it. Then let me put it another way. Does this leader have a daughter who is married to Huo? I am his grandson who has business dealings. I want to ask about his family. Family style."

Xia Xiaolan's statement made Guan Huimo relieved.

"Don't pant when you speak, it scares me. You ask this, does Mayor Tang know?"

Xia Xiaolan was worried, "Uncle Tang said half and half hidden, and asked me to guess by myself, I don't know how to deal with it."

Guan Huimo felt inexplicably comfortable:

"You are doing the right thing. Don't worry if you don't know how to deal with it. Ask more people!"

Since I asked her, I trusted her, and Xia Xiaolan trusted her as an elder, and Guan Hui Mo must be happy. Before Zhou Guobin came back, the unpleasant sister-in-law was offended again. Guan Huimo asked Xia Xiaolan to sit on the sofa and listen to her slowly:

"Mayor Tang and Song Lao things have been a good talk these years, in fact, there is no need to lie to you. Song Lao has many ups and downs in his life, and he also loves to give young cadres opportunities to support Mayor Tang because of his appreciation. Mayor Tang is young. At that time, I had no background. I was able to get to know Ji Ya, and I was still in the light of Song Lao. At that time Mayor Tang was working as a secretary for Song Lao. Naturally, he had a promising future. How could I marry Ji Ya? Don’t look at me like this. I have asked someone to find out that Ji Ya was very popular when she was young, and her temperament was a little arrogant, which would not prevent many people from vying to marry her home."

Xia Xiaolan thought about what Ji Ya looked like.

I have to admit Guan Hui Mo's statement.

If Ji Ya is not paranoid and crazy, she can indeed confuse people, and now he can still fascinate George, and Xia Xiaolan can't question Ji Ya's charm.

When I was young, there must be many suitors.

It is not easy for Tang Hongen to stand out!

When Guan Huimo mentioned Lao Song, Xia Xiaolan had a vague guess, but she was not smart enough to tell Guan Huimo to tell her full name, only the part related to Tang Hongen, Xia Xiaolan was more interested:

"Then what?"

"Then the turbulent years come, Mayor Tang should have been released, and he has been married to Ji Ya for a few years, and both of them have sons. At that time, criticism and self-criticism were being carried out throughout the country from top to bottom. It is very unfavorable to Song Lao, some radical thinking people jumped out and attacked Song Lao... They denied Song Lao from thought to behavior, and forced people who had worked with Song Lao to do the same."

Guan Huimo's words were rather vague, which did not hinder Xia Xiaolan's understanding.

Although Xia Xiaolan didn't experience those years personally, it didn't hinder her experience.

How could Wang Jianhua, the original son of a senior cadre, end up in places like Dahe Village? It's not that Wang Guangping was sent to the farm for labor reform. Young Master Wang was not as good as a phoenix when he landed, and became an educated youth in a remote place like Dahe Village!

To be close, there is also her teacher Mao Kangshan, who was also reported by her apprentice and was squatted into a bullpen.

"Uncle Tang can be regarded as someone close to Song Lao, so it must be miserable!"

Alas, the methods of insulting people were almost the same in those days. Standing in the bullpen was definitely a double crit on intellectuals and life.

Guan Huimo nodded: "Yes, Mayor Tang is miserable. He has been a secretary for Song Lao for several years and has handled many speeches. If you want to completely defeat Song Lao, you really have to start with Mayor Tang. Others forced Mayor Tang to come out to correct and attack Lao Song. Mayor Tang was in the Southern Henan Province at that time. His position was not very high and it was very promising. It is said that the other party promised Mayor Tang that he only needs to rectify Song Lao. Mayor Tang is not only safe and sound, but also because of his merits in accusing him, it shows that his mental consciousness is high, and he must be promoted!"

Is Tang Hongen that kind of person?

Unless Song Lao really did something bad, Xia Xiaolan felt that Tang Hongen would not be threatened:

"Uncle Tang definitely disagrees."

Guan Huimo smiled, "You're right. Not only did he fail to get along with those people, he also deceived those people to write an article to expose Lao Song. As soon as the article was published, he denounced those who besieged Lao Song. He was so courageous, he published an article under his real name, showing that he supported Song Lao's views unwaveringly... This was a hornet's nest. Others didn't dare to treat Song Lao, but they made Mayor Tang choppy enough to keep him in the bull. I’ve been squatting in the shed for several years! I heard that someone will ask him every week whether he should change his mouth or write articles to expose Mr. Song. Mayor Tang handed in articles every week, and all manuscripts were submitted. He supports Lao Song. He elaborated on Lao Song's concept in detail, and he was almost going to publish a book for Lao Song, but the popularity is too stupid!"

Guan Huimo didn't know about these things, it was because Xia Xiaolan and Tang Hongen got close, Guan Huimo inquired.

It sounds relieved and funny now, it must have been very difficult at the time.

Xia Xiaolan can imagine:

"Uncle Tang is so hard and bones, but he is going to be a thorn in the eyes of others."

"It is precisely this way that Mayor Tang has had a hard time for several years. During this period, not only did Ji Ya divorce him, but I heard that his family was also afraid of being embarrassed by him. It’s clear that Song Lao has the right to speak again, and the first person to call back to help is Mayor Tang! He was with Lao Song to help sort out the chaos after the chaos, and he will be released again two years later. You can also check the resume later. To."

He soon became the mayor of the special zone.

No wonder it's so powerful.

Tang Hongen's ability to go straight up is not only for the maintenance of Song Lao.

The historical process proved that Song Lao's concept was correct. Tang Hongen conformed to the historical trend. China's reform and opening up required an enlightened reformist like Tang Hongen, so he went to work in the special zone!

"You ask the Huo family, it should be the Huo family in the Shanghai stock market that Song Lao’s daughter married. The Huo family was a big businessman in the Shanghai stock market before the founding of the People’s Republic of China. I haven't been implicated by Song Lao much, maybe I don't know if I am implicated, I don't know much about the Huo Family."

Everyone knows about Song Lao.

It's normal for Guan Huimo to inquire about Tang Hongen's affairs, and it is unnecessary to inquire about Song's family affairs.

Xia Xiaolan is thoughtful, and everyone knows some things without asking. For example, people who know Zhou's family know that Zhou's family values ​​Zhou Cheng very much. The sons and daughters of Song Lao are not well-known, and it also shows from the side that Song Lao's children are not very promising.

For example, Song Lao married to the Huo family in Shanghai, and Guan Hui Mo couldn't tell the Huo family one, two or three.

The Huo family is low-key enough, or the Huo family is not capable?

Maybe it's both.

Of course, now the Huo family is shaking again, who told Huo family to marry Song Lao's daughter.

Huo Chenzhou is Song Lao's favorite grandson, so he can treat Tang Hongen as his retainer?

It’s too much. I only saw that Tang Hongen was highly valued by Mr. Song, but Tang Hongen was not sent to the bullpen. His wife ran away with her son. The family members turned their backs. In order to defend Mr. Song, stand on the side of the truth. Are you in a lonely home?

"Auntie Guan, thank you. With these words you told me, I can finally sort out my thinking."

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