Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1335: : Come, first analyze your dad's psychology (1 more)

Xia Xiaolan became a proverb.

Until February 12, the fourth day of the Lunar New Year did not contact Zhou Cheng, Xia Xiaolan also personally went to the Northern Hebei Provincial Army Academy.

As a result, she was quite disappointed, and Zhou Cheng was not in the academy.

She had to ask carefully, and she was dismissed with a "no comment".

Xia Xiaolan thought:

"Where's Jiang Yan, can I find Jiang Yan from the communications class? I'm her friend!"

It's shameful, I didn't expect to claim to be Jiang Yan's friend one day.

But Jiang Yan has eaten so many pig's feet that she bought, is it okay to have a reputation?

However, Xia Xiaolan was still coldly rejected: Jiang Yan was not there either.

"The communication class has a New Year holiday?"

The sentry was very helpless.

What kind of vacation does the Army Academy take? Those students who come for advanced studies only have their own vacations. Xia Xiaolan didn't know whether Jiang Yan went back to Jinling for the holidays or whether to deal with something with Zhou Cheng. If it was the latter, Xia Xiaolan admitted that she had a subtle upset.

Guan Huimo really didn't need to be angry about her and Tang Yuanyue's scandal. This situation could not be completely eliminated from her, and it would happen to Zhou Cheng as well.

There are many girls who like Zhou Cheng, and Zhou Cheng can't be avoided by all of them.

Just like Jiang Yan.

Even the cousin of Da Yi Mie had been sold, and I was sorry for my family. Half of this matter was for Pan Baohua, and the other half was for Zhou Cheng. Everyone knew it well.

Jiang Yan did this, and he was also studying at the Army Academy. See you when you look up and lower your head. Is it possible that Zhou Cheng didn't say a word to Jiang Yan?

Xia Xiaolan can only leave with regret.

She arrived in Pengcheng on the 13th.

It took one day to make various arrangements for domestic affairs.

Du Zhaohui was waiting in Pengcheng before the Spring Festival to confirm that the money had been transferred to his account, and then Xia Xiaolan had a thorough talk with Du Zhaohui.

"Do you want to do real estate or manufacturing?"

"What's the meaning of real estate? Manufacturing is a multitude of things, you just said the specific point."

It took more than one million U.S. dollars to get Xia Xiaolan to consider it for him. Du Zhaohui listened carefully to every word and wanted to convert it into money. Xia Xiaolan's mouth popped out a tone of exclamation is worth it!

"Do you still use me to do real estate? Think about the rich people in Hong Kong. More than half of the ten have developed real estate into their main business. But if you want to engage in real estate in Pengcheng, simply buy If you build a house on the land, you may not earn as much money as your brother after one year. He doesn’t need the resources of the Du family, but there are so many people helping him.”

Du Zhaohui's face was ugly.

The truth is against the ears, Xia Xiaolan must be uncomfortable to tell the truth.

"But the option you gave me, as well as the real estate item, is not just to build a house, right?"

Du Zhaohui is not stupid, knowing that Xia Xiaolan still has something to say.

Xia Xiaolan nodded: "Naturally, it is not building a house. Have you ever thought about why Dong Dong would give you and Du Zhaoji 20 million Hong Kong dollars each, so that you can make more money in a year? This number is not too much, what if I want to see your business talents. Wouldn’t it be better to give 1 million Hong Kong dollars and create wealth miracles with small gains. If we want to win Du Zhaoji, we must first analyze Du Dong’s psychological expectations."

Give one million Hong Kong dollars?

"One million Hong Kong dollars can do some business!"

For him or Du Zhaoji, 1 million Hong Kong dollars is too little. Buying a good car is not enough. Probably only going to the dock to rent a warehouse or something... Du Zhaohui is full of disgust.

Xia Xiaolan glared at him fiercely, "I just started doing business. The cost is less than 100 yuan, and you are not satisfied with 1 million Hong Kong dollars!"

