Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1382: : Capitalists do not do charity! (2 more)

Of course, Xu Jing and Ma Hai initially started doing this, not necessarily to make a lot of money.

Many students now have passionate dreams. They see good things and want to make them usable by Chinese people. Such people abound.

Leading advanced technology and ideas back to the country is what it means for the country to send students to study abroad at public expense.

It's just that Xu Jing and Ma Hai spend more money in the process of creating an English-Chinese electronic dictionary. They alone can't really get this thing out.

Xu Jing and Ma Hai are also very straight men. In their vision, the display and keyboard of the electronic dictionary are still integrated, because the English-German version in the United States is designed in this way.

This can be improved.

"This is a single item in English and Chinese? Input English words to find Chinese meaning, but you can't input Chinese words to find English..."

Xu Jing blamed the embarrassment, Xia Xiaolan didn't embarrass them, but just said the future direction.

Any product is being introduced from generation to generation. The first generation product wants to be perfect, not to mention that the current technology can't reach it. Manufacturers who do this are also looking for their own dead ends! Take the later generations of electronic and digital product manufacturers, can they not produce higher-performance computers and mobile phones? If you have the technology in your hand, you can't let it go all at once, otherwise, what's the selling point of the new product next time!

Xia Xiaolan was initially quite satisfied.

The environment in the basement is terrible.

Ma Hai is anxious, "Student Xia, we really didn't lie to you. The current technology is definitely mature. As long as we have follow-up funds, you will see a mature prototype within two months at most!"

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "I didn't say that you are liars. If I believed Xiang Li, I would not come here with you. To be honest, do you think this is like a place where you can talk about business?"

Mahai immediately went into a conversation.

The underground garage, the ventilation is not very good, and the two men are not very particular about living. It has a strange smell.

It's rare that Xia Xiaolan stayed here for so long, and even Xiang Li pinched his nose when he came back.

"You are right, go up and talk, go up and talk!"

"Let's go, I will take you to the law firm."

Since it is necessary to invest, it is better to standardize the procedures.

Both Xu Jing and Ma Hai said that finding a lawyer is very expensive, but Xia Xiaolan doesn't care: "I have spent all the big money. Will I save a little money?"

She called Winmany for consultation last night, and Winmany also suggested that she get a formal contract. If she is sure to invest, she can go to the law firm to find Winmany.

Now Xia Xiaolan will take these two people to the law firm.

Nor is it a 40% share of US$20,000 as Mahai said, or a 40% share of US$15,000.

"US$60,000, do you want 60% of the shares?"

Is 20% more worth of shares?

No one invested in them at all!

Xu Jing and Ma Hai have also been attacked by others, and they have no confidence in themselves until now. Whether this thing can be successful is still unknown, but Xia Xiaolan's generosity is outrageous.

For 20,000 US dollars, Xia Xiaolan gives 60,000?

Was the US dollar suddenly worthless, or was Xia Xiaolan too rich and used the money as paper?

How much is 60,000 U.S. dollars converted into Chinese currency? According to the official exchange rate, it is more than 200,000 points! In fact, ordinary people go to the bank with 210,000, or even 310,000 Chinese currency, and they don’t exchange it for less than 60,000 U.S. dollars... The official exchange rate is for ordinary people to watch, and the bank does not allow ordinary people to exchange Chinese currency for US dollars. Business.

If you want dollars, you can only go to the black market and change slowly.

Luckily, I can get six or seven yuan for 1 dollar. With bad luck, it costs eight or nine yuan, or even ten yuan for one dollar.

On the other hand, Xia Xiaolan brought the 60,000 U.S. dollars back to China and slowly exchanged it. It could be exchanged for more than 420,000 Chinese dollars.

"So much money has been given to us?"

Xia Xiaolan knocked on the table, "This is the agreement I asked the lawyer to draft. It is best for you two to read it clearly one by one, and then whether or not to accept the $50,000 investment."

"First, we must first register a company in New York. Second, try to avoid other people’s patents and apply for your own patents. Third, when the finished product reaches the market sales standard, you have the right to first buy the remaining shares. 1% of the shares are worth $1,000..."

Ma Hai was dizzy looking at the complicated agreement.

Neither of them studied law, and they rarely deal with lawyers.

Xu Jing grasped the key point: "When the electronic dictionary is produced, do you want to kick us out?"

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "You continue to look down, there is still content."

Xu Jing and Ma Hai have two choices.

Otherwise, according to the plan of 1% worth 1,000 US dollars, before the electronic dictionary can be put into production, the product will be sold to Xia Xiaolan, and she will pay another 40,000 US dollars at the current price.

In other words, she spent $100,000 to buy out the finished product. As long as the two people reduced the cost of R&D and design to less than $100,000, they made the rest.

If Xia Xiaolan wants to use the English-Chinese dictionary for a one-time sale, it doesn't matter to these two people.

The second option is to follow Xia Xiaolan back to the country to set up a factory. The three people cooperated to put the electronic dictionary into production. At that time, the shares of the two people would definitely be diluted, because Xia Xiaolan had the money to continue to invest, but the two did not. They used pure technology to buy shares. Xia Xiaolan They are not indispensable, how can they be allowed to occupy 40% of the shares?

At that time, it is necessary to re-negotiate the shareholding ratio.

What is unfair is that when Xia Xiaolan sold her own shares, she was able to use the market price instead of the current 1% price of $1,000.

Xu Jing and Ma Hai share 40%. If they want to sell, they can only sell it to Xia Xiaolan at the current price. Unless her brain is suddenly kicked by a donkey and doesn't want to buy it, they can sell it to others.

Xia Xiaolan has autonomy. She can sell to whom she wants to sell. Now she has spent $60,000. As long as she can find a buyer, it is her freedom to sell for $600,000!

"This is not fair! You are a capitalist!"

Faced with Ma Hai’s accusation, Xia Xiaolan smiled and nodded:

"Of course I am a capitalist, business belongs to business, friendship belongs to friendship, if I were not a capitalist, could the 60,000 dollars given to you fall from the sky? Brother Ma, now it is the funds you two need, not I am not yours. Technology is not possible. I only need to know the technical direction of the English-Chinese electronic dictionary, and I can find others to research and develop. To be honest, if I return to China to find someone, the technicians of those electronics factories will have brave men under the reward, and it will not cost 60,000 US dollars. , You can copy your current progress and even make mature products!"

"You, you..."

Ma Hai didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

I thought it was Jiao Didi's wealthy school girl, but I didn't expect it to be a sesame-filled glutinous rice ball with a white face and a black heart. This agreement prevented him and Old Xu from retreating at all.

Looking at Xia Xiaolan's smile again, Ma Hai felt so terrible. If it were not for the face of the big man, he really wanted to shout "Mom, help, I want to go home"!

Xia Xiaolan is not guilty at all, "Although I am a capitalist, I am also very conscientious. Now I leave you aside to develop this product. You have nothing to do with me, right?"

Oh, these two idiots, La Investment showed her all the information, thinking she didn’t understand——

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