Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1260: : The most rare thing is to respect her (2 more)

It's okay!

Although she was not as good as Liu Fen, she gave birth to a good son.

Thinking that her son is going to go to school abroad, Chen Dasao is finally in a good mood.

How to put it this way, this means that the gap between Chen Qing and Xia Xiaolan during the college entrance examination was evened. Huaqing University is a prestigious school in China, and it is not as good as foreign schools. In addition, Chen Qing is the son, and Liu Fensheng's Xia Xiaolan is the daughter. There is a natural gap between men and women. Chen Dasao feels that she is still slightly better.

She refused to think about Xia Xiaolan's future with a stepfather like Tang Hongen.

Husbands and wives spend their lives together halfway through, so are they really serious about dragging oil bottles?

Sister Chen comforted herself in this way, and at the same time, a bunch of thoughts about improper households came up.

Give Liu Fen a good way to live a solid life, but Liu Fen still disagrees.

I don't know how to be admired by the leader.

Leaders have so much choice in marrying their wives, but Liu Fen is chosen. Could it be that rural women are diligent in their hands and feet, and find a nanny to go back and take care of themselves?

It must be so!

Sister Chen thought sourly: The old saying goes that you have to be the right one. Gao Pan definitely has to pay the price, and you have to wait on the man carefully. Marrying such a person is just good-looking!

As soon as she found her mental balance, Sister Chen heard her father-in-law asking about Xia Xiaolan's current situation.

Sister Chen couldn't help listening with her ears upright.

"Xiaolan may not be able to come back for the New Year this year. She is going to the United States to exchange and study for a year, and she will leave in February this year..."


Xia Xiaolan is also going abroad!

Sister Chen couldn't listen anymore. The mother and daughter were born to restrain her, just to keep her from having fun.

It’s not enough for a little girl to go to university, and go abroad?

It was a difficult opportunity to go abroad, Chen Qing finally won it, so Xia Xiaolan also had it.

Boss Chen grabbed her clothes from behind and dragged her to the kitchen:

"You don't wink at all, Affin and the others only go back to the village at night, and you don't know how to make something to eat!"

Boss Chen's expression was tense with three points to please.

He didn't dare to come up and talk.

Liu Yong brought so many people from the village to work in Pengcheng, and his prestige rose immediately. Whether he can be the village head in the future, he does not need the big leader Afen married to speak, but to get Liu Yong's support.

This old lady doesn't wink at all, the guests are not swiftly entertained, just listen to the corner!

Sister Chen gritted her teeth.

She is not sure whether Liu Fen looks good on her face, but she really doesn't look good on her face.

She couldn't be the master in Chen's house, and a big man would not even go to the kitchen to help her set a fire.

As soon as Sister Chen went to the kitchen to light the fire, she heard her father-in-law Chen Wangda call her.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Chen Wangda pointed to Liu Fen, "A Fen and they are going to stay in the village for one night tonight. Her house has been away for a few months. How can people live in such a cold house? Go and help burn the kang."

Sister Chen thought, why did she use her as Liu Fen's maid?

But she dared not resist the authority of her father-in-law.

Tang Hongen declined a few words, and Chen Wangda insisted that he should not talk about outsiders and help each other.

Tang Hongen also thanked Chen Wangda for his kindness, so Mrs. Chen brought a few people from the village to help, set up the bed for him and Liu Fen, and warmed the room.

If you don't ask the Chen family for help, Chen Wangda might have to think about it.

Since others are willing to do it, why should Tang Hongen be tired by himself.

He didn't mind doing some work, but he was afraid that Liu Fen would be tired.

At his insistence, two rooms came out.

Sister Chen couldn't hold on for a moment, so she hurriedly left. Chen Sisao chased after him and muttered: "This is too good for A Fen. A Fen is really hard to come by. Sister-in-law, are you right?"

Chen Dasao looked far away from Liu's house, and she was not afraid that the other party would sneer after hearing it:

"How do you see that you are good to her?"

Chen Sisao looked at the fool's expression on her face, "A big leader, why bother to come here specially and scattered wedding candy everywhere? Isn't it just to tell the villagers that he and A Fen are going to get the proof."

No one got married without saying a word.

Don't give the villagers a chance to chew their tongues.

Liu Fen is indeed remarried dignified!

The man she married still respected her very much, and the marriage certificate was printed, and only had to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the formalities. In this way, people also said that they would clean up two rooms and come out...for fear that others would misunderstand that Afen is a frivolous and casual woman.

Sister Chen couldn't say anything to refute.

Those reasons to comfort oneself are self-deception.

The facts are in front of us, Liu Fen is married well. I am afraid that not only is the beauty of the face, but the lining is also extremely happy-men like the leader of Tang, let alone living with rural women like them, it is really even a chance to meet No!

Sister Chen felt so lonely all at once.

No matter how it compares, it feels too uncomfortable.


When people left, Liu Fen also hesitated to speak:

"You don't like Sister Chen very much?"

Tang Hongen has always been polite, this is Liu Fen's instinct.

Tang Hongen was a little surprised, "How did you tell?"

People outside said that his city was deep, because few people could see through his thoughts.

Tang Hongen didn't expect Liu Fen to feel his emotions. Is this foolish?

"I don't know, that's how I feel...really?"

Tang Hongen generally doesn't have such a big shelf, but she really made Sister Chen busy making the bed and tidying up the room. Liu Fen felt that this was an objection to Sister Chen.

"You, you are obviously very smart, but you have no defense against others, but you will not have the opportunity to deal with her in the future, and you don't need to care about her thoughts."

Tang Hongen wouldn't need to pay special attention to a village chief's daughter-in-law, if it weren't for A Fen's old family.

The little demon in the temple has a heavy air, and the water is shallow and overwhelming.

The overall atmosphere of the village is good, but it is not all friendly.

There are those who are as bad as the Tian's family, and there are also those who care about things like Chen Dasao, who don't want others to live better than her.

Let’s not say what kind of person I will introduce to A Fen. Sister Chen can release kindness to A Fen’s mother and daughter within a certain range, but she absolutely does not want to see A Fen’s mother and daughter live better than her family.

These country women are so boring than men and children.

Why don't you say that you compare yourself?

Being good for yourself can inspire your partner to become better, can be a good role model for children, can broaden your horizons, be confident and cheerful!

Tang Hongen thought to herself that a woman like Sister Chen would never understand why he liked Efen for a lifetime.

"A Fen, rest early in the evening. Tomorrow morning I will sweep a tomb for my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and we will go to the Anqing Civil Affairs Bureau to complete the formalities, and we will truly be a husband and wife."

Tang Hongen left this sentence and turned around and entered the next room.

Liu Fen stood still, slowly recalling, his cheeks were hot.

——To be a real couple, the two will not sleep in two rooms at night!

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