Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1226: : The 18th unit sold (3 more)


Xia Xiaolan really arranged childcare.

But no chance to use it.

Since the arrogant Mr. Xu bought two large apartments in one go and made a good start, it has stimulated a bunch of home buyers crowded in the sales department.

After a while, another small red flag was placed on the sand table.

"Room 203, Unit 4!"

"Unit 1, Room 302..."

"Unit 1 room 404 sold!"

Is this buying a house?

The house is like a Chinese cabbage.

Seeing a set of houses sold, the people who inspected the house were panicked.

If you panic, you will easily lose your judgment. If there are many houses, people who buy a house can naturally choose and consider slowly.

But Jinshachi is not a big market. There are more than one hundred houses. Let's see how many people queued up on the first day!

If the environment of this community can be built like the publicity renderings, it would be a top real estate in Hong Kong. The price is very high in Pengcheng, but it is nothing in Hong Kong.

The sale started at 8 o'clock, and by 10:30 in the morning, 17 small red flags were posted on the sand table, indicating that 17 units were sold.

Among them, without the childcare arranged by Xia Xiaolan, 17 houses were really sold.

Xia Xiaolan squeezed out the sales department, her uncle Liu Yong ran to help, and her mother was with Mao Kangshan and Aunt Song.

Mao Kangshan saw her coming out and coughed twice: "It's so noisy inside, there are a lot of people watching, and are there many people buying houses?"

Mao Kangshan was worried, but the old man stubbornly refused to admit it.

Xia Xiaolan didn't mean to sell it, "17 sets are now available. When I came out, I saw that the 18th set was going through the formalities."

Someone really bought it, not to squeeze in to watch the excitement!

"Okay, great!"

Aunt Song breathed a sigh of relief, "As soon as you set the price, the old man was worried that he couldn't sleep all night, so he sighed and sighed. I think he's just worrying about it."

What are you worried about? I am worried that Xia Xiaolan's price is too high, and no one is willing to buy it.

Mao Kangshan's expression was not very natural, and he was not happy to be let out by his wife.

Liu Fen smiled all over his face, "It's Teacher Mao who cares about Xiaolan. I, a mother, don't know how to build a house. If I don't know how to build a house for this child, Teacher Mao will watch and worry about everything, where is she today!"

Mao Kangshan didn't think so.

He looked at the construction site and pointed out Xia Xiaolan's planning and design of the Golden Sand Pool.

But this multi-million dollar business is Xia Xiaolan's own doorway and courage.

After selling more than ten sets in two hours, Mao Kangshan also felt that it would be okay to sell this house. He really has nothing to teach Xia Xiaolan in this regard. People who can learn may not be able to do business. Xia Xiaolan does not need guidance in this regard. , Too many ghost ideas.

A house-buying consultant ran over and handed Xia Xiaolan a file bag: "Mr. Xia, the procedures you want have been completed."

"Okay, go ahead and work on it."

Xia Xiaolan respectfully handed the documents in her hand to Mao Kangshan:

"Teacher, my mother is right, this project can be successful, you have given me too much help! I am a layman, I can only express my gratitude to you and my wife in this tacky way. This is my heart. Please accept it!"

Mao Kangshan took the file, opened it, and silently handed it to his wife Song Auntie.

Aunt Song trembles when she sees it, "This, where does this happen..."

Unit 3, facing the first floor of Xiaojin Pond, a house of 90 square meters.

On the purchase contract, Mao Kangshan and her name were written impressively, and the house was fully paid.

"Madam, why not, that's what I want."

This is the 18th suite that I just filed for, but Xia Xiaolan bought it herself, and bought it as a gift to Mao Kangshan and his wife!

The company is wholly owned by her, and the house still has to go through a procedure to enter the company's general ledger.

Aunt Song wants to put back the house purchase contract, and Xia Xiaolan looks serious, "Madam, I have nothing else to say, I just want to honor you and your teacher, so that you two have a place to stay in Pengcheng, and no one’s house is under his own name. The house in Pengcheng is hard-gassed. The weather in Pengcheng is suitable for half a year in winter. At other times, your second elder can still return to Hangzhou."

"Did you come home from the first day, thinking about changing our house for us?"

Mao Kangshan did not say whether to accept it or not.

Xia Xiaolan nodded: "Yes, based on your qualifications, don't talk about living in a multi-storey bungalow. What's the problem even if you live in a villa? If you want me to surpass Ning Yanfan's granddaughter, I also hope that your living treatment is not comparable. Ning Yanfan is bad."

Mao Kangshan asked his wife to put away the contract, a thousand words condensed into one sentence:

"You have a heart."

This house is worth old money, let alone the price, it will cost 100,000 Chinese dollars at the cost evenly.

Mao Kangshan and Song Auntie couldn't pay the money.

In 1985, working families who went to work normally could not pay 100,000 yuan regardless of whether they were senior workers or Gaojian.

Without Maokangshan, Xia Xiaolan's project would not go so smoothly. The qualifications for setting sail were still solved by the contacts of Maokangshan. Without Maokangshan, which green onion would Zhou Maotong of Guangdong Construction Engineering know about Xia Xiaolan?

Mao Kangshan tried his best to teach her and recommended her to Cornell University to exchange and study. What happened to her giving a suite?

Comrade Lao Mao should enjoy the blessing!

Xia Xiaolan and Liu Fen discussed this matter, and Liu Fen completely agreed.

"Mom, you are here to accompany the teacher and the others. They are busy again. I have to go over and take a look."

Xia Xiaolan was also afraid that Mao Kangshan would go back, and ran away after sending the house out.

Aunt Song's lips squirmed, she couldn't believe that the old man had actually accepted a suite.

"Lao Mao, this is too expensive, you really dare to ask for it, hurry up to Xiaolan and return it!"

Mao Kangshan did not speak with his hands behind his back.

No matter, the master and apprentice have been tied together a long time ago. Xia Xiaolan is sincere to him and his wife. How much oil can he squeeze out from this old bone?

"Accept it, how long have you known her, and don't know how noisy she is?"

Refusal is futile.

Xia Xiaolan has a hundred reasons to persuade his wife.

In this case, it is better to be less courteous to each other.

Not far away, Du Zhaohui who happened to see the scene of sending the house was dumbfounded.

"Xia Xiaolan is so generous?"

With the price of Jinshachi, a 90-square-meter house costs more than 200,000 Chinese dollars. 200,000 Chinese dollars is not a big deal for Du Zhaohui and Tang Yuanyue, who were born with a golden spoon, but Xia Xiaolan was a poor one, and Jinshachi also He owes a bank loan of 16 million yuan. This 200,000 yuan is at least the profit of Xia Xiaolan's two homes.

The woman who got into the eyes of money was so generous.

Tang Yuanyue wanted to pursue Xia Xiaolan, so naturally he carefully investigated the people around Xia Xiaolan.

"What is a suite, do you know who it is? The architectural circles in mainland China have the title of'Bei Ning Nan Mao'. Ning Yanfan, who designed the Nanhai Hotel, is as famous as the old Mr. Mao Kangshan... Mao Kangshan is not only helping her Regarding Jinshachi's affairs, she is still her mentor. It seems that Miss Xia is going to hold on to the real estate and not let go."

Is it to seize real estate?

Not only.

Du Zhaohui remembered for no reason that he asked Xia Xiaolan to go to the film, saying that Xia Xiaolan had no future in studying architecture.

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