Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1280: : The Pen of God (4 more)

What kind of people would ask the wife's family for benefits at the wedding banquet?

Arranging a job was too easy for Zhou Wenbang... But to get Zhou Wenbang to agree reluctantly, Yuan's mother's sudden control was simply a daze.

Xia Xiaolan felt that today's wedding banquet was a bit dull. It turned out that the climax was waiting at the end.

Zhou Wenbang is so easy to deal with, Xia Xiaolan thinks Yuan Han is going to be cold.

Yuan Han reacted quickly:

"Mom, so what are you doing with this!"

This was definitely not instructed by him, Yuan Han was not so impatient.

Yuan's mother didn't think she had done anything wrong. The marriage certificate was obtained and the banquet was organized. Yuan Han was the son-in-law of the Zhou family.

Father-in-law is the leader, and son-in-law has no job. How can there be such a reason in the world?

Yuan's mother deliberately asked in front of Zhou's relatives, just to make it difficult for Zhou Wenbang to refuse.

The Zhou family relatives looked at each other, Zhou Wenbang seemed to have been prepared, even Jiang Hong was not too angry.

Zhou Wenbang didn’t talk to Yuan’s mother at all, and it came out that he was bullying. He only talked to Yuan Han:

"Yuan Han, your mother said that in order to buy things for the wedding, your family had spent all the money. In front of so many people, I would like to ask you, I said Zhou Yi needs something prepared by the man to marry, is it forcing you? Did you buy it? Did the Yuan family mention that the purchase of the four major items exceeded Yuan’s conditions? At first, Zhou Yi nodded and agreed. You also patted your chest to ensure that the four major items will be completed within half a month. Come and marry Zhou Yi again."

Zhou Wenbang doesn't need to say the rest.

What do you mean by crying poor at the wedding banquet after buying things in half a month?

What is it like to spread out!

Zhou Wenbang didn't scold anyone, and just a few words sent the cold sweat that Yuan Han said:

"Don't be angry. My son-in-law agrees to everything you buy when you get married. Xiaoyi is the daughter you and your mother-in-law have raised so much. How can you endure hardship with me? Naturally, she shouldn't let her lower her standard of living after marriage. "

Zhou Yi also felt that her mother-in-law was too anxious.


Her dad is really too, and he cares about something with an ignorant housewife.

Zhou Wenbang sneered:

"I won’t talk about the purchase of the four major items in advance. If the Yuan family is not satisfied, just bring the receipts for the purchase. I can give the money to Zhou Wenbang himself. Let’s talk about your work, Yuan Han, why did you lose your job? Yes, your family has no idea?"

Zhou Yi blushed.

Yuan Han was also speechless.

Zhou Wenbang was able to transfer him back to his original job.

But when he was expelled from the work unit, Yuan Han was absent from work for many days without reason.

At that time, he and Zhou Yi were hiding in the remote countryside and didn't go to work at the unit. The Yuan family also kept the secret of his and Zhou Yi's whereabouts. The unit couldn't find anyone, so of course he had to be expelled.

When Zhou Wenbang asked it out in public, Yuan Han could also hear the anger hidden in the words.

It was during that time that he made Zhou Yi pregnant... It's a ghost if Zhou Wenbang is not angry!

"My mother is anxious, she said something wrong, I apologize to you for her."

Yuan Han was very willing to face, Zhou Wenbang's expression was slightly sullen:

"Since your mother asked about your work arrangements, I also have an idea. Tell me if you can hear it. Zhou Yi has a job, but she is pregnant now. This girl has never had any hardship since she was a child. To take care of her, you can't just talk about it? I think you are not in a hurry to start working again, and wait until you take care of Zhou Yi and give birth to your baby."


Let Yuan Han stay at home and take care of pregnant women?

Xia Xiaolan almost choked on drinking water, Zhou Wenbang's trick is really a magical trick.

Zhou's relatives all wanted to laugh.

Yuan Mu was dizzy with anger.

