Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1207: : Is it against Tang Hongen? (4 more)

Do you know uncle?

Ying Jinchuan, who is thin, puts a lot of pressure on Pan Weiliang.

This question is not easy to answer. Pan Weiliang has also been out of business, and his uncle Director Pan is not too concerned.

The current national conditions are like this. Whoever has the prospects must pull a large family upwards. Director Pan is the most prosperous one in the Pan family. If the nephew is not a weapon, he will not really let go.

Pan Weiliang is not useless, he is lazy, but he also has the advantage of a sweet mouth.

"My uncle gets up at 6 o'clock every day and does qigong practice for 1 hour. He only eats breakfast and goes to work when he finishes his exercises. He shows up at the work unit at 8 o'clock on time. He doesn't eat at home for lunch or at night, but he must be home before 9:30 in the evening. , He has a lot of entertainment on weekends..."

After talking a lot of nonsense, Pan Weiliang knew, and Ying Jinchuan probably knew it.

Does it matter whether Director Pan practices qigong?

Alas, Ying Jinchuan may be used to communicating with people like Xia Xiaolan and suddenly meeting young people with average IQ. Ying Jinchuan is very uncomfortable.

It's not easy to extract useful information from Pan Weiliang's nonsense. Bai Zhuzhu felt ashamed, so she retired.

Ying Jinchuan interrupted Pan Weiliang’s constant chatter, “Let’s put it this way, has your uncle ever taken money that shouldn’t be taken? Xiao Pan, I’m not here to investigate Director Pan. If something happens to your uncle, we’ll be very troubled. Mr. Xia asked me to deal with this matter. If your uncle was framed by someone wronged, with your help, I can figure out how to save him, right?"

"It's impossible for my uncle to take money. He said don't touch any money. He won't be able to accept it. But he must have accepted other people's things, such as tobacco, alcohol and tea. Can these things be accepted?"

Pan Weiliang was anxious.

Of course these things cannot be collected.

But if it is said that within the system, no courtesy have been confiscated, it is obviously impossible.

In particular, Director Pan’s position is in charge of loans. How many units and individuals have their own magical skills to deal with Director Pan.

As long as there is no cash in the tobacco, alcohol and tea, it is normal interpersonal communication.

Ying Jinchuan patted Pan Weiliang on the shoulder, "Xiao Pan, can you be responsible for what you say?"

Pan Weiliang thinks about the daily life level of his uncle's family, and he still trusts his uncle's character...Anyway, his uncle is smarter than him, knowing that he will be finished with the money, Pan Weiliang nodded:

"Responsible, he must have never taken the money."

Ying Jinchuan did not send money to Director Pan either.

Either Lao Pan was confused in other places, or he poured dirty water on Lao Pan, and Lao Pan was suspended for investigation. The loan released by him must be screened again... 1600 of Qihang Loan Wanhua coins should be the largest loan made by Lao Pan recently.

Qihang was able to lend so much money, Ying Jinchuan worked hard, and now someone wants to force Qihang to repay the loan in advance, Ying Jinchuan could not agree.

What role does Sheng Xuan play in it? Is it to take advantage of the effort to embarrass Xia Xiaolan, to brush up on her sense of existence, or to make an active effort to get some results before letting go?

Or, Sheng Xuan is also a **** on the bright side.

Ying Jinchuan suspects that this incident is not only aimed at Qihang, but the ultimate goal is Tang Hongen.

Tang Hongen’s old house was on fire and the second spring was glowing. He couldn't resist showing off the objects with the new place. Some people wanted to deal with Tang Hongen and set sail as a breakthrough. Ying Jinchuan left Pan Weiliang aside. This is not a simple jealousy. He has to meet Tang Hongen!

"Xiao Pan, I won't see other people. Since you can be responsible for what you say, the rest of the Pan family can't hold back. I believe you have the ability to convince your family that you won't let me down, right?"

Of course Pan Weiliang knew how serious the matter was.

He can stay and work in the building materials store because of his uncle.

The new store's performance this year is good. Pan Weiliang also pointed to the bonus Xia Xiaolan promised. His career is booming and his days are very busy. At this time, Pan Weiliang is not reconciled!

"Our family won't talk nonsense!"


Liu Yong heard that Director Pan was in an accident, and couldn't take care of the remaining franchisees. He ran to the airport and met Xia Xiaolan.

"Director Pan acted so cautiously, how could something happen? I think he wants to be promoted, and he doesn't take money seriously."

What Director Pan does with money, there is no shortage of money at all, people will give away everything he lacks, and he is risking to get some money.

"Uncle, we are not Director Pan. He only knows if there is any violation of discipline. Others can give money, but you can't get involved. Have you ever sent him money?"

Xia Xiaolan also slowly recalled on the road to Yangcheng. She was only angry at first, but only when she really calmed down did she think of this.

It is not the worst result that the bank allows the loan to be repaid in advance. The Golden Sand Pool is about to open in a week. As long as you sell a few million, it is not difficult to repay the bank’s money. Ying Jinchuan made the repayment in three installments. Five million twice, and six million last time.

The big deal is to return 5 million before setting sail.

If the bank does not allow the sailing to be dragged for a day, it will have to go through the procedures for a few days.

As long as it can pay back 5 million, doesn't it prove that Qihang has the ability to repay?

This incident couldn't get Xia Xiaolan's neck stuck at all. What was really terrible was that Tang Hongen was involved... Someone would say that Director Pan was only instructed by Tang Hongen to lend so much money to Qihang, and Xia Xiaolan had a terrible headache!

So this matter might be Tang Hongen.

Designed by Sheng Xuan?

Sheng Xuan didn't have the ability.

Sheng Xuan estimated that she was pushing the boat along the river, and wanted to sell favor at a critical moment-naturally it was not Xia Xiaolan who was selling, but Tang Hongen was the one who was waiting.

It was originally declared that the non-jun will not marry, and then at the critical moment, Tang Hongen always wants to inherit Shengxuan's favor.

So Sheng Xuan deliberately leaked the news to her, just to borrow her mouth to remind Tang Hongen?

Xia Xiaolan was disgusted.

God TM's theory of free love, love or not, should be mutual affection, not calculation!

Regardless of men and women, the calculated feelings make Xia Xiaolan very disgusting.

She was about to get on the plane now, so she could only endure the disgust and relay the conversation with Sheng Xuan to Liu Yong, so that Liu Yong could bring a letter to Tang Hongen.

"You want to remind Uncle Tang that the nature of this matter has changed. It's menacing, and it's all aimed at Uncle Tang!"

Liu Yong also had a headache.

Mayor Tang is so sweet, everyone wants to take a bite.

There is a troublesome ex-wife, and a secret admirer who is difficult to distinguish between the loyal and the traitor...what is this all about?

Liu Yong sent his niece on the plane, and went to Tang Hongen with his head full of questions, but found that Ying Jinchuan was also there.

Ying Jinchuan arrived a while earlier than him, and just finished talking with Tang Hongen.

Are they also talking about the same thing?

Liu Yong couldn't make up his mind. Tang Hongen seemed to be in a good mood: "Big brother is here, have you had dinner? Let's take a bite to deal with it. I made a pan-fried bun."

Ying Jinchuan was clutching his stomach. He felt a dull pain in his stomach as soon as he heard the fried buns.

Why is the underside of the buns burnt, but the dough on the top is still raw? Why is the meat fishy and greasy after one bite?

Ying Jinchuan was silent.

Seeing Liu Yong eating the pan-fried buns made by Mayor Tang himself, his expression changed. Ying Jinchuan suddenly felt good-right, right, toss your brother-in-law, don't force me to eat buns!

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