Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1058: : Love House and Wu (4 more)

"I'll go back first!"

Jiang Yan stood up to go out, Zhou Cheng called her to stop: "Jiang Yan, don't listen to Jiang Wu's nonsense. We are at least friends. I don't want you to leave alone on impulse. If there is any accident, my third brother and I will be sad. !"

It is impossible for him and Jiang Yan to associate naturally as before, even if they restore their friendship, Zhou Cheng still distances Jiang Yan.

He is someone with a daughter-in-law. Knowing that Jiang Yan has other thoughts, he must consciously keep his distance.

But this kind of strangeness is not so vicious to watch Jiang Yan die.

He didn't understand what Jiang Wu was doing. Zhou Cheng couldn't just watch Jiang Yan in danger. When he stopped Jiang Yan, he didn't ask for Xiaolan's opinion, but he believed that Xiaolan would understand, just as he could support and understand Xiaolan's saying that he would use money to help others.

Zhou Cheng had confidence in her daughter-in-law, and Xia Xiaolan did not disappoint him, so she took the initiative to speak:

"Jiang Yan, let's not be so hypocritical, you say you want to grab Zhou Cheng with me, at least live a good life? If you die, Zhou Cheng will shed a few tears for you at most, and you will be forgotten after a while. Now, I will live happily with me for the rest of my life. How many times can you think of you? Stay alive. Only when you are alive can you have a chance to dig my wall!"

Jiang Yan was lost temper by Xia Xiaolan.

At this time, I still want to ridicule her, Xia Xiaolan is really powerful.

But Jiang Yan also admitted that what Xia Xiaolan said hit her mind.

Jiang Yan is not afraid of death, and those who are afraid of death will not take the initiative to ask to go to the front! But people die like a lamp, and no amount of ideas and ambitions can be realized. If she doesn't live well, Zhou Cheng really wants to be with a woman like Xia Xiaolan for a lifetime... Jiang Yan is really worthless for Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng's desire to survive is also very strong.

It’s best not to refute your daughter-in-law, especially at this time, just persuade Jiang Yan.

Do you want Xiaolan to persuade Jiang Yan to stay in a whisper? Is that still his wife?

"You really want to fight pheasants? It's not impossible to go—"

Xia Xiaolan shook her head vigorously, "If I don't go or go, I'm afraid that I will become a prey and be beaten. Seeing that I'm about to reach the pinnacle of life, I won't fight hard against the rocks in the pit."

Jiang Wu's future was gone, so this man had no scruples in handling affairs.

Xia Xiaolan's own future is just right, so why compare with Jiang Wu?

Greed of life and fear of death can be so justified, Jiang Yan really convinced Xia Xiaolan's cheeky.

Zhou Cheng is not angry at all?

When he was clearly on the front line, Zhou Cheng hated cowardly and weak soldiers the most.

Jiang Yan's thoughts were incomprehensible, but she didn't want to understand. For men, the soldiers are used for training, but the daughter-in-law is used to feel distressed. To treat his daughter-in-law with the attitude of training his soldiers, can Zhou Cheng get out of the order now?

I'm afraid to rely on strength to be single...

Out of the box, Jiang Wu was indeed gone, and even the car drove away.

"The guest didn't even eat any food, and left just now."

So why did Jiang Wu make such an effort to put Jiang Yan's light bulb between her and Zhou Cheng? Xia Xiaolan found that normal people cannot understand the brain circuits of lunatics.

Jiang Wu and Ji Ya, one is a lunatic Wu and the other is a lunatic Wen.

Xia Xiaolan wanted to cry for three seconds. It was really unfavorable. How could she always meet this kind of person?

Zhou Cheng and Jiang Yan checked the car. The three drove back and sent Jiang Yan back to the college. Zhou Cheng decided to take Xia Xiaolan to the train station:

"The car is still here. I will find someone to check it carefully before sending it back to you. I will accompany you by train back to the capital."

