Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1262: : Secretary Peng gives wedding candy (4 more)


ICBC Office.

Sheng Xuan hurriedly walked into the office in a fitted suit.

Her recent life has been a bit difficult, but she wanted to meet Tang Hongen, but she failed to achieve her wish.

Without receiving her favor, the set sail still survived the difficulties safely.

Or, it’s not a problem, it can be easily solved.

But Sheng Xuan's life was sad. The former credit director Pan Yijun, who hadn't seen her before, is now biting her like a mad dog. He is observing her with a magnifying glass for 24 hours, trying to find out what is wrong with her.

But the leaders above still trust Pan Yijun.

Pan Yijun was suspended for investigation and was fine, and it was faintly rumored that Director Pan had a big background.

Sheng Xuan was originally airborne. There weren't many members of her own team. Pan Yijun was an old man here. With such a hard background, most people fell to him. It was very difficult for Sheng Xuan to start work.

The position to sit in is very important, and more importantly, there must be people and horses, otherwise it will be a famous head in the sky, a polished commander!

What Sheng Xuan was worried about was that Ying Jinchuan, who set sail yesterday, came to the bank to talk about repayment. The loan of 16 million yuan, even the principal with interest, can now be paid off in one go.

Qihang proved that he is a good customer, but now banks are unwilling to set sail for early repayment.

Interest will be low, and the bank's loan task will not be fulfilled.

This matter was still arguing, but it did not involve Sheng Xuan. This was what she was worried about. Qihang completely passed her and negotiated with the bank through Pan Yijun. The rhythm that completely emptied her... Sheng Xuan calmly, Ming Yan Her face was frosty, and of course she was not so easily defeated.

Tang Hongen would not like an empty vase. The bank's work is also very important to Sheng Xuan. She is not good enough, how can she prove that she is good?

Not good, and naturally not worthy of Tang Hongen.

Sheng Xuan told herself to calm down and straighten out work matters first.

Stepping into the office with high heels da da da da da da da da, the clowns who had been swept over by Pan Yijun surreptitiously looked at her, their eyes full of curiosity and inquiry.

Sheng Xuan was confused.

"Director Sheng, a government secretary Peng is waiting for you in the office."

Secretary Peng?

This secretary, who has been with Tang Hongen for several years, is definitely Tang Hongen's confidant.

Sheng Xuan couldn't help speeding up her pace, but there was an understated smile on her face:

"Oh, why doesn't he say hello first when he comes."

She has a relaxed tone, as if she is very familiar with Secretary Peng.

Such a performance was enough to make a bunch of people exchange inquisitive eyes.

Director Sheng, the paratrooper, is still familiar with the mayor’s secretary?

It is said that Director Pan has a deep background, and it seems that Director Sheng is not too generous.

Standing on Director Pan's side, will Director Sheng be liquidated in the future...A bunch of people are carrying ghosts, but she doesn't know that Sheng Xuan did it deliberately. She knows that there is such a person as Secretary Peng, but she has never dealt with it.

She wanted to get close to Tang Hongen's people, but she was afraid of arousing Tang Hongen's disgust.

"Peng Mi is coming here, you are welcome!"

Sheng Xuan greeted enthusiastically, the frost on her face had already melted away, and she took the initiative to shake hands with Secretary Peng.

Beautiful and warm and generous, this is Secretary Peng's impression of Sheng Xuan.

It's a pity that the leadership doesn't mean that. Secretary Peng has no sympathy for the other party. What he is about to do is a bit cruel, but sometimes he doesn't make it clear, and some people just like to pretend to be stupid.

Sheng Xuan was still thinking about Secretary Peng's coming, but Secretary Peng straightforwardly took out a box of wedding candy:

"Comrade Sheng Xuan, this is sent here specially by the leader."

The bright red wedding candy box stung Sheng Xuan's eyes.

"What does this mean?"

Secretary Peng sighed, "Director Sheng, you are a smart person. Don’t you really know what a leader means? The leader is already on wedding leave. What happened some time ago, the leader was very dissatisfied. It depends on Mrs. Song's face. Embarrass you... But Director Sheng, you have to know that some things are the same. Some of the words you released before are very inappropriate. Leaders don't want to hear similar rumors spread in Pengcheng. Director Sheng, please do it yourself. "

Give wedding candy and take wedding leave.

Secretary Peng's expression was straightforward enough.

Tang Hongen and Liu Fen are married!

This was a bolt from the blue for Sheng Xuan.

She still has many plans and methods that she has not implemented. Tang Hongen and Liu Fen are already married!

Tang Hongen has suffered a loss in marriage. Sheng Xuan thinks that without spending a few years missing a woman, Tang Hongen will not enter the marriage lightly. She still has time.

Tang Hongen didn't follow her pace at all!

Sheng Xuan's brain buzzed.

Is she out like this?

Her years of youth were all wasted on Tang Hongen.

Even earlier than others knew, she took a look at Tang Hongen.

Sheng Xuan found that she had lost her voice.

The door of the office is hidden. This is a common practice in the workplace. A man and a woman alone in a room can cause trouble. When Sheng Xuan came in, she didn't expect Secretary Peng to say this--that is, these words were all heard by outsiders?

Sheng Xuan squeezed out a smile:

"Secretary Peng, wish Tang Da for me...Mayor Tang, I wish him and his wife a happy wedding and a good relationship for a hundred years."

Secretary Peng's eyes narrowed. Sheng Xuan is really capable of bending and stretching. This woman is deeper than Ms. Ji's city.

If such a woman is stalking, she might still cause trouble to the leader.

Secretary Peng is absolutely not allowed!

It's not that he is facing Comrade Liu Fen, he is protecting Tang Hongen.

One divorce can't affect Tang Hongen's career. It was a divorce in a special period. There are too many similar situations in China. But after the second divorce and the third marriage, should his family leaders rise?

The tenderness to Sheng Xuan is the cruelty to the leader and to Secretary Peng himself.

Discovering that Shengxuan's city mansion was deep, Secretary Peng decisively made another cut, and he slightly raised his voice:

"The relationship between the leader and his wife is really good. Director Sheng, you must also strive to resolve the marriage issue as soon as possible. With solid family support, you can devote yourself to work. Director Sheng, are you right?"

The soul of gossip is completely burning.

Why do the city leaders give director Sheng Xuan a wedding candy when they get married?

Sending the wedding candy, he also emphasized that he had a good relationship with the newlywed wife, and also hoped that Director Sheng would get married soon.

Hey, Director Sheng is so beautiful, he is still single at the age of 30! Is this because she doesn't want to marry someone and has to devote herself to her work, or does she want to marry someone who doesn't want to marry her?

City leaders, wedding candy, persuading people to marry...It's really scary to think carefully!

Secretary Peng thought, is it just that you, Sheng Xuan, dare to talk?

The ugly words are at the forefront. If you dare to make rumors out of nothing, Secretary Peng will kill Sheng Xuan without Tang Hongen's action.

He doesn't care if the other party is a relative of the Song family or whether they are beautiful or not. Once Tang Hongen and Liu Fen are married, any woman who wants to seduce Tang Hongen to make mistakes is the enemy of Secretary Peng!

Secretary Peng was here to give the wedding candy, a sharp knife wrapped in the wedding candy, the cut Sheng Xuan's face turned pale, and her internal organs were in pain.

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