Yuan's mother has never heard of someone who has to take care of a pregnant wife at home!

Which woman is not pregnant to give birth, Zhou Yi is especially delicate when she is pregnant?

Mother Yuan wanted to jump out to object, the sisters of the Yuan family pulled her hard, and then asked Mother Yuan to say something, it must be the little brother Yuan Han!

With so many people present, probably only Zhou Yi was the happiest.

She wanted to spend more time with Yuan Hantian, but her dad's request was considerate. During her pregnancy and childbirth, Yuan Han took care of her, and the relationship between the two would be closer.

As for Yuan Han's career delay for more than a year, Zhou Yi did not take it seriously.

After she has given birth to the child, it is a trivial matter to ask the family to arrange a better job for Yuan Han!

"Yuan Han, just listen to our dad..."

Zhou Yi winked at Yuan Han desperately.

Yuan Han's mood at the moment is too complicated.

He is ambitious, but suffers from no background, so he wants to find a wife with a family background.

Only now has I discovered that Zhou Yi's mind is simple, but Zhou's family is not easy to coax.

When Zhou's son-in-law wanted to bow his head slightly, Yuan Han was mentally prepared.

But Zhou Wenbang directly told him not to go to work and take care of Zhou Yi at home to give birth to a child. Yuan Han still felt a deep humiliation... The situation is stronger than others, and Yuan Han responded with a smile:

"I listen to you, I will learn how to take care of pregnant women, and I will definitely let Xiao Yiping give birth to the baby safely."

It's really enough to bear the humiliation.

Xia Xiaolan thought to herself, Yuan Han can bear it now, and he may decide how to retaliate against the Zhou family in the future, so Zhou Wenbang is right. Don't let Yuan Han get ahead for the rest of your life.

Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, the most energetic struggle is only for a few years. If similar things happen again a few times, Zhou Wenbang will be able to raise Yuan Han's supply.

Yuan Han agreed to Zhou Wenbang's request.

Yuan Mu was so angry that he didn't eat a bite of rice.

The wedding banquet ended hastily without the spirit behind.

I was happy all the time, but Zhou Yi was the only one.

When Xia Xiaolan left, she heard Mother Yuan reconciling her throat with the people in the hotel:

"A table costs hundreds of yuan, is this what you eat?"

If you eat dragon, liver and phoenix brain, you only have a hundred yuan per table, but you think about beauty.

The people in the restaurant explained patiently, "The money is for the tobacco, wine and tea for each table. The wine is Moutai, the tobacco is Chinese, and the wedding candy cake..."

Jiang Hong should have prepared these things, but Jiang Hong was fooled by buying quilts, so he simply asked the restaurant to buy them on his behalf.

A total of 400 yuan, Yuan's mother was arguing with others, Zhou Yi felt that she had lost her face, Zhou Wenbang's eyes swept this way, Yuan Han's heart beat quickly, and quickly gave the money.

At this moment, Yuan Han really had no money on him.

Fortunately, Zhou Yi's dowry can be topped.

Zhou Yi followed Yuan Han back to her new home. The small yard was clean and tidy. The walls were freshly painted. The roof tiles were also refurbished. There were new furniture and new appliances in the house, just like Zhou Yi’s conditions when she was in her family’s home. It's not bad in comparison.

Zhou Yi is fairly satisfied.

The two sisters of the Yuan family entered the house with a smile:

"Xiaoyi, you are still pregnant, shall we help you make the bed?"

Zhou Yi didn't know that she wanted to see her dowry, so she happily agreed.

It is said that the mother-in-law and the aunt-in-law are in trouble, Zhou Yi has no feeling at all. Yuan Han's two sisters are really good. Although the mother-in-law is not familiar with her words, she also greets her.

The Yuan sisters helped to remove the dowry.

Two new quilts, a washbasin, a thermos, and...Huh, gone? !

Sister Yuan was outspoken: "Xiaoyi, do you have anything left in your natal house?"

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