Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1162: : Business abnormal (4 more)

Ji Ya took Wang Mingming to measure the size at Wangfujing. Originally, he was going to open a bottle of red wine brought back from the United States. Wang Mingming said that it would be better to save it to the celebration banquet. Ji Ya also felt reasonable.

At the same time, Xia Xiaolan returned to Shichahai's home.

Liu Fen had just returned from the store. She was going to drive to pick up Xia Xiaolan, but Xia Xiaolan refused.

Now that I think about it, fortunately, I didn't go, lest I see Ji Ya being upset.

"Xiaolan, are you back? I went to see the shop for another day today. In just a few months, the rents of shops in Beijing have risen so fast!"

The bank loan was repaid, and Xia Xiaolan also made hundreds of thousands of dollars from the decoration of the Nanhai Hotel. Now "Blue Phoenix" does not need to provide blood for Xia Xiaolan's other businesses in order to open a new branch.

Xia Xiaolan and Liu Fen talked that one sheep is to rush, and a flock of sheep is to rush. Since the goal this year is to open five branches, then don’t get the fourth one and then the fifth one. The decoration is troublesome!

Xia Xiaolan said to find two stores at once, renovate them together, and then distribute the goods together.

Liu Fen has been looking around the store these days, and now there are several candidates, she is hesitant.

Xia Xiaolan was not surprised when she said that shop rents have risen quickly: "This year’s situation is different from last year. It’s all in November. Do you believe it or not that rents will rise again in 1986? The smart people in the world are more than us. The more people see that self-employed can make money, and the more people rent houses, the rent will naturally rise."

Liu Fen was deeply impressed. There were too many stalls on the street. Those who couldn't afford to rent a shop would sew clothes in private houses, buy fabrics by themselves, make clothes with sewing machines, and then ask family members to take them to the street and set up a stall. Most of the people in Zhejiang Province go to the north. I heard that there are tens of thousands of Zhejiang people living in Muxiyuan.

Liu Fen thinks of it all under pressure.

More and more people are counting on "clothing" to make money, and Blue Phoenix cannot always stand alone.

The people of Zhejiang Province will not only occupy the clothing market in Beijing. Taking advantage of the east wind of reform and opening up, many people from Zhejiang and Fujian provinces go out to do business. It is not surprising that businessmen from the two provinces will later become kings and hegemony in the country. Capital accumulation was completed early.

Xia Xiaolan is not going to fight against historical trends. Her opponents are not Zhejiang merchants and Fujian merchants. Those people are still dragging their families and setting up stalls to accumulate the first pot of gold. Xia Xiaolan now holds hundreds of thousands of cash in her hand. The three clothing stores have come to the front of many people!

The clothes on the street stalls are aimed at some consumers, and the clothes in formal stores are aimed at some consumers with better economic conditions.

Don't think that "Blue Phoenix" is not a luxury item, but a brand-name clothes wholesale from Yangcheng, but the customers of "Blue Phoenix" must be rich people in 1985! These wealthy people come to "Blue Phoenix" to buy clothes not for durability and cheapness, but for styles that are different from what others wear and cannot be found in state-owned stores.

Xia Xiaolan and Liu Fen are positioning consumers, and Liu Fen listens very carefully.

Every time Xia Xiaolan wants to talk about it, it is based on the situation encountered, and Liu Fen can judge and deal with it calmly if he understands it by himself.

"You're right, we sell our own style and don't care about what others sell. In addition to the high rent, several stores are okay. You can also help select them. By the way, do you think Luna is going to be advertised? Xiao Chen invited the Wang Mingming who sang Spring Evening, right?"

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "I was about to tell you about this. Wang Mingming can't shoot the commercials. She was invited by Ji Ya. I think Ji Ya was deliberate. She might have made big moves against our business. Don’t you feel that the business in the store is abnormal?"

Xia Xiaolan has been ignoring the clothing store's business for a long time, and if Ji Ya takes action, Liu Fen can't be concealed about this matter.

Liu Fen also knows that Ji Yana’s personality can hate the mother and daughter, but she does not regret following Tang Hongen to the wedding scene. If you don’t go to Ji Ya, you won’t like her and Xiaolan either. The mother and daughter can live comfortably without Need to look at Ji Ya's wink.

Liu Fen dared to offend people now.

In the past, no one dared to offend anyone who only promised, and they would still be bullied.

Now when she met something she didn't like, she would express her "not happy", and there were fewer people who came to her and grinned. Just say that Sheng Xuan was polite when he came to the store to buy clothes a few days ago. Liu Fen later analyzed two reasons for himself: First, Sheng Xuan is different from the shrews in the countryside. Sheng Xuan is educated and has a job. There is also some face. Second, she is not a bully herself. She makes money and spends her own money, and she does not rely on Tang Hongen to raise her money. Why should others jump out and despise her!

Hearing Xiaolan said that Ji Ya had robbed Wang Mingming, who was advertising for Luna, Liu Fen was also very annoyed. He calmed down and thought about it. Recently, no one is looking for trouble in business. After hesitating for a while, Liu Fen still said What's wrong:

"I found out that the two stores next to Xidan and Xiushui Street have been rented out recently, and they are now being renovated."

Others saw that Lan Fenghuang's business was good, and it was normal to set up a shop next to it. Although Liu Fen found out that there was some renovation, he didn't think much about it.

When Xia Xiaolan asked, she realized that it was wrong.

Xia Xiaolan also felt that something was wrong, but she was not sure whether the shop was rented by Ji Ya, "Mom, I will accompany you to the Drum Tower now."

The mother and daughter were not in the mood to finish the meal, just as grandma steamed the buns at home, and left with two buns alone. Min Xiaoju and Liu Fen are inseparable. She will be great if she wants to bring dinner. Grandma Yu has steamed 20 buns, all of which have adult men’s fists, thin skins and lots of stuffing. One bite is thin dough and porcelain. Xia Xiaolan can eat 2 pieces of meat, such meat buns, and Min Xiaoju can eat 12 pieces!

Min Xiaoju had eaten most of a cage of pork buns, and she was embarrassed.

"Sister Liu, call me by car from now on!"

Xia Xiaolan hasn't seen Min Xiaoju's skills yet. I heard that she can drive, so she thinks it would be nice to find a driver for Liu Fen. I really drove the car to Min Xiaoju. Min Xiaoju may have practiced with Citroen secretly and drove quite skillfully.

Xia Xiaolan and Min Xiaoju changed positions and gave the driver's seat to Min Xiaoju.

The three people arrived at the "Blue Phoenix" store in Gulou. It was not closed at night. The staff saw Liu Fen turn back again, and there was no time to greet the boss. The business is still good now. There are several customers in the store, and it seems to be coming out after dinner. Shopping for clothes.

The store next to the Gulou branch was not renovated, but there were signs of construction on the diagonally opposite side. Some workers were working overtime at night. Liu Fen was surprised: "I didn't see it during the day."

Xia Xiaolan already knew, "It’s not that you didn’t see it during the day. You are busy these days. It’s all afternoon when you come here. What I want to do is to quickly finish checking out the accounts on the Gulou side and put the business money back home, but I didn’t notice. This diagonally opposite movement."

Xia Xiaolan asked Liu Fen to pay close attention to the decoration styles of the other two places tomorrow. If Ji Ya wants to build a brand, the decoration style of the store should be unified!

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