Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1165: : Grandma is going to lie again (3 more)

Others want Chen Xiliang's life, Chen Xiliang is never afraid of desperate!

Just to run his own business well, a stable job is no longer necessary, and the ex-wife who is pulling his legs has also left. Now someone is going to step on his feet, Chen Xiliang wants to bite someone himself.

"The situation is not as serious as you think. Your commercial is over, and you come to the capital. Ji Ya's fashion show is scheduled for the 24th. You come and have a look. By the way, if Zhang Xiao is willing, please ask her together. Capital is also OK."

Zhang Xiao originally belonged to a local drama troupe, but was later transferred to work in a film studio. The organizational relationship is still in the film studio, and the film studio's consent must be sought wherever he goes.

Xia Xiaolan knows that the artists of later generations will do the same. The schedule is arranged by the economic company, and she can't be the master of any film and attendance.

In 1985 and 2015, the degree of freedom of artists was low. The difference is that the income of artists in 2015 was considerable. Zhang Xiao in 1985 made movies. The salary plus the salary is stronger than the workers in ordinary units, and the distance is real. The rich people are still far away.

So Luna asked Zhang Xiao to shoot the advertisement. As the brand's "spokesperson", Zhang Xiao happened to have a schedule, and as soon as he heard the reward, he packed up and went to Yangcheng.

Luna asked Wang Mingming to spend 80,000 yuan.

Please Zhang Xiao only spent one-eighth of the money. This is an astronomical figure for a mainland actress who pays hundreds of thousands of dollars for a movie. Zhang Xiao is very interesting. He is very happy to work with money. No shelf at all.

Xia Xiaolan also heard about this and thought that she would cooperate with Zhang Xiaoneng for a long time. Only then did Chen Xiliang invite her to the capital.

Maybe, I have to arrange some interviews for Zhang Xiao to talk about the fate and story between Zhang Xiao and the Luna brand. Ji Ya has made a move. Xia Xiaolan can't be indifferent.

Zhang Xiao paid tens of thousands of dollars and shot a short commercial. Not counting the time on the road, the actual shooting time was only two days.

The money was made too quickly, and she was quite disturbed.

Zhang Xiao did not hesitate when she was asked to go to the capital.

Anyway, she hasn't filmed recently, or if she can put more effort, Zhang Xiao is still worried that Chen Xiliang will come back to her for a refund!

Zhang Xiao is also 30 years old. She is still unmarried for her acting career. A slightly rounded face makes her childish that does not fit her age, and she has a very hearty personality.

When Xia Xiaolan saw it, her first impression was really good.

Upon receiving someone from the airport, Zhang Xiao exaggerated his expression, "You are too beautiful, you should go to a movie with this face, it must be very photogenic!"

It is also called Xia Xiaolan to go to the filming. Zhang Xiao's tone is completely different from Du Zhaohui's sluggishness. Her tone is full of surprise and envy. Now Zhang Xiaoneng plays the heroine with a righteous look. Her face shape and temperament limit the play.

Xia Xiaolan's face is exactly what Zhang Xiao wants.

In fact, Zhang Xiao is also beautiful, very upright, with the temperament of a national daughter-in-law, and relatively simple.

Her exaggeration made Xia Xiaolan amused, "Actress also requires talent. Sister Zhang Xiao can win prizes as soon as she is on the big screen. If I stand in front of the camera, I will be on the same hands and feet. At most play a maid next to the heroine!"

In the 1980s, the Chinese aesthetic was very tolerant. Some people liked round faces and others liked square faces. Movie actors all looked different. After the new century, female celebrities have become small pointed faces with big palms. They are indeed not fat on the mirror, but after a long time, they will have the same aesthetic fatigue.

What Xia Xiaolan said was true, and Zhang Xiao was relieved.

It seems that she will not be asked to refund her money... Luna's compensation is so generous that Zhang Xiao can't help but worry. Chen Xiliang listened to Xia Xiaolan. Zhang Xiao, who was able to transfer from a local propaganda team to a local repertory troupe, to a film studio all the way to the film studio, was not only the only one who showed boldness.

You need strength and emotional intelligence.

In the mainland performing arts circle, it is not that capital is promoting popular actors, but whether it is trusted and valued by the organization, followed by the audience's preference.

After experiencing Wang Mingming's entanglement, Chen Xiliang was particularly satisfied with Zhang Xiao.

Xia Xiaolan also thinks that the mainland actors in 1985 are pretty good. They don’t play big names and don’t have airs. Filming is really a job for them, and most of them love the job. They don’t cry out and don’t cry. There are filming. I'm satisfied... Those who want to make some extra money like Zhang Xiao are afraid that they do too little work and are sorry for the rewards given by others.

Love and dedication, very artistic and virtuous.

"It must have been my brain twitching before..."

If you are looking for a Hong Kong actress with good quality and cheap mainland actresses, you are simply looking for yourself!

As soon as Xia Xiaolan was happy, she asked Zhang Xiao if she could stay in the capital recently, and to cooperate with the brand's promotion, she might have to accept several interviews.

Zhang Xiao agreed.

Xia Xiaolan found out how simple the other party was, not to mention the agent, there wasn't even an assistant by her side.

When I went to Yangcheng to shoot an advertisement and jumped on the train, I didn't worry about being deceived because of the guarantee of an intermediary.

Everything is handled by himself. It is very strange for Zhang Xiao to hire an assistant. I can't handle everything with his hands and feet? Anyway, she has no money to hire an assistant, and the film studio will not arrange this for her.

Although she has made a few movies and is very popular, she is considered a junior in the film studio. There are many national treasure actors ahead of her, and she has not seen any assistants!

"Then no one takes care of your clothes and makeup for you?"

Xia Xiaolan’s question left Zhang Xiao confused, why, someone has to help decide what clothes to wear? When filming, there is a special makeup artist, who usually fools me casually.

Xia Xiaolan was very embarrassed.

Between Zhang Xiao and Wang Mingming, there is a gap between actresses and female stars.

Actresses also look at their faces, but they don't rely entirely on their faces.

Xia Xiaolan figured out Zhang Xiao's situation and smiled very cordially. Chen Xiliang, who was sitting next to her, looked at her smile and thought silently: Grandma Xia is about to lie again!

It’s not surprising that a 20-year-old lied to a 30-year-old.

As far as Xia Xiaolan was concerned, Chen Xiliang thought she could fool anyone from 3 to 80 years old. No matter how young or old it is, the youngest child will not listen to what Xia Xiaolan says at all, and the old one will be confused and slurred.

However, as long as Xia Xiaolan is willing, the 3-80-year-old can basically kill it.

I only heard Xia Xiaolan smile and say: "Sister Zhang Xiao, you are the one who has won the best actress, how can you not be worthy of an assistant to take care of the chores? And you usually appear in front of the public, clothing and makeup should also have someone to go. In charge, Luna has hired the assistant for you, and the clothes and makeup are also given to us. What do you think? These do not require you to pay."

Zhang Xiao was silly.

There is still such a good thing in the world. If you have money to shoot an advertisement, you can also hire an assistant to provide her with clothing and makeup, all without spending money?

"No, no, doesn't this make you spend money in vain?"

Money is not spent in vain. If it is spent here, it will always be earned from other places.

Zhang Xiao has national recognition, but the image is not fashionable enough, Xia Xiaolan is going to sign her for a few years, and then change Zhang Xiao herself.

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