Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1202: : Profiteers are magnanimous (3 more)

1999 yuan/㎡ has left everyone speechless!

Xia Xiaolan went up while talking.

It is expensive to sell on the first floor, because the basement garage is delivered to the first floor, so what you said makes sense.

2. The third floor is expensive, because the floor is good, it is not tiring to climb up, and it is not as trendy as the first floor... This is also reasonable.

The 4th and 5th floors are expensive because of the good vision!

The transfloor on the 6th floor is also expensive, because the top floor provides a terrace?

There is no cheap co-authoring!

"Mr. Xia, all prices have risen, so which set is the 1999 yuan/㎡ house?"

Still Ying Jinchuan broke the silence.

Xia Xiaolan searched on the sand table for a long time and pointed to a small apartment with a size of 70 square meters for 4 units. "I think the light here may not be very good. It's a special room, as long as 1999 yuan/㎡, what do you think?"

Ying Jinchuan looked at Xia Xiaolan, speechless for a long time.

He was not conquered by Xia Xiaolan’s stunning talents, but he had never seen such a brazen person—Yes, regardless of age, regardless of age, Ying Jinchuan has seen many bad people, and those people are covered up by bad things, only Xia Xiaolan. Cheeky and so magnanimous!

"Since it is the price set by President Xia, I will sell it at this price. I don't care about the specific affairs on the construction site, so please speak with Manager Ge!"

Ying Jinchuan said that he is in charge of finances, and that he should not be in charge of sales.

In fact, you shouldn't be Ge Jianguan. Ge Jian is the project manager. What will happen to him after the house is built?

But Ge Jian's sincerity towards Xia Xiaolan is beyond doubt. He is the only person in the office who has no doubt about Xia Xiaolan's pricing.

Miss Xia...No, it's Mr. Xia now. What Xia always wants to do has never been unsuccessful. Is the price of one thousand or two thousand important? It just depends on what method Xia uses to sell.

"Mr. Xia, there are 19 houses available for sale now, because unit 1 faces the street and the first floor is raised up as a shop. The 2nd to 5th floors are 70 square meters and 90 square meters. There are 16 units in total. A house of 90 square meters was built, so there are only 15 units left, and the 6th floor has 4 sets of 135 square meters of cross-floor."

Ge Jian spoke very clearly, and Xia Xiaolan did not interrupt him midway.

It's just not far enough.

"Who said we only sell 19 sets?"

Ge Jian immediately added: "There are 5 shops on the first floor, and one of them is a sales department. Are you going to sell the remaining 4 shops?"

Xia Xiaolan thought for a while and shook her head, "Don’t sell the shop for now, sell the house first! Who said that only the repaired house can be sold? Ge Jian and Wang Gong, you two have been responsible for the construction. According to the current progress, the entire building is finally completed. Including the interior courtyard landscaping, it should be less than 5 months, right?"

Wang Houlin pondered for a moment. Although he concentrated on rushing to work on Unit 1, the remaining houses were not there.

Unit 2 has actually been capped.

Construction of Unit 3 has already started.

If all the houses are repaired, it will take about 5 months, but if Xia is in a hurry to sell, it will be fine to catch up with the construction period:

"If you let the workers catch up, 4 months will do--"

Xia Xiaolan waved her hand: "No, slow work and meticulous work. The model building needs to be sold early. Other houses can be repaired slowly. 5 months is too little. I will give you half a year! Always give some to those who don’t buy a house at full price. At the time of raising money, the house cannot be sold until it is repaired. Whoever has the existing house has the contract first, and the rest will be repaired. Anyway, all houses are delivered before June 30, 1986."

The model building is for everyone to see, not to move in right away.

The community is still under construction. If an impatient owner moves in first, it will be bad for anyone if there is a safety accident.

This is a small real estate, not a large market of hundreds of acres, and it can also enclose the construction area.

Simply wait another six months for all of them to get the house.

Mao Kangshan couldn't help it anymore:

"Your house is only sold to Hong Kong people. You want to sell it in Hong Kong?"

"Most of the customers should be Hong Kong people. There is a small population in Hong Kong. The houses are sold by "feet", and the feet are not our usual meters! Almost 11 feet is equal to 1 meter. They often say'a thousand-foot house' In fact, a 1,000-foot house is not a few square meters larger than our 90-square-meter apartment, and their house is reluctant to take so many places to make a landscape. The house in Jinshachi is very attractive to Hong Kong customers, but we may not only sell it to Hong Kong people. , Whoever can pay for the house can buy a house!"

Xia Xiaolan's temporary price increase also suddenly thought of a point, "Jinshachi" itself is a big selling point.

Even Mao Kangshan knows that only Hong Kong people can afford this price. Hong Kong is most feng shui. The sands that Xia Xiaolan poured into the pond are not only for speculation. The long foreshadowing before is not just for the harvest today?

Xia Xiaolan felt that there were also people in the mainland who could spend more than 100,000 to buy a house, and she did not think that she was the richest one.

There are not many millionaires, but there are actually quite a few people with hundreds of thousands of net worth.

Just like the Erdao dealers who Chen Xiliang knows who are in the Yangcheng Township, it is not surprising that they have this family background.

I just don’t know if they are willing to pay to buy a house. The house in Jinshachi carries Pengcheng's household registration index. Most of the people who wander in Pengcheng are outsiders. All of these people don’t have Pengcheng household registration. It seems that she should have a chat with Secretary Peng. It is too rigid for a house to bring two resident quotas. What is the difference between buying a large house and buying a small one?

Not as good as 2 with 70 square meters.

Three of the 90 square meters were settled.

The 135㎡ area is naturally 4 settled down!

"If you have no objections, we will organize the contents of today's meeting into a book, publish newspaper advertisements, print more flyers, and go on sale at 8 o'clock in the morning on December 14..."

The boss has finished speaking, what can anyone say?

December 14th is next Saturday, Xia Xiaolan just came to Pengcheng to take a seat to see how the house sold.

Can you sell it?

Those who were supposed to work went to work, and when everyone left the office, Ying Jinchuan stayed instead.

"President Xia, let me tell you something. Director Pan, who was responsible for the loan to Qihang before, is now in charge of other businesses."

Xia Xiaolan frowned, "Have you negotiated the mortgage?"

Ying Jinchuan shook his head, "The new director's surname is Sheng, who has landed by air from the head office in Beijing!"

Sheng Xuan!

Was she waiting for herself here?

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "If we talk to other banks now, will it be too late?"

Ying Jinchuan was also uncertain, "Then I will try my best."

"Okay, two-pronged approach. You go to talk to other banks. I will meet with Director Sheng in person... Don't give up Director Pan. People have worked in Pengcheng for so long. An airborne squeezed him out. Director Pan is sure They are also very opinionated. People in their banking system know each other, and Director Pan may have friends who can help!"

Ying Jinchuan opened his mouth.

A 40-year-old person may not understand the truth, Xia Xiaolan knows these twists and turns, really an old fritters.

It's hard for a smart and shameless person not to get rich!

Xia Xiaolan decided to find the culprit, and asked Mayor Tang how things are going to be done, is she letting go of her hands and feet casually, can Lao Tang support her?

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