Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1192: : The extreme soil is fashionable (1 more)

"In order to compare the effect before and after."

Zhang Xiao was frightened by his own image, and the audience's visual experience must be very intuitive.

The rustic Zhang Xiao walked on the colorful streets of Yangcheng. With the flash of the camera, several fashionable lesbians passed by her.

It turns out that they both just came out of a clothing store.

Following the movement of Zhang Xiao's head up, the camera cut to the sign of "Luna".

Zhang Xiao approached the store and was greeted graciously by the kind and gentle shop assistants, and the camera scanned Luna's store environment very carefully.

The next shot was a pair of shopping bags in one hand, and the clerk behind shouted "Luna welcome guests next time". The shot then swept across Zhang Xiao's body. Naturally, she was transformed from beginning to end.

Gorgeous, pure, professional, different hairstyles and makeup, different collocations, the same brand can achieve this style of dressing.

This is a fast-switching shot. A set of clothes flashes once. This technique is borrowed by Xia Xiaolan from later advertisements and movies. Thanks to the editing by Director Wang, the effect Xia Xiaolan wanted was achieved.

The flashes are dazzled, and each suit is carefully matched, colorful but not dazzling.

It is a pity that only a color TV can present the best results. Some viewers in front of a black-and-white TV may not realize how beautiful this fast-switching lens is!

That's enough.

Powerful franchisees can still afford color TV, right?

This is also considered accurate for the sales target population.

After the rapid switching of the camera, Zhang Xiaocai stood still on the screen, his left hand collapsed and supported the right elbow at a 90 vertical angle, the right hand was upright, the palm turned out to point to the side, and a row of big red letters appeared beside her:

"The Luna brand promises that for every piece of clothing sold, 1 yuan will be donated to poor primary schools."

"You are shopping, you are also doing charity."

"Luna is looking for people with lofty ideals to join the business. Contact number: 02XXXXXX."

The final scene was like a virus, and I said it twice for fear that the audience would not be able to hear it clearly.

If someone of later generations sees it, Xia Xiaolan will definitely despise it severely!

What kind of routine is this?

The first half are brand advertisements that seem to be high-end, but in fact are bad.

The second half is completely soiled and slag, probably only the lines of what dumpling machines are sold in the "Fortune Rich" section, and what kind of buns shop you join!

It also blended some TV shopping shows, but the TV shopping show was the host shouting hoarsely "As long as 998, XX take home", here is replaced by Zhang Xiao according to Taiwan's original reading.

Xia Xiaolan couldn't bear to look directly at the hodgepodge she had made.

Obviously, Chen Xiliang and others don't think so, even Shao Guangrong, who makes up the number, said:

"Sister-in-law, this commercial is well shot and very attractive!"

Chen Xiliang clenched his fists with both hands, "Of course it's good. When I cut the camera, Director Wang said he had an idea. No one has made an advertisement like this yet!"

Of course, at the end of 1985, there were few commercials on TV.

From Xia Xiaolan's perspective, it is a scumbag. For the current Chinese, Zhang Xiao's quick-change lens is already very novel.

"Do you think it's good? Can you remember the back call?"

The person who answered Xia Xiaolan was Xiao Ge. He blurted out the phone number with one mouth. He might have forgotten the phone number when he slept, but everyone has short-term memory. He still remembers it now.

This is enough.

The advertisement is aired. I wonder how many viewers will see it tonight?

In these audiences, how many potential consumers of the Luna brand are there, and how many potential franchisees, it takes time to test.

Seeing Chen Xiliang's appearance, I can't wait for the ad to be broadcast again.

Zhang Xiao's mood is very complicated.

I have acted in a few movies, but they are not so popular that people all over the country know it.

The commercial that took two days to shoot may be able to fulfill her. Where can I go about it?

"Fortunately, Wang Mingming didn't shoot!"

"Wang Mingming is red enough to look down on Luna, but I am different."

"As Mr. Xia said, actors are actors. To be a star, you must accept packaging."

"I want to be an actor and a star too!"

Many thoughts flashed in Zhang Xiao's mind. She was an ambitious person. Now Xia Xiaolan showed her another possibility of career. She would cling to it and not let it go.-You must follow Mr. Xia in order to have meat. !


"This is the advertisement for Xiaolan's clothing company?"

It's rare for Zhou Guobin to get off work on time today. After dinner, he watched "News Network", and then he saw Luna's commercial. After reading it, he asked inadvertently.

Guan Hui Mo decided not to expose his performance, and nodded in cooperation: "Yes, I think the filming is very good, what do you think of Lao Zhou?"

Zhou Guobin did not comment.

What kind of advertisement is good?

At the same time it is eye-catching, and the information to be expressed is accurately transmitted. This is a good advertisement.

Zhou Guobin is thinking about "sell a piece of clothing and donate 1 yuan", and welcome to join.

Can Luna really make money by joining like this? Zhou Guobin is still very impressed with women’s desire to shop. Anyway, since Xia Xiaolan started to leave Zhou’s house, his wife Guan Hui’s clothes are getting more and more, some of them are given by Xia Xiaolan, and they are also related to the ones that Hui Mo bought in the store. ... Fortunately, Zhou's family has savings. Zhou Guobin and Guan Hui's wages are very impressive, and Guan Hui's can afford to spend money like this.

People's lives are just getting better. It's not just Zhou Guobin who is thinking about this problem.

In the past, I always said that we should save, and we should save up the money without spending it.

The country is still encouraging the people to save. Or how can banks have a "zero deposit and lump-sum withdrawal" business, where you can deposit a few dollars at a time, and the wages that are paid to the people, in addition to the necessary living expenses, the rest is actually Gathering together, this is called "supporting the country's construction."

But with such support, the social economy is like a stagnant pool.

Money is only useful if it circulates.

Such advertisements are not run by Xia Xiaolan's clothing company, but there are others.

I have seen the benefits of the reform and opening up, and if you want to limit the behavior of the people, it is not easy to keep your mind locked.

The general trend, the general trend is irreversible, Zhou Guobin figured it out himself, knowing that in the future, he should unswervingly support the reform.

"Yes, the shots are pretty good. It's not bad to sell clothes and donate money. I don't forget to take social responsibility while getting rich."

Guan Huimo glared at Zhou Guobin and spoke to him. It took a few minutes before she answered. How old is it that there are signs of Alzheimer's?

So, men and women often don’t think about the same channel. Zhou Guobin is thinking about big things. His wife thinks he is in a daze. He still doesn’t know anything. He has already thought of other places:

"Zhou Cheng told me that Ji Ya opened all the brand stores next to Xiaolan's clothing store. What does this woman want to do? She has been chasing Xiaolan to suppress her, because she is bullying no one for the mother and daughter. Early?"

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