Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1266: : Arrange for me to meet Zhou's family (4 more)

"Is Uncle Zhao at home?"

Uncle Zhao wrapped in a cotton jacket and opened the door, with Liu Fen and Tang Hongen standing at the door.

The smile on Liu Fen's face could not be concealed.

She and Tang Hongen handed the wedding candy to Uncle Zhao, what else does Uncle Zhao don't understand:

"Is this married? Congratulations! Hey, my old man is also very happy."

Liu Fen let out a long white air when she talked. Tang Hongen asked her to put her hand in her pocket quickly and introduce her name to Uncle Zhao: "A Fen and I have just received the certificate. We will give away wedding candy to our neighbors. Thank you. Everyone takes care of Affin."

Tang Hongen had already prepared not only for sugar, but also for dispersing cigarettes when he met **** men.

Uncle Zhao smiled and took the cigarette: "Comrade Tang doesn't usually live in the capital, right? How about married?"

For this, Tang Hongen was more anxious than Uncle Zhao.

But the two had discussed before they got married. Tang Hongen didn't interfere with Liu Fen's continued business, so he couldn't just go back on his marriage.

"That's it. I work in Pengcheng. I can't move back for the time being. I have to live apart from Afen for a few years. They say that distant relatives are not as good as my neighbors. Please help me if I have something to do with my family in the future!"

Separation in different places is a big problem.

But for Liu Fen, the economic conditions are good, and if the couple want to meet each other, it doesn't seem to be a big problem.

Uncle Zhao had long felt that Tang Hongen was not an ordinary person, and he spoke politely, not really asking for it. Uncle Zhao agreed.

The relationship between these two is really good.

Many young people are not as affectionate as they look.

Experiences are all accumulated with age. Young people have a lot of tricks when they fall in love. If you want to say that you really feel distressed, it is Tang Hongen's age.

From beginning to end, Tang Hongen didn't say that he was the mayor, but his manners didn't shame Liu Fen from any household.

The two finished distributing the wedding candy and cigarettes in the alley, and Tang Hongen took Liu Fen and hurried home.

It didn't take long for them to get home from the airport before it started to snow. This weather is really the most suitable shabu-shabu.

"You really have a foresight."

Xia Xiaolan praised her grandma, and Grandma Yu took it all in order: "That's natural, it's still a bit useful to live longer than you for decades."

The two were talking, and Tang Hongen returned with Liu Fen.

Since meeting at the airport, Tang Hongen has led Liu Fen wherever he goes, regardless of the occasion, and whether or not the dog food stings others' eyes. If Tang Hongen knows Xia Xiaolan’s thoughts, he must say a few words about her. At the age of the target, can't he be considerate of the next elders?

What is the eye pain, just holding hands.

No country in the world prohibits newlyweds from holding hands!

Tang Hongen saw that the copper pot was set up and still grumbled open, so he quickly grabbed a bowl:

"Affin, what do you want to eat, I will adjust it for you."

The leek flower sauce tastes good enough to eat lamb, but the taste will not dissipate for a long time in the mouth.

Liu Fen wasn't really stupid, so he chose sesame sauce and some chopped green onions.

Xia Xiaolan and Grandma Yu looked at each other, and they were actually very happy.

Having been married, I naturally hope that Liu Fen and Tang Hongen have a good relationship. The couple are in love, and Xia Xiaolan and Grandma Yu are relieved. Both the old and the young are worried about Liu Fen, but they don't want Liu Fen to be impatient or impatient, because he has his own fate.

This shabu-shabu meal is lively.

After eating, Tang Hongen went to fulfill the promise he made when he pursued Liu Fen, and took the initiative to ask to go to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Liu Fen wants to help, he himself is not happy yet.

"I can't even wash a few bowls?"

The pan-fried buns are unpalatable because they have no talent for cooking.

But dishwashing does not require talent. Some men just put their arms around after eating, never help tidy up the dinner table, and plausibly say that they can't do it... Is there really anyone in this world who can't wash dishes? There are so many things in daily life that are more complicated than washing dishes. They are not stupid, but lazy.

Ignoring the woman's hard work, he sat down on a stool when he was full, unwilling to move.

It has been a long time to see people’s hearts, whether Lao Tang has just been married to earn performance, or is he persevering for a long time, and he can only tell after he has been able to.

At least so far, Lao Tang's performance can completely score 100 points, Xia Xiaolan is happy for her mother:

"You and Uncle Tang will definitely be happy."

Will it be happy?

Liu Fen also has visions.

If Tang Hongen has always treated her like this, Liu Fen will treat him as well.

Marriage is a mutual contribution, two people want to live a good life, there is no reason to be unhappy?

Mayor Tang Da cleaned up the kitchen and came out wearing an apron, looking very home:

"Xiaolan, your mother and I have obtained the marriage certificate. Should I also meet with Zhou's family?"

In the past, who Xia Xiaolan was with was her own freedom. Once this layer of window paper was pierced, Xia Xiaolan is now Tang Hongen's stepdaughter.

The son is not close to him, and there is no difference between a stepdaughter and a pro-daughter.

When Tang Hongen thought that he hadn't given permission, Zhou Cheng deceived Xia Xiaolan...From the standpoint of the old father, he was a little unhappy.

Tang Hongen was afraid that Zhou Cheng thought that Xia Xiaolan would be bullying her in the future without her father.

I'm afraid that Zhou's family thinks that Xia Xiaolan's family is ordinary, will neglect Xia Xiaolan, and will underestimate Liu Fen's family.

Lao Tang missed the trip before, and now he has to re-examine the Zhou family, including Zhou Cheng.

Inexplicably, Xia Xiaolan wanted to order some wax for Zhou Cheng.

After being repelled by her uncle for so long, now he adds another old comrade Tang.

As witty as Xia Xiaolan, knowing that you must definitely stand on Tang Hongen's side at this time, "Uncle Tang, I don’t know if you took a few days off, and it’s okay to meet Zhou’s family. In a few days, Zhou’s family will have a happy event. You can see everything at once. Zhou family."

Xia Xiaolan was talking about Zhou Yi's marriage.

Anyway, her mother had already prepared to go, and there was no reason to leave Tang Hongen behind.

"Happy event?"

This is the right occasion.

Tang Hongen decided to attend as soon as he heard it. Although he and A Fen did not hold a wedding banquet, he still allowed A Fen to enter the social circle of the capital.

But before going to see Zhou's family, Tang Hongen had other arrangements:

"I'm going to make a phone call and ask to see how to coordinate the time."

Who to ask?

Liu Fen also didn't know, Tang Hongen hadn't told her.

"Could it be that I saw the relatives of the Tang family?"

Liu Fen was at a loss.

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "No way. Didn't Uncle Tang say that I don't have much contact with relatives in my hometown?"

When Tang Hongen came back from the call and told Xia Xiaolan and Liu Fen to go to Xiangshan tomorrow morning, Xia Xiaolan suddenly realized that Lao Tang would take her mother and her to see Lao Song!

For such a legendary character, Xia Xiaolan would be nervous.

Grandpa Zhou Cheng is also very good, and he is much worse than Song Lao.

Moreover, seeing Grandpa Zhou, the other party regards her as a grandson's object, and will only be picky in this regard.

Old Song didn't feel that way towards her.

"Uncle Tang, do I need to pay special attention to anything?"

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