Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1342: : Let Jiang Yan be Zhou's family? (3 more)

Zhou Cheng didn't speak yet, Pan Baohua slipped out of the ward with one arm hanging:

"Hello Mayor Tang! I'm Pan Baohua, Zhou Cheng's old company commander. This is all for my sake. That little girl Jiang Yan is young and naive, but she won't rely on Zhou Cheng when she wakes up... …"

Tang Hongen didn't speak, but looked at Pan Baohua.

Pan San bandit is a bandit, it depends on who he is in front of.

Tang Hongen is not only the great leader, but also Chengzi's future father-in-law, who has offended this great Buddha. Chengzi still wants to marry a wife?

Pan Baohua answered again, "It was Jiang Yan who was hurt because of me. If she wakes up, I will be responsible to her! It is best if she agrees to marry me. Anyway, if she doesn't get married for a day, I won't marry a wife for a day!"

Ah, isn't it just infatuation?

Let's consume it together.

Jiang Yan is so upright, you can't watch him play bachelor all his life, right?

Either find someone else to marry early, or Pan Baohua will have to smash with sister Jiang Yan himself.

Tang Hongen received a serious expression:

"Comrade Baohua, I heard Xiaolan mentioned you, you helped her a lot, the child really appreciates your care!"

Well, now I have become an affinity leader again.

Pan Baohua thought that he really couldn't play with these officials. If he didn't express his attitude, he would definitely not be able to change the smiling face of Mayor Tang.

Zhou Cheng also felt that the future father-in-law would be difficult to deal with.

Obviously Tang Hongen was still very kind when dealing with Kang Wei's car accident before. As soon as the other party's identity changed, his attitude toward Zhou Cheng changed drastically, with a vigilant displeasing to the eye...It was completely the old father-in-law who looked at the hairy son-in-law, and was dissatisfied no matter how they looked at it.

Tang Hongen is not Liu Fen, so sweet and sweet in front of him is useless.

Fighting hard with both hands and feet to cook can't earn performance.

Tang Hongen doesn't look at these empty-headed things, he points to the point!

Zhou Cheng took the conversation:

"Jiang Yan was injured so badly, Pan Sange and I can guard, but we are not Jiang Yan's family. Follow-up treatment will require her parents to come forward. I have notified Jiang's family."

Jiang Yan's parents should be on the way here.

Jiang Wu was arrested, and Jiang's family was also in chaos.

Jiang Wu did not escape, Zhou Guobin confirmed that he was indeed caught.

Zhou Cheng didn't know what he had to rely on... Maybe Jiang Wu thought the three of them were dead?

Jumping a few seconds later, there is indeed no hope of surviving. Zhou Cheng and the three are considered to have recovered their lives.

Tang Hongen finally calmed down: "What you did is right, it's time to inform the Jiang family."

There must be a melee. Zhou and Jiang’s family. Zhou Cheng arrested Jiang Wu. Jiang Wu almost killed Zhou Cheng. In the end, the most injured was his cousin Jiang Yan. It was a mess. .

Tang Hongen can help Zhou Cheng or not.

If Zhou Cheng is not a match for Xia Xiaolan, Tang Hongen doesn't need to wade in the muddy water.

Finally, is Zhou Cheng the target of Xiaolan? Hehe, others have admitted that Tang Hongen has not passed this level yet, he has to see how Zhou Cheng handles the current troubles.

Some men are very good in their careers, and dealing with things in life seems like no brainer.

This kind of man needs a woman who is willing to be a good helper behind her wholeheartedly!

If Xiaolan wants to be a good internal helper, Tang Hongen is reluctant. She is a very good girl. She has her own career in college. Why can't she be wonderful by herself and sacrifice her future to make a man wonderful?

If Zhou Cheng or Zhou's family dare to think like this, Tang Hongen would really hit someone with his sleeves rolled up.

"Uncle Tang, Xiaolan has already left the customs at this time, right?"

Zhou Cheng couldn't help but ask this.

Tang Hongen said quietly: "Which gate do you name, Pengcheng to Hongkong? I think the plane is almost to Tokyo!"

Even if there was no big bang, according to Zhou Cheng's original time to rush to Pengcheng, Xiaolan would not be able to send Xiaolan away.

Zhou Cheng was really silent at this time.

Is his daughter-in-law not wronged?

The two have met since the Jinshachi sales, and later he ran a lap abroad and was completely disconnected.

Can't come back during the Spring Festival.

Going abroad can't keep up with wanting to send it.

Zhou Cheng could think of Xia Xiaolan looking back out of the customs one step at a time.

Tang Hongen didn't go back at all, but waited in Yangcheng.

When Jiang Yan was sent to the hospital for four children, Jiang Yan's parents finally rushed to the hospital. Jinling is more than a thousand kilometers away from Yangcheng, and it takes more than ten hours to drive, and there is no such suitable flight by plane. It can be seen that Jiang Yan's parents still thought of some special methods.

Jiang Yan's mother came in tears, but Jiang's father had an ugly face, and he didn't give a good face when he saw Zhou Cheng.

Pan Baohua jumped out, "Uncle, aunt, and Xiaoyan are all because of my injuries, I will be responsible!"

Mother Jiang raised her hand to hit Pan Baohua, "You are the evil spirit, really the enemy of our Jiang family..."

Isn't it the enemy?

Jiang Wu was so good, he was scrapped by Pan Baohua.

Want to kill Pan Baohua in revenge, and people protect Pan Baohua, only to expel him from the military.

Since Jiang Wu became a useless person, the Jiang family has been shrouded in low air pressure.

Some people also proposed to train Jiang Yan. Jiang's mother refused. A girl's family always performs dangerous missions. What frontline to go to, can it be guaranteed that nothing will happen again?

Then this Pan Baohua didn't know what kind of drug he had given Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan didn't even want her family reputation, so she secretly took a copy of the document and ran out to report Jiang Wu?

Anyway, when she and Jiang Yan's father received the news, the Jiang family was in chaos, and they also came to Yangcheng under great pressure.

Yes, not only Pan Baohua, but also the boy from the Zhou family.

Mother Jiang turned her gaze and finally saw Zhou Cheng who was leaning on the wall: "Jiang Yan doesn't even want a home for you. Now she is not in the family. If you don't protect her, she will die without a place to be buried! Zhou Cheng, As long as you have a little conscience, you shouldn't pick up the **** evidence that she stole, and you shouldn't instigate her to report her cousin personally... Now you want to give Xiaoyan an explanation, what are you going to do?"

What is asylum?

Naturally, I married Jiang Yan.

From Jiang’s daughter to Zhou’s daughter-in-law.

The Jiang family lost a Jiang Wu and gained a powerful in-law, at least not without gain.

If Jiang Yan is of use, the Jiang family will not completely abandon her. It is because of the Zhou family's face and will not use family methods to deal with her. Jiang Yan's life can be saved!

Pan Baohua put his arms around and severed, "Auntie——"

"Shut up! I'm not asking you. You can't even protect yourself. Do you ask Xiaoyan to follow you as a pirate? I'm asking Zhou Cheng!"

Mother Jiang looked at Zhou Cheng.

Jiang Yan's father hasn't spoken all the time, and it seems to mean the same thing.

Tang Hongen walked back on the street, and heard this when he was halfway up the stairs. What the Jiang family said was interesting. He also wanted to hear Zhou Cheng's answer, so he stood at the top of the stairs, for fear that Zhou Cheng would see him later. Not good.

Zhou Cheng thought about it for a while and confirmed it again:

"You mean, let Jiang Yan be Zhou's family, she will be safe?"

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