Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1376: : Have you heard of electronic dictionaries?

Xu Jing and Ma Hai are not beggars.

Although they came to ask Xia Xiaolan to "beg for money", there is a difference between begging for investment.

Begging is taking other people's things for nothing, and investing means paying off.

The two of them had Xia Xiaolan's contact information and asked about the address of Wen's house. They came by car from New York, but were embarrassed to come and interrupt, so they squatted outside and waited.

However, Xia Xiaolan came back by car today. Professor Wen’s house looks really good. Both Xu Jing and Ma Hai are in high spirits. Xia Xiaolan is really rich. As long as they can persuade each other to invest, the project will be saved!

The two are embarrassed, Xia Xiaolan thought for a while:

"Go, find a place to sit down and talk slowly."

There is a coffee shop in Ithaca, which is at least a place to talk.

The new car Xia Xiaolan mentioned today is the first time that Xu Jing and Ma Hai have been manned. Du Zhaohui has a lot of opinions on this point. He still had to figure out the origins of these two people, Xia Xiaolan didn't greet him together, and he still followed cheeky.

Xia Xiaolan didn’t stop either. There are opportunities to make money everywhere. Xu Jing and Ma Hai took the initiative to send them to the door. She hasn’t analyzed whether it is reliable or not, and she is not afraid of being cut off by Du Zhaohui... Maybe Xu Jinghe Ma Hai's so-called "investment" far exceeds Xia Xiaolan's budget. If Du Zhaohui wants to do it by himself, Xia Xiaolan will not mind.

When he arrived at the cafe, Ma Hai, who was still outgoing, broke the embarrassment:

"Student Xia, you said at the party that Old Xu could talk to you when he was sober. Isn't that counted?"

Xia Xiaolan was speechless, "Brother Ma Hai, what are you doing in the cafe if it doesn’t count? Let’s say, what are you and Brother Xu Jing doing? Where are you going? How much investment is needed now, I want to have everything. The understanding of the location can determine the next step."

The next step is to invest or not, how much money to invest.

The two were also confused about who Du Zhaohui was, but this person didn’t say anything. He didn’t look like he was short of money when he was dressed and dressed. Didn’t some people say that friends of the rich are still rich? Don’t Mahaiba have one more potential investment People can listen to it-in case there is no cheating...Bah, baah, you are wrong, if Xia Xiaolan is not attracted to invest, it is the same for this young man to be interested.

"That's it. Have you ever heard of something called an electronic dictionary? You can find its meaning by typing in a word. You can switch between the two languages ​​freely. You can think of it as a kind of microcomputer..."

Xia Xiaolan studied architecture, and Ma Hai was afraid that she would not understand, so she wanted to make the explanation simple.

Electronic dictionary!

Of course Xia Xiaolan knew this stuff.

The first time she saw a physical object in her last life was around 1994. The classmates used it to learn English. At that time, it cost hundreds of yuan. Xia Xiaolan, a poor man who worked and saved her tuition, could not afford it.

Slowly, there are more and more classmates using electronic dictionaries around her. She doesn’t know if it helps to improve her English performance. Several brands, such as Wenquxing, Noah Zhou, and Backgammon, are doing electronic dictionaries. The students’ money is really good. !

Xia Xiaolan became interested, and she straightened up:

"You two made an electronic dictionary?!"

She is a little skeptical.

This thing should not have been invented by the Chinese, including pagers, big brothers, and mobile phones. These electronic and communication products were all introduced to China from abroad. In the first few years, pagers could only display phone numbers. Later, local companies in China came up with Chinese characters display. This thing can see other people’s calls and messages, and can also see what weather is pushed, stock information, etc. It is considered to have entered thousands of households.

There was doubt in Xia Xiaolan's voice, and Xu Jing blushed slightly:

"No, it was not invented by us, but Ma Hai and I think this thing is useful and want to make it into an English-Chinese version..."

Xia Xiaolan couldn't help but glanced at Xu Jing more.

"Brother Xu, you have a lot of ideas. Come and talk about it carefully. Can you bypass other people's patents when you make this thing with Brother Ma?"

Can be bypassed, it is called independent research and development after being inspired.

Can not be bypassed, it is called a cottage.

However, a lot of domestic technologies come from this way. If there is no copycat, how can manufacturing in China start? Laying the foundation for the cottage first, and then independent research and development, this can be regarded as the survival of many brands.

Xia Xiaolan actually understood quite well, Xu Jing and Ma Hai were both surprised.

Xu Jing also spoke more carefully:

"It doesn’t matter how powerful this thing is. Let me tell you briefly about the composition of this electronic dictionary system. It requires three parts: one is storage, which records the content and information of the dictionary; The stored information is regarded as a text, and a machine is needed to read the text, right? This is why Ma Hai said it is a microcomputer, and software is required to run when it comes to browsing and retrieval. Running equipment generally includes reading equipment and output Equipment, input equipment; the third is to control the outside..."

Xia Xiaolan did not interrupt Xu Jing.

These things were told to laymen in 1986, most laymen will be confused, such as Du Zhaohui on the sidelines.

In 1986, many people did not understand computers. At the moment, many people understand personal computers as expensive typewriters and game consoles!

Later generations of electronic and digital products are becoming more and more popular, and they are updated every year. Non-computer professionals can also say something about this common sense.

So Du Zhaohui did not understand, but Xia Xiaolan did.

After Xu Jing finished speaking, Xia Xiaolan asked him:

"You want to make the English-Chinese version of the electronic dictionary, and you are dissatisfied with the retrieval speed and storage space of the existing version. You want to upgrade these things. Of course, you can't just rely on the two of you to terminate the contract. These things have to be commissioned by a company with technology. Produced, and your biggest problem is that you don’t have money?"

"But we compiled a better running software--"

Ma Hai couldn't help but excuse.

Xia Xiaolan smiled, "Software? If the hardware can't keep up, the software is useless, let alone whether the software is good or not, I haven't seen it with my own eyes."

Xu Jing and Ma Hai are on the right path.

There will really be a market for an English-Chinese bidirectional electronic dictionary. Why do Chinese people have to learn English for many years?

It is always easy to make money for students. Parents in China have never spared money investment in education. Although Xia Xiaolan feels that electronic dictionaries are not necessarily useful, it is better than selling game consoles in the name of learning machines!

If Xu Jing and Ma Hai told her today that they had discovered that Nintendo’s game console could be a copycat, and they worked out the "Little Overlord" game console that will dominate middle and elementary school students in China for many years, Xia Xiaolan may turn around and leave. ——Now she thinks she can be rescued, but Ma Hai and Xu Jing don’t understand her very well, thinking that what Xia Xiaolan said means rejection, Xu Jing anxiously pushes the information he brought to Xia Xiaolan:

"Student Xia, can't you know more about it? You can also follow us to New York to have a look. In our residence, there are samples assembled by ourselves!"

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