Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1195: : Don't panic, wait for the boss of the season to send a move (4 more)

The air pressure in the Elegance studio is very low.

Even the two from the United States knew that you should speak softly. There is no way. The boss is in a bad mood, and no one dares to provoke it easily.

The newspapers talked about Luna’s boss and actress Zhang Xiao donating money every day, and a big discussion started. The two people reported it in turn.

The previous report on the fashion show of Elegance was naturally suppressed.

How about the first fashion show in China?

News is time-sensitive, no matter how beautiful the setting is, no matter how beautiful the model's thighs are, it is impossible to keep being reported.

Chen Xiliang and Zhang Xiaoneng have a page because what they do is in line with the theme of society.

Just like writing an essay, not only must the argument be novel, but also the topic must be firmly attached!

These two, together with the advertisement broadcast by CCTV after the "News Network", completely started the Luna brand's reputation. I don’t know how many people will join, but the one-day sales in Xidan store are hanging on the wall every day and I don’t want to ignore it.

It sells more than 100 pieces a day. After the Elegance franchise store opens, can you achieve such sales results?

Ji Ya hasn't been to the studio for two days. It is said that she took someone to the garment factory to see the ready-made clothes.

Although everyone in the studio feels good about themselves, they feel that this batch of Elegance goods is of good quality, elegant and generous, and will definitely open the market... Luna's current sales results are still pressing on everyone's heart like a mountain.

A designer felt that the atmosphere was too depressing and wanted to be active, so he couldn't help but speak:

"We just need to be ourselves. The two brands have different positioning, so why compare with others."

The others glared at him.

Everyone works for people, so they shouldn’t worry about brand management and sales.

It was Ji Ya who made various subtleties and taught everyone that Luna is a competitor, and Elegance was established to beat Luna.

I was shocked by Ji Yada’s move of throwing money before. Everyone in Elegance is confident. Isn’t it just a small brand that has been established for one year?

But this small brand previously disguised itself as a small grass carp, living in a shallow pond is harmless to humans and animals.

Someone really wanted to catch it for stewing, only to realize that after looking away, it was clearly a ferocious shark. Luna couldn't be kept in the shallow pond when it was shocked. It was going to the sea to do its best!

At this time, the person who originally thought that Luna could stabilize Luna was embarrassed.

For example, the boss of Elegance, who only takes money to get people to do things, now also personally takes them to the garment factory to monitor the quality of the first batch of ready-made garments.

Boss Ji must be under great pressure.

I don't know what's going on these days, fewer people come to the Elegance studio to order clothes.

There is no business, and the boss Ji Ya has more than one, and all the studios are all idle, so they gather together to say these things. A designer secretly pulled out Luna's promotional poster, and muttered unconvinced:

"I will design these clothes as well, and they will make them more beautiful!"

Yes, talented, but when I was out of luck when I was looking for a job, I didn't find Luna, but was dug by Elegance instead.

When I came, I was full of spirits, just like an eggplant that had been beaten by frost in a few days.

There are others with hope in their hearts.

Boss Ji is the first one to hold a fashion show in mainland China. Now the Elegance franchise store has not officially opened yet, so why bother to defy your prestige!

By the time it opens, Boss Ji must have some countermeasures, right?

For such a big business stall, you will never say that it is yellow, and everyone can't lose their job for the time being.

Thinking about this, I don't seem to panic so much!


"The initial fee will go up if it rises. Fortunately, we paid the money early."

Today, only Li Fengmei dare to say this at Luna's headquarters.

Li Fengmei was originally a hot-blooded character. She said that she was going to open the store to Pengcheng, and she had already handed over 50,000 yuan for the initial fee to Chen Xiliang. During this time, the shop she was looking for in Pengcheng was undergoing renovations, and no one else was so blessed with her. Conditions, can Liu Yong be unhappy with his own clothing store?

Li Fengmei hadn't thought of distributing the goods so quickly. After the Chinese New Year, he transferred her son to Pengcheng and started selling spring clothes.

But now, Luna has become so unpredictable that others can't see Chen Xiliang's people with money, and Li Fengmei doesn't want to see the money but don't want to make it.

The shop is ready, and the initial fee is paid early, so what are you waiting for? Let Luna shop and the clothing store in Pengcheng will open directly.

But when she arrived in Yangcheng, Luna did not agree, saying that Li Fengmei did not train the salesperson!

"I'm hiring..."

"Excuse me, you recruit the staff first, and we will send them to Beijing for training."

Li Fengmei wants to say, Ma Wei from the Shangdu clothing store was trained by Mr. Xia himself. Can you use it? Think about it or hold it back, the Shangdu store wants to take care of her sister-in-law, and Ma Wei is even more inseparable over there.

When Li Fengmei said he wanted to pick up the goods, those prospective franchisees who waited for Chen Xiliang to get red eyes were eager to pounce on it.

It was heard that Li Fengmei was not qualified to "open", and the red light in these people's eyes slowly faded.

Okay, everyone can't make this wave of money, it's psychologically balanced!

Li Fengmei didn't know the thoughts of these people. She was anxious to go back to Pengcheng to recruit people. The clerk must hire them locally.

Liu Yong also put down what he was holding, and went to the streets with his wife to post notices and hand out flyers. This kind of life is not ashamed, and it can also enhance the relationship between husband and wife!

After accidentally sending the flyer to a young pregnant woman, Li Fengmei was very sorry: "I'm sorry, I didn't read it—"

She swallowed everything that was not finished.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the other's face was fat, and Li Fengmei still recognized it. Isn't this Xiao Yu, Xia Dajun's newly married wife? ! This belly looked like it was about to give birth, but it wasn't the glamorous dress that I encountered on the train that time.

The face is swollen, and the face is still spotted.

The clothes are not new enough.

It seems that Xia Dajun and Xiao Yu's life has been terrible lately?

Xiao Yu recognized Liu Yong.

Xiao Yu looked at Liu Yong with a bitter look. This is Liu Yong's wife, who is big and thick. It's a pity for Liu Yong to marry this kind of wife. Liu Yong’s business is getting bigger and bigger, but Xia Dajun has been in bad luck recently. If Liu Yong could accept her at that time, she would have money to spend and be Xia Xiaolan’s aunt to add to the other side... Liu Yong was not tempted. Xiao Yu was also uneasy and kind, and ignored Li Fengmei at all, with tears in his eyes that would not fall:

"Brother Yong, long time no see, I..."

She hesitated to speak, turned her head several times, reluctantly left.

Liu Yong seemed to be struck by thunder, and Li Fengmei did not expect this to happen.

Seeing this is acquaintance?

These two people can still know each other!

A hand has grabbed Liu Yong's waist, Liu Yong grinned, "Fengmei, listen to my explanation, I really haven't contacted her, she is Liu Tianquan sent to seduce my companion before! She deliberately wanted to let her You misunderstood and ruined the relationship between our husband and wife!"

"Huh? Accompanying the wine girl? She is Dajun Xia's wife, Xiao Yu, the little nanny from Fan Zhenchuan's family!"

Xiao Yu is Xiao Rou?

Are these two people alone?

Liu Yong was shocked that the green-headed turtle Xia Dajun married a accompaniment girl, but felt that something was wrong.

Xiao Rou, oh no, isn't Xiao Yu Liu Tianquan the fat man? How did you marry Xia Dajun? Xia Dajun was Du Zhaohui's bodyguard before.

Liu Yong was lost in thought.

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