Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1188: : Interview with People's Daily (1 more)

"Old Chen, what's wrong with you, Old Chen?"

Shao Guangrong was embarrassed, and brought reporters, Chen Xiliang and others shook hands and flushed the toilet.

I don’t know if I am urinary urgency, this action is really not on the stage!

"It's okay, I have plenty of time for today."

The reporters who came together also laughed.

Shao Guangrong ran to the toilet to take a look, where Chen Xiliang was smoking his big mouth, bowing left and right, while muttering "Is a dream or not a dream" in his mouth.

"Old Chen, if you have something wrong, go out quickly, the reporter Huang is waiting! It's not a dream, it's true, look at you so boring!"

Chen Xiliang was not angry at all.

"Brother, no, Lord, Lord Shao, the pornographic reporter outside is from the People's Daily. No matter how high the smoke of our Chen family’s tomb is, I never thought that one day I would be able to appear in the People's Daily. No, I have to slap myself twice!"

Shao Guangrong joked to him.

If you think about it carefully, the People's Daily is an important place for organizing propaganda.

Shao Guangrong has never been in the "People's Daily", and he has never expected to be in the page of this newspaper in his life. The above are all policy interpretations. Regardless of circulation or importance, they can slap local newspapers... Shao Guangrong looked at Chen Xiliang for a long time:

"Lao Chen, you take the opportunity. This time you are right at the meeting. No matter how much money you make in the future, you won't necessarily have the opportunity to go to this newspaper again."

Interview a certain self-employed?


Chen Xiliang's ability to mix interviews is not how much money he makes, but his slogan "Sell a piece of clothing, donate 1 yuan", which coincides with a recent report on the topic of reform and opening up in the People's Daily.

Since the introduction of reform and opening up in 1979, it has been six full years. The overall environment of reform and opening up can be reflected by data. What changes have been made in the special economic zone, including Pengcheng.

But let the common people say one, two, three, and many people are at a loss.

The common people know that the rural land reform has been implemented, and that self-employed businesses are allowed to set up stalls and private shops are allowed in the city.

Every year, the policy seems to be a bit broader, but the people can't tell exactly where the "reform and opening up" has been.

At this time, it is necessary for the People's Daily to produce some special reports on specific examples.

Reporting how much money is made by so and so is definitely not good, that is not the main theme.

The main theme is what did these self-employed individuals who got rich first after enjoying the benefits of the policy do? Positive examples are needed.

Chen Xiliang is just one of the typical figures. In addition to him, there are also capable people who run township enterprises and stimulate the entire township economy.

Therefore, Shao Guangrong said that Chen Xiliang had good luck. This was a coincidence. Sister Xiaolan certainly didn't expect this topic to be featured in the "People's Daily" before she came up with this idea.

Chen Xiliang washed his face in front of the faucet, like a warrior preparing to give up generously, and walked out with a face of determination. People who didn't know thought he was going to the execution ground!

"Reporter Huang, I'm sorry to make you laugh. To tell you, I was so excited, I never thought I would be interviewed by the People's Daily."

Chen Xiliang worked hard not to be nervous.

Reporter Huang is not surprised. It is strange that ordinary people will be interviewed by the "People's Daily" if they are not nervous.

Chen Xiliang is already considered good, and some people see the reporter and don't know what to say!

"It doesn't matter, you can wait until Comrade Chen is ready before starting."

Reporter Huang asked Chen Xiliang to sit on a stool, leaning against the wall of the hotel as the background, and took two half-length photos of him.

When the interview started, Chen Xiliang told reporter Huang about his family history that he had already packaged.

"I was working in a clothing factory..."

Working in a clothing factory, I found business opportunities in the clothing market in Yangcheng. From setting up a street stall and wanting to establish a Chinese own clothing brand, to the establishment of the brand, this year’s hard work, the story must have ups and downs, and success is mixed with it. Failure, failure to rise up again, is fascinating.

To master the rhythm.

Don't talk about anything that can't be said. For example, Chen Xiliang's brother-in-law He Congsheng is the director of a garment factory, so there is no need to mention this kind of thing.

There is also the matter of partnering with Xia Xiaolan to make quick money and making a cheap tape recorder. Why do you talk about it?

When Chen Xiliang talked about inviting a Hong Kong female star to shoot an advertisement, the other party released a pigeon, and then turned to the actress Zhang Xiao. Zhang Xiao actively cooperated with the filming and also donated the reward... Reporter Huang cut off Chen Xiliang's possession of private goods during the interview. Behavior:

"Comrade Chen, let me talk about your thoughts. How did the idea of'Sell a piece of clothing and donate 1 yuan' came about? When did your promise begin to be fulfilled, and what is the end date?"

If the "People's Daily" reports on Chen Xiliang, he can't speak big words.

Chen Xiliang thought of Grandma Xia's instructions, and his waist straightened.

"Ashamed, I first made some money through clothing. The first thing I thought of was not doing charity, but buying a motorcycle for myself. The idea of ​​donating money was inspired by Comrade Zhang Xiao, if An actress can donate her rewards without hesitation. Why can't I use the money I earn to benefit more people? Although my idea came about in mid-November, Luna’s sales figures are monthly. Statistics in January, statistics in October on November 1, and statistics in November on December 1, in this cycle. What I said “sell a piece of clothing and donate 1 yuan” will start from November 1 and wait until After the sales data is calculated on December 1, I will announce the amount of donations for the first month. Reporter Huang is welcome to supervise with other newspapers or TV stations! As for the end date you mentioned... Unless the Luna brand goes bankrupt, this donation will be It will not end!"

Good supervision, Chen Xiliang will not make false accounts.

How great is this supervision? Isn't this the media has to keep track of reports, even the post-advertising fees are saved!

Reporter Huang nodded, "Can Comrade Chen easily reveal the sales data of your brand in October?"

Reporter Huang obviously wanted to use this as a reference.

"Our brand has one direct store in Beijing and Yangcheng respectively, and there are five franchise stores. Last month’s sales data was 5,765 single products nationwide. The sales data for November has not yet been calculated. I don’t think so. There is too much difference with this data."

In October, only autumn clothes are sold, and in November, autumn and winter clothes are sold together.

Yangcheng is still wearing windbreaker jackets, while Beijing is already selling coats, cotton-padded jackets, and down jackets.

Reporter Huang quickly figured out an account in his mind. In 30 days a month, 5,765 pieces were sold in 7 stores. This is the statistics of the top and the pants, right?

A shop sells more than 25 pieces of clothes a day!

Donate more than 5,000 a month, don’t you have to donate 60,000 to 70,000 a year?

"Comrade Chen, can you be responsible for what you say?"

I can't bear to do it when I come back to settle the account!

Chen Xiliang emphasized his head, "I can definitely be responsible. I have limited energy now. If the Luna brand is made bigger and stronger, the more sales, the more Luna will donate. I look forward to donating 10,000, 50,000, or even more in a month. On the day of 100,000!"

Reporter Huang is also a person accustomed to seeing the world. With a hard hand, the tip of the pen poke a hole in the notepad.

-Donate millions in a year? This Comrade Chen really dare to think about it!

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