Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1250: : Speechless to the utmost (1 more)

The Zhou family is very kind.

Xia Xiaolan likes the Zhou family's style.

Don’t worry about Zhou Yicheng’s failure. The Zhou family really values ​​every child... So Grandma Zhou is particularly uncomfortable. Zhou Yi’s marriage is almost a foregone conclusion. Grandma Zhou agrees very much with the father’s statement this time, and Yuan Han is not allowed to appear in front of her and his father. !

The two elders firmly refused to admit this marriage.

Zhou Yi insisted on marrying Yuan Han. Grandma Zhou didn't even want to see her granddaughter again. She had already spoken out and would never attend the wedding banquet of the two.

"This child is too much trouble for parents! Then she gets married, won't Zhou Cheng come back?"

Liu Fen looked at her daughter's eyes very pleased, like her daughter who is not worrying, she is the best girl in the world.

When Mom’s filter was too thick, I had forgotten the dark history of "Xia Xiaolan".

"Zhou Cheng doesn't know the news yet, even if he knows, he probably won't rush back on purpose."

Zhou Cheng was really angry. He locked up Zhou Yi personally, and Zhou Yi eloped away... As far as Zhou Cheng’s character is concerned, how can he manage Zhou Yi? Zhou Yi had to fall into the pit and hurt herself, and Zhou Cheng might be able to give her a hand.

Liu Fen thought for a while, but really didn't know how to evaluate it.

So in this marriage, only Zhou Yi was happy, but the rest of the Zhou family felt uncomfortable?

It's even harder to follow the gift!

The news that Zhou Yi was about to get married also exploded in Zhou's house.

The two elders of the Zhou family had two sons and three daughters, and they had a daughter who died. Now only two children and two daughters remain. The daughter who died is the eldest of the Zhou family, so the two aunts of Zhou Cheng are the second aunt and the younger sister in order.

The family is usually busy with their own work, but they have not forgotten to walk around, and the relationship between them is fairly close.

Here Zhou Yi is about to get married, and Jiang Hong will also notify the two sisters.

Miss Zhou felt that the news was sudden, and she said to her sister:

"It's been a long time since I saw Zhou Yi. When was she the object of this?"

On Tuesday, my aunt knew a little bit more: "You have been stupid with your old Gu. He doesn't like to communicate with people, and you haven't heard anything about it?"

Miss Zhou looked blank.

On Tuesday, my aunt twisted my sister's arm:

"Fortunately, you didn't ask in front of your sister-in-law! Zhou Yi, that bastard, what's not good about learning? I eloped with others! I didn't learn the same when I eloped. I was pregnant and ran to meet soon, leading a man to kneel outside the door of her grandparents...I Everyone who looks at the whole capital knows what they should know, the eldest brother and sister-in-law can only fulfill this pair of fateful mandarin ducks!"

Aunt Zhou's mouth was wide open.


Is this all Zhou Yi's job?

The child wanted to vent the rebellion accumulated over the past two decades, and he didn't ask whether his family could bear it.

Aunt Zhou suddenly became anxious: "Then I went to see my parents yesterday, why didn't they mention it? I said why my mom was uncomfortable, and thought it was the reason for the change of seasons!"

On Tuesday, my aunt sneered, "Sister-in-law hasn't said yet. How can parents tell you that Zhou Yi is their granddaughter and the elder brother and sister-in-law's relatives. Besides, the two elders can think that you don't know anything about it?"

Aunt Zhou was sweating.

She really didn't know that the two children in the family went to school. Unlike Tuesu's daughter Cheng Min, who was admitted to college this year, Zhou Xiaogu's son was still in junior high school, but her daughter Gu Siyan was promoted to the first year of high school.

After He Jia's pregnancy, Miss Zhou looked at her daughter very tightly, for fear that Gu Siyan would be ignorant and had trouble with her male classmate.

