Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1224: : Can't her boyfriend meet people? (1 more)

"Can you solve Ke Yixiong?"

Xia Xiaolan was surprised and happy.

She had already counted Luo Yaozong's affairs on Ke Yixiong, no matter how she looked at it, Ke Yixiong was most suspicious.

It's just that Ke Yixiong is very cunning, and a kind young man, he doesn't show up for anything he does. Someone committed the crime last time. This time Luo Yaozong fell downstairs and Xia Xiaolan was afraid that Ke Yixiong would escape again.

She knows that Zhou Cheng never speaks big words, and will not make random promises if she is not sure that it will be done.

Zhou Cheng nodded, "Do you remember that we caught two human traffickers on the train from Jinling to Shanghai? Those two people wanted to abduct you before, and they were both veterans of crimes since that year. Traffickers have singles. Individuals and gangs fight. After arresting them for a few months, they finally opened the mouths of the men's traffickers. They are a complete chain. There are abductors and stolen goods...Children and young women are their main targets. Sometimes even the middle-aged men are also abducted."

People of different ages have different uses.

If Zhou Cheng didn't meet him, he couldn't manage the injustices in the world!

But if you encounter one, just take care of one. Thinking that Xia Xiaolan was almost abducted and sold by the fat woman, twisting the two to the police station was not enough to relieve her anger. Pulling out the radish can bring out the mud, and checking along a line can find many things.

Two human traffickers, the man is not as hard-hearted as the fat woman. He was miserable in prison for several months, and finally he wanted to confess and be lenient. Zhou Cheng dozed off and someone gave pillows, and decisively accepted the testimony and testimony provided by the other party. Clues.

Xia Xiaolan rolled her eyes, "There are stolen goods...Yangcheng Railway Station...Ke Yixiong?"

Didn't she meet the fat woman on the train to Yangcheng?

Yangcheng Railway Station is regarded as the worst place in the country for public security, but it is also not leaked by Ke Yixiong.

The fat woman kidnapped someone and wanted to sell the goods in her hands without saying hello to the local snake. The local snake may help sell the goods. After all, the Yangcheng Railway Station is too chaotic, and a few people missing from time to time will not attract attention.

No monitoring.

In the era when you don’t need to swipe your ID card to get in and out of the car, communication is still inconvenient. The missing people are like pebbles falling into the sea. They can’t splash much water, and the silent crime is hidden there. How many people are like this. Lost the audio forever?

Xia Xiaolan's eyes were dark.

"The object of the fat woman's stolen goods is Ke Yixiong?"

Zhou Cheng's words have an unfinished meaning: "This is just the tip of the iceberg. When you are there, you go to work on the Jinshachi business today, and we will talk about it in the evening."

Zhou Cheng wants Xia Xiaolan to sell the house happily, and Xia Xiaolan naturally appreciates it.

She got out of the car and found that Zhou Cheng didn't get off, "You won't go? Who said you want to accompany me to witness?"

Zhou Cheng pointed to his chest, "My heart has always been here, so hurry up."

Ge Jian strode forward, and more and more people watched him, Zhou Cheng obviously had other plans. As long as Zhou Cheng is in Pengcheng, Xia Xiaolan feels at ease. She smiled at Zhou Cheng:

"No matter what you are going to do, pay attention to safety!"

Without eating sugar, Zhou Cheng's teeth were mostly sweet, and the sweetness spread from his mouth to his whole body.

This woman!

There is no need to say anything, this woman is smart, she just understands him!

The love that starts from the skin color may fade over time, and the two hearts are mutually confirmed, and the tacit understanding of mutual sympathy will directly double the sweetness of love.

1+1 is not equal to 2, more than double!

As soon as Zhou Cheng stepped on the accelerator and left, as long as the thought of someone threatening Xia Xiaolan and not solving the trouble, Zhou Cheng would sleep and eat.


"Who sent Xia Xiaolan?"

Du Zhaohui and Tang Yuanyue stood together.

Tang Yuan shook his head, "I don't know, the other party didn't get out of the car."

However, Xia Xiaolan smiled at the person in the car when she got out of the car, that smile can dazzle Huaren's eyes.

Tang Yuanyue had never seen Xia Xiaolan smile like that, and he didn't smile like that when he got what he wanted when doing business.

This smile makes all the flowers want to bloom in the winter of December...

Du Zhaohui snorted, "I guessed who it was, but Brother Yuanyue might not be willing to listen."

Du Zhaohui’s mysterious secrets, the more Tang Yuan thought about it, he figured it out: "Zhaohui, you are hanging on your appetite, what's hard to guess? Today even you and I are here to congratulate Miss Xia, her genuine boyfriend has appeared. It’s not surprising. It’s just that it’s all here, so why didn’t you get out of the car, Zhaohui, you have dealt with the other party, is he shameless?"

Du Zhaohui gave him a blank look and said,

"Didn't I say that, he looks very handsome, if he joins the entertainment industry, half of the popular male stars in Hong Kong will have no food!"

High praise for a man's appearance?

What a high evaluation.

Tang Yuanyue originally didn't believe that Xia Xiaolan would be so superficial, only looking at the man's skin.

It is really as exaggerated as Du Zhaohui said. No matter how clever and cunning, Xia Xiaolan is only a 20-year-old young girl. It is not surprising that she is really fascinated by her good-looking skin.

Everyone loves beauty, even Tang Yuanyue herself can't avoid the vulgarity. Xia Xiaolan's smart and cunning coupled with her outstanding appearance is the reason why Tang Yuanyue likes her.

Try another woman who is equally smart but ugly. Tang Yuanyue probably only wants to hire the other person to work in the company, not to solicit her!

Interesting souls are tempting. If there is no good-looking skin to attract attention, who has time to understand interesting souls?

"Miss Xia's real boyfriend, but he didn't show up, it's interesting."

Du Zhaohui craned his neck and looked around. He couldn't even see the bottom of the car. He couldn't see anything interesting.

The two of them have already followed the crowd and said congratulations to Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan really didn't have time to pay much attention to them at this time. The door of the sales department was blocked. Xia Xiaolan smiled and curled her eyes when she looked at the long line of people holding the leaflet in her hand.

Oh, at a glance, there must be one or two hundred people.

It's only eight o'clock in the morning. Among the 200 inspectors, can one out of 10 people really want to buy a house. With a ratio of 10:1, can you sell more than 20 suites this morning?

Haha, there are not enough 140 houses in Jinshachi. There are only 19 existing houses in 1 unit serving as a model building.

Is it enough to sell this morning? I'm not sure yet!

"Ge Jian, let's start, please go in and watch the sand table for the buyers of the house."

Look at the sand table, first choose the type of house, pay 1,000 yuan of intent to buy a house, and the person who set sail will take the customer to the community.

The 1,000 yuan is to be included in the house payment and will not be swallowed by these people.

If the house is not selected, the 1,000 yuan will still be refunded to the guests, but you have to get the receipt, and then you will refund the money when the sailing is busy for a while. Isn’t it OK? There are so many people crowded today, who is impatient? Wasting time on people who are unable to buy a house?

Don't even want to pay 1,000 yuan, and don't expect to spend more money. This is called further precise positioning of sincere home buyers!

Du Zhaohui flicked the sleeves: "It costs money to see a house, and she wants to make money too crazy!"

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