Du Zhaohui was surprised.

To be honest, he didn't know how Xia Xiaolan made her fortune. Although Xia Xiaolan's so-called wealth after her fortune is still inferior to that of the Du family who does not hold shares in the group, let alone the wealth of the Du family.

But as far as he knows, Xia Xiaolan's wealth has indeed grown rapidly.

Du Zhaohui and Tang Yuanyue calculated privately that Xia Xiaolan should be worth tens of millions of Chinese dollars and how she operated the Golden Sand Pool. Although the scale of the business is not large, Du Zhaohui has seen the trajectory of those wealthy old foxes in Hong Kong.

Du Zhaohui couldn't help but ask for advice humbly: "How can I do business with less than 100 yuan? Is there such a good profit in the mainland?"

That must be very difficult to earn.

"What kind of look in your eyes, I use all legal means, buy low and sell high, haven't merchants been like this for thousands of years? 100 yuan and 1 million start is not the point. The point is that Du Dong gave you 20 million Hong Kong dollars. This money is not more or less, it should not be for you to work hard to make money, nor is it for you to take risks, it is to test how you operate capital to get the most profit... I think this'profit' is not the profit figure on the book. To put it simply, if you take 20 million Hong Kong dollars and go to the stock market to kill a circle, and you have made tens of millions by luck, you are the new generation of stock gods, are you the successor to Du Dong?"

Du Zhaohui really thought about it.

It's not that there are no rich people who make their fortunes on the stock market.

But he came to Xia Xiaolan precisely because he didn't understand the stock market and didn't trust others. Who knows if the professionals who have been invited will be the ones who have been put in by others. After listening to the "suggestion" of the professionals, fortunately, they don't even have to wear underwear.

Or did he buy a deal out of luck, like Xia Xiaolan said, earning tens of millions by fluke, a new generation of stock gods?

No, it shouldn't be like this.

The old man tested whether they would have an **** for trading in stocks.

What the Hongrong Group does not want is an heir who can speculate in stocks.

When they are rich to a certain extent, they are secretly manipulating the stock market. The heirs of the Du family do not want to be stockholders themselves, but to deceive stockholders' money!

Du Zhaohui seems to have some ideas:

"You mean, 20 million Hong Kong dollars is not a lot. Is it the old man who wants to see how big a stall we can make?"

Xia Xiaolan snapped his fingers: "Congratulations on the right answer! With this realization, let's not overtake the Second Young Master Du, it should be equal to him. I think he is someone who has studied business in the UK. I can think of this."

This compliment is better than nothing.

Du Zhaohui's tolerance for Xia Xiaolan was amazing, so he only listened to the first sentence, when Xia Xiaolan praised him!

"Go on, Ohua, go and pour her a glass of water."

Ahua exited the room.

The next words, worth more than one million US dollars, are not what he should listen to as a bodyguard.

A Hua went out to pour water, but naturally it was a long time since he returned.

There were only two of them left in the room. They were in the same room with Du Zhaohui, who didn't seem to be a good person. It stands to reason that Xia Xiaolan should be nervous, but Du Zhaohui was inexplicably nervous.

He didn't know where to put his hand.

Xia Xiaolan glanced at him, what was the reason for this person in a trance, and she was talking about business:

"What I want to say next, you have to concentrate and listen! I think Dong Dong allows you to make enough'profits' in a year. You cannot simply regard profit as a monetary figure. 20 million is no more, no less. No matter which line you choose with Du Zhaoji, you can move it. The so-called “profit” is the overall influence. How much money you can make in a year, and whether you can continue to make money in the future? Is there any The need to continue to invest in depth, is it a success that can be replicated... How much help will the development of the Zhengrong Group be to the sale of houses and the rapid construction of residential communities in Pengcheng? You must put yourself in the lead and decision-maker of the Zhengrong Group From the angle of view, zoom in a little bit!"

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