Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1240: : There is an answer in my heart (1 more)

When Xia Xiaolan said this, Liu Fen really didn't mention this topic.

Xia Xiaolan thought she was full of wisdom in life, and she was sprayed with blood on her grandmother after returning to the capital:

"I don't know enough? According to you, the marriages of those parents who were ordered by matchmakers in the past were all unhappy. Now, when they meet on a blind date, they decide whether to be together or not. Are these unreliable?"

Grandma Yu was almost mad at Xia Xiaolan.

Whether you love or not, the relationship depends on the object, and the character depends on the marriage!

If you have a good character and no bad habits, even if you no longer like your wife, your responsibility towards your family remains the same.

If you have a bad character, you love your wife to death today, but you don’t like it someday, and you love others to death.

Grandma Yu had nothing to say about Xia Xiaolan, Xia Xiaolan could only walk away desperately, "Mom, think about it for yourself, I won't mix it up. You decide on your own affairs, and I support everything you want to do!"

She went back to school dingy, and Liu Fen called her from behind:

"You run slowly and be careful of dropping things!"

Xia Xiaolan brought some food for her roommates.

After Xia Xiaolan left, Grandma Yu looked at Liu Fen: "Have you figured it out clearly?"

Isn't it a matter of time? Grandma Yu doesn't believe that she can find someone better than Tang Hongen in a short time.

It's not easy for women to marry high, but don't be afraid to marry high... If you have a good one, you have to take a few steps to find a bad one. Could it be that you are mad!

"He said that just to get a certificate, I am still doing business in the capital, and my life remains the same now."

If Tang Hongen let Liu Fen give up her current business and go to live in Pengcheng and concentrate on taking care of his daily life, Liu Fen would not be willing, but Tang Hongen is very supportive of her own business, this is really rare.

Grandma Yu frowned: "Second marriage is not a big deal, but it won't be a secret to get a certificate. It's still necessary to ask a few tables of relatives and friends."

Tang Hongen’s identity is destined to be impossible to hold a wedding banquet, and to marry a public official must have this kind of consciousness. Cadres in small places are okay. The emperor is far away. For people who want to be township heads and bureau chiefs all their lives, they can't be too strict, right?

The bigger the cadre, the more conscious they must be.

Putting forward your own political opinions and doing business can be high-profile, but life must be low-key and simple. These are the most basic.

Liu Fen is not a person who has to pay attention to grand ostentation either. She doesn't envy Jiya and George's wedding banquet with hundreds of guests who spent a lot of money. What she is entangled with is not the ceremony, but the unreal sense of remarriage.

"I will think about it again."

In her first marriage, she didn't have the right to call the shots. At that time, everyone was married like that. As soon as the matchmaker agreed to make peace, they soon got married.

In this second marriage, she has known Tang Hongen for almost two years. She never dared to raise her head and talk to Mayor Tang, and she has come to the point where she pushed the target one step at a time.

Tang Hongen is not a bad person.

Liu Fen felt that he already had the answer in his heart.


When she went to bed at night, Xia Xiaolan's mind was full of "my mother is going to marry".

She is not a good actress, she didn't put herself in a pitiful situation.

Just get married when she gets married. Anyway, she is about to go abroad, worrying that her mother will not see her in a year will be lost, and it would be nice to have Mayor Tang to fill the vacancies in her life.

This way I convinced myself to be sensible, and I still couldn't sleep at night, so I closed my eyes after rolling most of the night.

The next morning, she didn’t even eat any food, so she quickly called Pengcheng. After the call, she asked for a skin:

"Uncle, you let me guess how many suites were sold yesterday."

Liu Yong has always been used to her, "Let you guess!"

"Are there 40 sets?"

There should be. There were 28 sets when she left at noon.

No matter what happens in the afternoon, I can sell another 12 sets.

Liu Yong laughed loudly: "Guess again, be bolder!"

"... Then add 5 more sets?"

Liu Yong couldn't help it anymore: "51 sets, better than the first day, what are you worried about for this real estate!"

The corners of Xia Xiaolan's mouth stretched out.

There were 90 sets left yesterday. After yesterday’s sale, there are now only 39 sets left.

The cost has been recovered a long time ago, and the sales are all profitable, and it can make millions at once, and sailing is finally not an empty shell.

"Uncle wants to congratulate you. We became millionaires together. You walk faster than uncle, and you will soon become a multimillionaire."

Although Xia Xiaolan made the money, Liu Yong was very proud.

This is the "wealth myth" that he witnessed how to make money. It does not matter whether the yellow mud on the trousers is cleaned or not. It does matter whether one is poor and the other is white. As long as people dare to fight, they are also fighting on the right path and can do it. Which step is really unclear!

I used to think that all Liu Tian are big bosses, and his assets are just a fraction of the others. Now, seeing the speed at which Xia Xiaolan makes money, Liu Yong is also full of confidence.

Xia Xiaolan chuckled, "Uncle, you have to come on!"

Xia Xiaolan was laughing when she hung up the phone.

Yesterday’s sales data really gave her peace of mind.

In the canteen, Xia Xiaolan ran into Ning Xue.

Ning Xue was holding the bun in her hand, and she was in a hurry. Xia Xiaolan never thought of showing off with Ning Xue.

It's not that she and Ning Xue are at odds with each other, they are not in harmony with each other, and they are not suitable for being friends.

Of course, after Zhen Wenxiu was here, Xia Xiaolan really wanted to show off.

She can still successfully develop the real estate without holding the thighs of Ning's family. Zhen Wenxiu thinks that she and Ning Xue have different plans. Facts have proved that Xia Xiaolan is not inseparable from Ning's family.

"People who have **** in their heart, look at everything is shit... The overall situation of the Golden Sands Pool has been determined. For the next period of time I have to meditate on my studies. It would be bad if I went to Cornell University in the United States. After the hotel renovation plan, I don’t care if I have developed a residential area. The year at Cornell University cannot be abandoned. I must learn the real thing."

And find a son for Grandma Yu.

Where should I start?

It is not so easy to concoct a family-finding article that is of interest to foreign media.

In addition to spending money, Xia Xiaolan has to take other thoughts.

Xia Xiaolan decided to calm herself down and devote herself to her study, and only concentrated on it for less than a day. Guan Hui Mo asked her to go home for dinner and threw a big thunder as soon as she met:

"Zhou Yi is back, and who came back yesterday, together with Yuan Han's mother and sister... Yuan Jia came to propose marriage to Uncle Zhou Cheng and Uncle Zhou Cheng, Uncle Zhou Cheng has agreed, and now it is Grandma Zhou Cheng who disagrees."


Zhou Yi ran away for a long time.

Xia Xiaolan frowned, "Sister Zhou Yi is pregnant?"

Guan Huimo sneered: "The Yuan family said as soon as they came, the two young men did not control themselves. Since Zhou Yi is pregnant, Yuan Han is not unwilling to be responsible. The two should get married quickly to avoid Zhou Yi's stomach. It doesn't look good when it's big."

There is nothing wrong with this, but there is a feeling that I can't say it. After changing Xia Xiaolan, I will beat such future in-laws out!

Uncle Zhou Cheng actually agreed, really want to take the second path firmly, want to play with Yuan Han firmly in his hands?

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