Xia Xiaolan was surprised, "Can you ask for leave?"

Zhou Cheng touched her cheek, "What silly thing to say, your safety is more important than anything else, it is this time, I wanted to be with you for two days... Xiaolan, do you really regret being with me?"

Xia Xiaolan decided to express her attitude in action.

Men are also concerned about gains and losses. At this time, everything is no use. One kiss can't solve it, then two kisses!

After the kiss, Xia Xiaolan said: "There is also Boss Yang, I almost forgot her!"

Yang Yonghong was taken back to Hebei Province by Xia Xiaolan by the way, and she was waiting for Xia Xiaolan to pick her up. You can't say hello without saying Yang Yonghong.

Zhou Cheng thought for a while, "That's okay, I'll drive you and Yang Yonghong back to Beijing, and then drive back to northern Hebei."

He didn't prevent him from talking to Xiaolan along the way, but in front of Yang Yonghong, he couldn't do too intimate actions.

Hug is something that couples do, and Zhou Cheng is also very welcome to be tired of it all the time.

If there are outsiders around, a lingering look can be fascinating, and you don't have to hug each other.

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "I ate an old hen from the Yang family, what do you think I will give back to others?"

What Xia Xiaolan said is that there is communication with each other, not really calculating the value of a chicken. Zhou Cheng was amused by her: "Then you will send a group of chickens to the Yang family. I am not kidding. Now the policy has been open for a few years. Although I have never planted land, I also know that living only by farming in the countryside will not survive. Fortunately, you can discuss with Boss Yang to see if her family wants to raise poultry. She is a college student herself. Couldn't she do some scientific methods to raise poultry?"

Xia Xiaolan couldn't help but look up and down Zhou Cheng:

"Are you really my boyfriend? Zhou Cheng, what exactly did you study in the Army Academy, I thought it was all military tactics!"

Zhou Cheng smiled reservedly, "Who said that we only learn military tactics and I can't read more by myself? Comrade Xia Xiaolan, I want to solemnly remind you that you can't look at people with old eyes. Not only you are making progress, but the people around you are also making progress! "

Xia Xiaolan wished to kiss Zhou Cheng again, as he kept the kiss temporarily for the sake of driving.

Who is rich and wealthy, how can she be a good man?

Tang Yuanyue, who had given her flowers before, had to change his partner, I am afraid he would be surprised when he heard Xia Xiaolan's words.

Want to help the Yang family?

Isn't it easy for a rich person to help a peasant family? The Yang family will be grateful for any money.

Considering the self-esteem of the Yang family, probably Tang Yuanyue would not have such a concept, and the self-esteem of small people would never be seen by the rich.

Only Zhou Cheng would make such a serious idea.

Zhou Cheng loves Wu and Wu, and Zhou Cheng is also very grounded. Although his family background is good, Zhou's family education is really good!

Xia Xiaolan repayed her for a peach. Thinking about Zhou Yi's affairs, she told her about Zhou Yi in a few words: "I'm not angry, she doesn't seem to be wicked, Zhou Yi is your cousin, she is the target of her. What is the difference that I dare not take it home?"

Although people will learn to behave a few times, but some people can avoid being lesbians. The men they find are unreliable, and they suffer physical and mental losses. Although Zhou Yi is a few years older than Xia Xiaolan, she helped Tong Lili find faults before, Xia Xiaolan knew that Zhou Yi was older than Zhou Cheng, but she was very naive.

The character is still quite fun, a little stupid and a little bit scary. After being slapped in the face by Xia Xiaolan a few times, she will take the initiative to avoid it now when she sees Xia Xiaolan.

Zhou Yi must be in a hurry, only to ask Xia Xiaolan to stand for her.

From this point, we can see Miss Zhou's innocence. It is natural to think that the relationship between the two has eased. Xia Xiaolan does not account for the previous things, nor is she afraid that Xia Xiaolan promised to help, secretly messing up Zhou Yi into the ditch!

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