Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1276: : Quilt Party (4 more)

Xia Xiaolan's thoughts are similar to those of Zhou Wenbang.

He did not expect the Yuan family to purchase the things for the wedding so quickly.

Zhou Yi is also plausible:

"Dad, Yuan Han is very sincere. He sold all the antiques he inherited from the family in order to get married."

Just the Yuan family, and there are antiques from the family?

Zhou Wenbang sneered, thinking he hadn't checked the details of the Yuan family.

Counting three generations up, there are no people with a history, and there are valuable antiques that can be passed down.

It's not that the next broken bowl is an antique, and the rough-worked mass product will still be worthless in five hundred years. It can only be said that it has research value, and no one is willing to spend a big price to buy it.

Really valuable antiques must be exquisite, but they must be rare in the world, and even have special meaning.

Zhou Wenbang doesn't believe that the Yuan family can have heirloom antiques. This family is not righteous, and I don't know where they searched and obtained them from the chaos a few years ago... Just like the house where the Yuan family now lives in their hometown, the origin is not right.

It's a pity that Zhou Yi's mind was stuck with the paste, and words that were unfavorable to Yuan Han couldn't be heard at all, and Zhou Wenbang didn't bother to argue with her.

He has always done what he said. Since the Yuan family bought the wedding supplies according to his requirements, he saw that Zhou Yi had been absent-mindedly trying to marry all day and was crazy, so he set the wedding date directly, December 23, Monday.

Regardless of where the Yuan family was going to treat Zhou Wenbang, he only planned to invite a few tables in the hotel to let others know that Zhou Yi was married.

Zhou Yi didn't feel too rushed, but was very happy.

Zhou Wenbang warned her: "You have to move out after you get married. I don't care about anything else. You must go to your work as usual. When others are pregnant, you should also take a break. You can't work one day off. Don't think that you are married to Yuan Han. Everything is fine. If you don't listen to this, don't come back and beg me if you have anything to do!"

Zhou Yi was said to be ridiculous.

She also knew that her father and her mother hadn't calmed down yet.

Her father was so picky at her and Zhou Yi had to bear it.

Her mother was even more exaggerated. She only asked the nanny at home to take care of her, and she was indifferent to her.

Even so, Zhou Yi didn't dare to make trouble.

After finally getting married with Yuan Han, she is going to have trouble again. What will happen to her and the child in her stomach?

Zhou Wenbang spoke ugly, but they were all truthful.

Getting married is not all going to be all right. If her dad let go, Yuan Han's work problem will not be solved.

The Yuan family has been instilling in Zhou Yi that Yuan Han has a future before they can prove to the Zhou family that Zhou Yi did not choose the wrong person.

Zhou Yi's thoughts are similar.

For this, she was really obedient, even though she didn't want to go to work at all.

She eloped for so long without losing her job. Fortunately, she is the daughter of the Zhou family.

But when he returned to the unit, he was not doing the original idle job... At Zhou Wenbang's indication, Zhou Yi was changed to a position, which would not make Zhou Yi unable to start, but she needed her to work hard to achieve that intensity.

Zhou Yi didn't want to go to work at all, but just wanted to be with Yuan Hantan and act like a baby at Yuan Han.

She also reacted to pregnancy, she felt nauseous and nauseous at all times. It was so hard to go to work!

Unexpectedly, she didn't dare not go to work, Zhou Wenbang told her, she honestly lowered her head, dare not refute a word.

Zhou Wenbang looked at her and became angry.

Regardless of Zhou Yi, discuss with Jiang Hong in private.

Jiang Hong was weak and didn't want to worry about it: "It's fine to get by."

I changed to a normal mother-in-law. I heard that the son-in-law had found a new house, and bought new furniture and household appliances. If I didn't rush to take a look, Jiang Hong couldn't even mention it.

She is still evading the incident, and she is frustrated.

In the beginning, there was a contradiction between Guan Hui's and Guan Hui's in order to introduce the object to Zhou Yi. Now that I think about it, it didn't have to be that complicated at all. Picking any one is better than Yuan Han.

At least what others dare to introduce to Zhou Yi is that the **** family has a good family background, or the **** individual is excellent and motivated.

The college students who passed the exam from Dashan are also stronger than Yuan Han. At least they have never been married, and they dare not elope with Zhou Yi, and make a scene of kneeling at the gate with pregnancy and letting the whole city see a joke.

What makes Jiang Hong the most chilling is not that Zhou Yi doesn't listen to her, but that Zhou Yi doesn't care about her life or death.

How can love or not be more important than the life of your mother?

When she was sick in bed and couldn't get up, even outsiders like Xia Xiaolan knew something to care about. Zhou Yi's biological daughter only cared about being with men.

It wasn't the child Jiang Hong picked up, but she was born in October and raised her to her twenties. Can she not feel chilly?

Now, Jiang Hong would rather pick it up, so he doesn't have to be so sad.

His wife doesn't have the mental toughness of him. She is upset about this. She can't eat well and can't sleep. She is haggard and aging visible to the naked eye. The relationship between the couple has been a little weak in the past few years, mainly Zhou Wenbang felt that Jiang Hong could not keep up with his progress... After Zhou Yi's incident, the relationship between the two was re-bonded.

After more than 20 years of marriage, the only daughter is unreliable. From now on, the couple will take care of and support each other. Can they not get close?

Zhou Wenbang sat beside Jiang Hong:

"Listen to you, just go well on the big side. Don't give her the gold you have saved over the years. You don't need to give the money at the bottom of the box. Spend a little money on the bright side!"

Give Zhou Yi money, it's not cheaper for the Yuan family.

The savings in the family were saved by Zhou Wenbang and Jiang Hong’s salaries. Zhou Wenbang’s salary was high and the benefits were particularly good. Since private individuals could buy gold, did Jiang Hong just buy some gold and store it at home? It’s for Zhou Yi. Save the dowry.

Jiang Hong nodded after hearing Zhou Wenbang's words:

"The gold is not given, and the money is not given. I think that ordinary families marry their daughters, that is, buy two new quilts, and add a thermos and washbasin. I will also buy a set for Zhou Yi."

Jiang Hong didn't feel bad at all.

The money belongs to her and Zhou Wenbang. Zhou Yi has to marry someone they don't like, so why should she pay?

What happened to the dowry quilt, the Zhou family did not manage the Yuan family's dowry money, so naturally they didn't need to give a generous dowry.

Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang decided to make Zhou Yi a "quilt party." Zhou Yi, the party who didn't know yet, Xia Xiaolan knew.

"Your aunt is really angry this time, she took me to the street to buy quilts, and she randomly chose two quilts with the word'囍', and even the cotton wool core inside."

Guan Huimo complained to Xia Xiaolan.

Even if you marry a girl in the countryside and those who love your daughter, they will carefully prepare the dowry quilt. The quilt is carefully selected. The quilt is made by buying cotton. A mother like Jiang Hong who fools casually is probably only extremely patriarchal. Can only be seen by his family.

Xia Xiaolan didn't sympathize with Zhou Yi at all:

"Being benevolent and benevolent. If you have love, don’t have family affection. The family has fulfilled her love. You can't be too greedy and ask for the same affection. How can it be a good thing that both ends... Auntie Guan, sister Zhou Yi’s wedding banquet, my mother and I can Can't you take one more person?"

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