Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1384: : Pay off debts and start again (4 more)

In the evening, Xia Xiaolan met Wenmani's husband Claus.

Klaus is a surgeon.

Doctors, lawyers, and accountants are all occupations that Americans cannot do without. Some people even say that these three people represent the three main aspects of American medicine, law, and business. Part of the lifeblood of Americans lies in the hands of these three people. , It can be seen how popular it is.

The law school is expensive and difficult to pass, and the medical school is the same, and it takes years of hard work to get from a medical student to a degree like Klaus.

It's useless to be diligent, it's really terrible to have no talent.

Although Wenmani used Klaus's frequent business trips as an excuse to cover up the fact that the two have separated, Professor Wen and Hu Ying could not doubt it, but also because Wenmani's lying was a mixture of true and false, and Claus was a small well-known surgeon. , It is true that he travels frequently-the surgeon's business trip, if not attending medical conferences, or going to other cities to "fly knives".

In the evening, Hu Ying prepared a sumptuous dinner to celebrate the rare gathering of the family.

Klaus raised his cup and apologized, "I was too busy lately. Connie went back to Ithaca to see you, but I couldn't accompany him."

Hu Ying can understand, not to mention Claus, her own daughter is also very busy!

If Wen Mannie is like this, what reason does Hu Ying have to accuse Klaus?

In the United States, there is no saying that a daughter-in-law must serve his in-laws, and a son-in-law does not have to please his parents-in-law. When parents have problems, they must solve them by themselves. If they can’t handle them, they will trouble their children instead of throwing things to their son-in-law or daughter-in-law.

Of course, if the children’s partners are willing to be close to them and respect them, the family relationship will be more intimate and harmonious.

Klaus is a standard American son-in-law. He is very enthusiastic every time he meets. He has exceeded the average level. Hu Ying and Professor Wen have become accustomed to them.

Xia Xiaolan is the only face to live in Wen's house for a year, Klaus did not ignore her:

"Xia, you are welcome to America! Connie did not study architecture, and he found a doctor like me. You made up for the regrets at home and let us have one more young man studying architecture!"

Klaus laughed when he said that, Winmany was afraid to take him home when she fell in love with him, because the Wen family said that it is okay for her daughter to study architecture and want a son-in-law who studies architecture.

As a result, Wen Manni found a doctor like him, and Professor Wen was upset for a long time.

Finally, based on Wimani’s happiness, he blessed his marriage with Wimani.

Speaking of this, Klaus couldn’t help but look up at Winmany, who happened to look up too... Connie is still so beautiful, as she initially attracted him. What destroyed their love and made the two hate and indifference to each other. So that you want to separate?

Like he and Connie said, the two should really try again. After so many years of relationship, they are not willing to separate like this.

There was a little tenderness in Klaus's eyes.

Xia Xiaolan noticed that Hu Ying's posture with the knife and fork seemed to be more relaxed.

Although Xia Xiaolan didn't say it, Wen Manni also covered it up well. Could it be that Professor Wen and Hu Ying really didn't realize that their daughter's marriage was about to hit the rock?

Xia Xiaolan had a faint feeling, Hu Ying and Professor Wen must have known, so the two of them suddenly wanted to come to New York.

This "raid" brought Winmanie and Klaus together again.

If you want to pretend to be affectionate in front of your parents, maybe you can really awaken their former affection?

Xia Xiaolan suddenly felt that Hu Ying and Professor Wen were both amazing, and she could also feel and learn this kind of quiet life wisdom.


Xia Xiaolan was treated as a family member, attending the Wen family gathering.

Xu Jing and Ma Hai exchanged the check at the bank, then turned out the IOU and went to pay back the money they owed each other one by one.

The distance is from near to far, regardless of the amount.

These two were taught by Xia Xiaolan. They had just taught them how serious the consequences of breaching the agreement were. Without paying back a share of the money, they both asked the creditor to write a receipt.

The reputation in the circle is too bad, and many people have no hope, thinking that the money lent to them has been lost.

Xu Jing and Ma Hai were able to pay back the money, which really surprised the creditors.

Some people will inevitably ask questions.

Ask them if they have made a fortune.

Xu Jing and Ma Hai also used the same attitude they had dealt with Xiang Li before, keeping tight-lipped about Xia Xiaolan's investment in their project.

"Whether we need money or not, we'll leave it to others. If the money is not enough, we may not be able to return it to you."

The creditor snatched the check: "Yes, why not, who knows where the two of you got the money, we don't care if the police come to you!"

The robbery in the United States is as arrogant as the "road tyrants" and "road bandits" before China's crackdown. The crime rate is too high. Everyone is accustomed to using checks instead of cash wherever they go. Including international students, when you arrive in the United States, you must first open a personal account, and then collect your checkbook, eat and stay in the store, and you can pay by check for everything.

What he would carry on his body is nothing more than a small amount of money to prepare for the subway and other transportation trips.

Of course, there will also be cases where the check cannot be cashed... This is either the account is frozen by the bank, or it is malicious fraud.

When Xu Jing and Ma Hai paid back the money, they also questioned them in this way.

Ma Hai tried to get angry with his neck, thinking that others were creditors and they owed money, the fire was abruptly endured.

No matter what people's attitudes towards them are now, if they were willing to lend them money before, the love will be accepted.

"You can go to the bank to cash it first, and then write us the receipt when you see the money. Man, thank you for the most difficult support for me and Old Xu, really, thank you very much!"

Ma Hai lowered his posture, but the other party was embarrassed.

"You two paid back the money you owed everyone. Isn't it difficult?"

The pieces add up, I'm afraid there are thousands of dollars, it is strange, where did these two people get such a large sum of money!

Could it be that project of theirs, there are really big people who are willing to invest... Then you can also get to know the rich people!

Xu Jing and Ma Hai kept their mouths tight, but their actions to pay back the money one by one still reached Xiang Li and Li Yong. Li Yong is well-known among foreign students, and there must be someone whispering about it.

At that time, Xiang Li was complaining to Li Yong, saying that Xia Xiaolan was stupid, and she turned around and told Xu Jing and Ma Hai what she had kindly advised:

"I have to look for her in the morning. There is no one at home, so I have to wait till noon, so I can only come back first!"

It's useless to have money. He is really a country boy who has just gone abroad. He doesn't know how his family teaches him, so he doesn't wink at all.

When Xiang Li complained, someone whispered.

Li Yong frowned when he heard that Xu Jing and Ma Hai were still in debt everywhere.

"It seems that what you said had a counterproductive effect. Xia Xiaolan still believed Xu Jing and Ma Hai's words and really invested money for them."

"Not necessarily?"

Xiang Li didn't want to admit that she ran to Ithaca and returned without success.

Li Yong cut the key point: "Except for Xia Xiaolan, the two people can't get money from other places. I don't know how much Xia Xiaolan invested in them so that they can clear all the external accounts... Xiang Li, this sister Xia , There may be more money than I estimated!"

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