Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1221: : Differentiation repels (2 more)

How to choose?

Such a good opportunity will never be encountered again.

Because Jinshachi will sell the property tomorrow, Xia Xiaolan can easily agree to any request at this time.

But the Luo family can't afford to gamble!

Just like Xia Xiaolan said, their family only has a single seedling male. If Luo Yaozong dies, it will be useless for them to fight for more benefits. The family's incense has been cut off. Who will leave the money for?

"Dad, agree with her..."

Luo Luogui scolded his son for being ineffective all day long, and at the critical moment he still regarded his son's money as important.

Old man Luo looked at Xia Xiaolan fiercely: "If Yaozong dies, I will let the villagers demolish your broken house and find a rope to hang at the gate of the community. Whether it is a house or a land, I see who you can sell to. !"

Xia Xiaolan didn't bother to compete with this old man.

Doesn't she know the ghost thoughts of the Luo family?

I certainly didn't give up the chance to ruin her, but no matter what, the two-day weekend sales must be carried out normally!

When the house was sold, Xia Xiaolan took the initiative, and who cares about Luo's family troubles.

Luodegui cleared his throat and urged the villagers to go back first: "Thank you everyone for taking the lead for Yaozong. The cadres of the street office are here, and the police at the police station are also there. I don't think this boss Xia can lie to us. You go back first... everything. Let Yaozong have nothing to say!"

Xia Xiaolan sneered: "Mr. Luo, do you mean to find someone to make trouble when Luo Yaozong is out of danger?"

Rod Gui was slanderous.

Just now he thought that something happened to his son, and he said he didn't want to be the village head anymore.

If the son is still alive, why is this village head inappropriate? That was just a moment of anger!

The cadres of the street office like to see this kind of scene most, "People Xia is always very reasonable, you are not allowed to gather crowds to make troubles, and if you don’t sleep in the middle of the night, you don’t want others to sleep, so you should go back quickly! What is going on, the police will investigate clearly. !"

Old man Luo raised his hand, "All go back first."

His prestige was higher than that of Rod, and only then did the villagers start to move.

Xia Xiaolan winked at Ge Jian, and Ge Jian knew that he could not let these villagers come to make trouble again.

How to prevent it?

Ask people to guard the village and not allow them to come out for these two days.

This incident is too overbearing to set sail for real estate. It can provide manpower but cannot bear its reputation.

Fortunately, there are comrades from the police station. Ge Jian and them murmured for a while, and the people at the police station also looked solemn: "Intentionally killing?"

President Xia who set sail vowed to believe that Luo Yaozong would not steal steel, so why did Luo Yaozong fall downstairs? Was it pushed down? Was the murderer an accomplice or someone hiding among the villagers?

If the matter is not clear, and the mastermind cannot be allowed to escape, this must be taken seriously.

This suspicion is logical. Anyway, these villagers have been expropriated, and they have to bear with them for a while. Whoever wants to run with a guilty conscience may be the murderer.

The police rushed the villagers back, and Ge Jian also let a dozen senior brothers follow.

The cadre of the Futian Sub-district Office looked serious, "That's right, you can discuss everything, don't be incited by lawless elements."

It's all nonsense.

Xia Xiaolan thanked all the leaders for their care. The Luo family and his son were anxiously like ants on a hot pot.

"What happened to Yaozong?"

"You are still in the hospital, you should first cooperate with the public security comrades to investigate. Is this person who was caught from Ganquan Village?"

Luo Luogui glanced at it and nodded, "It's from the village."

It's just not Luo.

It seems that I didn't like staying in the village before.

"Is he running to say that Luo Yaozong fell to death?"

Old man Luo stared at Xia Xiaolan, it sounds terrible to hear what is immortal.

Luo Luogui is not sure.

"...It should be, it's messy, I didn't see it clearly, a group of people came to the house together."

That's the village head's home after informing others.

Even if the Luo family didn't want to make a big mess, they had to be pushed out by these people. This was all purposeful. The bald head stirred emotions in the crowd, saying that he was not an accomplice, and even the police didn't believe it.

Luo Yaozong's fall from upstairs was just a "small thing", the real big thing was that the house in Jinshachi couldn't be sold.

Old man Luo didn't like Xia Xiaolan, and hated that Qihang Real Estate took the land of Luo's family.

But someone used his grandson’s life as an inducer to destroy Xia Xiaolan’s house sales plan. Old man Luo couldn’t help complaining: “If you didn’t offend someone, how could you get involved in Yaozong? It’s easy for women to provoke trouble when doing business outside. , How is Yaozong’s injury!"

In the future, these business matters will still be handed over to Yaozong.

Old Man Luo thought this way, but he was not stupid enough to say it.

However, the old man Luo was hesitant about the original plan. He didn't discover it with his conscience. He felt that Xia Xiaolan's life was too hard. He just thought about it and suffered a serious crime. Is this Kef?

Xia Xiaolan had to strangle him to know what Old Man Luo thought.

Even if she didn't know, she was not very kind to Old Man Luo:

"Although Luo Yaozong did not die, he was seriously injured. I was still rescued when I left the hospital. You'd better go and see for yourself so as not to leave any regrets. Also, Mr. Luo, you have been a village cadre for decades. Keep your mouth clean. Don’t open your mouth. Little bitch. Keep your mouth shut. Little bitch. The village cadres should also be a bit educated. Accumulation of morality is a blessing for Luo Yaozong! I understand that you are in a hurry to speak without a word. It does not mean that you can be in front of me. I'm arrogant...I'm harassing Luo Yaozong? I agree that he has been working on the construction site for eight years. Even if he didn't want to steal steel, he would tell others about the patrol of the construction site. Otherwise, how could others not know where the weakness is? Luo Yaozong provoked in!"

The old man Luo was sprayed with blood on his head, pointing to Xia Xiaolan "you you you" for a long time without speaking.

Xia Xiaolan's politeness just now was shown to the villagers. There are only two people from the Luo family and his son. Naturally, she will not treat the Luo family and his son very well on her own territory.

Old man Luo wanted to rely on the old to sell the old, Xia Xiaolan didn't eat this at all.

Had it not been for Luo Yaozong to fall from the top of the building in the middle of the night, she should have been sleeping soundly on the big bed of the hotel at this time, sleeping till dawn, waiting for the opening of the Jinsha Pool, okay!

Old man Luo also really missed his grandson. Xia Xiaolan said that he and Luo Luogui must have been at odds before they saw anyone.

Liu Yong personally took Luo's family to the hospital, anyway, they will definitely be controlled when they get to the place. It will be easy to divide the crowd, and there will be no trouble tomorrow and the day after.

There was a lot of movement on the construction site. Xia Xiaolan quickly slashed the mahjong and a mass shock incident disappeared invisible, and did not disturb the elderly Mao Kangshan and others.

"Tomorrow, when nothing happens, open the door for sales as usual! After the dust settles, come and investigate the matter thoroughly!"

The three people caught on the spot were still locked up at the police station, and Xia Xiaolan was not afraid of running away.

Those people thought that Luo Yaozong was dead, and the dead would naturally not be able to distinguish, so they naturally let them talk nonsense.

Unexpectedly, Wu Daonan said something more. The place where Luo Yaozong fell was filled with fine sand. Luo Yaozong did not die on the spot... The Jinshachi died before the opening of the market. The news spread, the house must not be sold!

It is very troublesome now, but it is already a blessing in misfortune!

Who is it that set up this bureau?

Many suspects flashed in Xia Xiaolan's mind.

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