He Jia was a good girl. She was pregnant and aborted. Even if He Jia's mother made a big fuss and smashed the house of Deputy Director Wang who runs the cram school, the evil in her chest was out, but there was no way to turn her daughter back into the past.

Later, He Jia recuperated at home for a while, and went to school in a low-key manner.

He Jia's mother labored to mobilize work, and went to study with him in other places.

Seeing what the He family means, even if He Jia goes to university in the future, he does not plan to study in the capital. In the future, he will go to school, work and start a family, and try his best to arrange for him to stay out of town, trying to play down the impact of this incident.

He Jia was supposed to go to high school like Gu Siyan, but went to another place to go to the third year of junior high school!

Aunt Zhou watched He Jia's affairs happen, can she not be nervous about Gu Siyan? After spending a lot of thoughts on Gu Siyan, she was naturally dull and ignorant of external affairs.

Hearing that Zhou Yi had done such a thing, Zhou Xiaogu's mood was even more complicated.

A niece feels distressed for being stupid.


There is also fear.

He Jia is adolescent ignorant and ignorant. The little girl meets the boy she likes. Both of them are children. Who can blame?

But Zhou Yi is not a child. He Jia is only 15 years old, and Zhou Yi is 25 years old. She is ten years older. What is she thinking about?

The old man and the old lady don't know how angry they are. Miss Zhou has a very good personality and can't help being angry:

"She really hit something evil! If you really want to like it, just get out and live with the man and don't come back. Her grandma is not in good health at all ages, so she has to come back and make her grandma upset!"

No wonder the sister-in-law looked haggard.

Aunt Zhou scolded a few words in a row, and she didn't want to go to this **** wedding reception.

On Tuesday, my aunt didn’t rush, and waited until she finished cursing. Then she said, “What are you worried about? Sister-in-law’s best face, I don’t believe that she admits that Zhou Yi is looking for such a person, and the eldest brother is not weak. Why did they agree to the marriage? Isn’t it just that Zhou Yi’s pregnancy is making trouble in the city. Wait until the child is born and talk about it. Isn’t the Zhou family still able to raise a child?"

On Tuesday, I felt that Zhou Wenbang and Jiang Hong had other plans.

Aunt Zhou doesn't eat this set at all.

The sisters were talking in the house. Aunt Zhou was so angry that she didn't notice the passage of time.

Outside, Gu Siyan and his cousin Cheng Min looked at each other.

The two tiptoed away, and Gu Siyan let out a long sigh when they went downstairs:

"Sister Zhou Yi actually did this kind of thing, what kind of anger does she have to think of grandma and grandfather!"

Cheng Min couldn't answer Gu Siyan's doubts.

Although she is two years older than Gu Siyan, she is also a freshman this year, but she is a cute newcomer who has nowhere to go.

The beginning of love is a very hazy favor. It is difficult to imagine this kind of thing for a man to die and live with the whole family.

Because Zhou Yi is older than them, these two people used to follow Zhou Yi's command.

Suddenly I found that Zhou Yi, who often "guided" the two of them, had actually done such a foolish thing, and both Gu Siyan and Cheng Min were at a loss.

Cheng Min was silent for a while before saying, "You said that we are going to persuade Sister Zhou Yi, will she listen to us?"

Gu Siyan was dumbfounded, "How, how can I persuade you?"

There is a baby in my belly, can you make the baby dead?

Just like He Jia, knock out the baby!

If Sister Zhou Yi is willing to kill her, she won't have to persuade her, will she have been killed long ago?

Gu Siyan and Cheng Min didn't understand, Gu Siyan decided to ask someone who knew, so after Xia Xiaolan finished the class, she saw two people squatting down by the flower bed and counting ants.

"Why are you two here? You don't have to go to class today?"

Cheng Min has no class, but he is a college student.

Gu Siyan played truant!

The two little cousins ​​of Zhou Cheng came, and they called ‘Sister Xiaolan’. When you push me and I push you, you will not speak. Xia Xiaolan has to be entertained:

"Let's go, take the two of you around, can't you talk while walking?"

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