Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1391: : Boss, you have the final say (1 more)

Power and wealth will increase the competitiveness of men.

The courtship of male birds in nature will also make a beautiful nest to attract female birds. Humans are just higher primates. Female instinct will also choose stronger males. In primitive society, this standard is that they can catch enough prey. In feudal society, there was a lot of land at home. In modern society, it is natural to have power or money.

It's better to have both!

Men who have the power and wealth naturally know their own advantages. Self-confidence will make them more comfortable in front of women. They have confidence in speaking and doing things. When they are put together with a careful man who buckles and buckles, women will choose who to be their partner. It goes without saying!

Li Yong’s idea cannot be said wrong. Even in mainland China, where the atmosphere is still simple, a man with an urban registered permanent residence and a formal job is always a hot seller in the blind date market... There is only one exception, if he looks particularly handsome. , What kind of household registration, formal work, have become secondary.

However, there are some women in the world who can get what she wants through her own struggle and are extremely obsessed with the process of this struggle. A man's power and wealth are not very attractive to her.

Li Yong is quite confident, but I don't know that Mr. Harold Wilson was so confident.

Money and power?

In the United States, the money is right, and the law is almost set for the rich.

The rich can mobilize too many social resources, and they can even unite to manipulate elections!

Therefore, he has both power and money, and any smooth and smooth object that can clearly illuminate the shadow of the person is telling Harold that he is fortunate to inherit the excellent appearance of the Wilson the diamond king who can't find the flaws, meet By Xia Xiaolan, self-confidence was also torn apart!

If Harold knew Li Yong's arrogant thoughts, he would inevitably cast a contemptuous look and let the other party realize it by himself.


Why did he talk to a small international student and waste time on worthless people? It is very inconsistent with Harold's values.

Anything in the world, anyone, can actually be priced, and so is "time".

Can't money buy time?

A normal person has 24 hours a day, sleeps 7-8 hours, and has to do cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and other trivial chores. How much time does this take?

If you have money, you can hire people to do these things, so you can buy time!

Spending time on Xia Xiaolan is not a waste. It looked pleasing to the eye, and it was very interesting. Harold was too full of what he said before, and now he regrets it vaguely, and finds a less obvious excuse to pick up the words that were uttered before. Fortunately, Xia Xiaolan is at Cornell University. As an exchange student.

What does Cornell University have?

Have a strong professional in hotel management!

As long as you are willing to use your brain, there is still a way.

Harold overlooked the night view of Queens from the top floor.

He didn't know why he did this. His interest in Xia Xiaolan didn't dissipate when he returned to China. It may be stupid Carl's report. It may be the first time he was frustrated in years. Harold didn't want to go into details. If he is interested, go close.

He picked up the phone and dialed:

"Do we have a donation to Cornell University before? Arrange it as soon as possible and interact with the university a little bit more. Only hotel management majors? If you open a hotel, you can only deal with hotel management majors, huh—"

Harold said, "Oh", so scared that the other side of the phone gave a series of guarantees.

People thought of the way, and the Boss suddenly became interested. Even if he wanted to get involved with Cornell University's School of Agriculture, the people below had to work hard to discover the inner connection. The big deal, saying that Mr. Harold suddenly paid attention to the development of agriculture in the United States... The Boss just wants to make a request. It is these people who do the specific things. They always have to be able to prove their value before they can get it from Mr. Harold. Salary!



"Xia, come on!"

"Are you confident to win?"

A person has too much attention, both good and bad. When the time for Professor McCarthy to check his homework is approaching, there are more and more people walking on campus to greet Xia Xiaolan.

They don’t have to be malicious, but these people think it’s very interesting. If you use the bet between Xia Xiaolan and Jonathan in the professional class to bet, more and more people are participating, and the influence completely exceeds that of the construction major. The whole campus...Xia Xiaolan has no opinion on this. What's **** is that these gamblers ran to her to brush up on her presence, actively greeted her, asked her about the progress of her homework, whether she was confident, etc., and then told her that they Suppress Jonathan and the team will win.

What a jerk!

It was really only Daniel who thought she and Richard would win.

Even Nancy gave Xia Xiaolan an encouraging hug while telling her shyly that she was pressing Jonathan to win the group.

"Xia, it’s too short for you to come to Cornell. If there is a bet on next year or next year, I will pressure you to win, and I will use our friendship as a guarantee!"

Xia Xiaolan stared, "I will return to China next year!"

Nancy laughed, "Sorry, I was wrong, so I'll go next semester."

The situation is too severe.

Even if it is a joke, the three of Richard are under great pressure.

They won’t lose a piece of meat if they lose, but the label of “Loser” really needs to be firmly attached to them, and they are only the second semester of their sophomore year, and they will stay in Cornell for a long time. Thinking about it is also a nightmare. .

Xia Xiaolan told Zhou Cheng over the phone.

When Zhou Cheng heard her complaints, she actually enjoyed it a bit, and swallowed her going abroad. Now, don't let Xiaolan be distracted. It's already determined. It's better to give her this surprise.

"Xiaolan, you enjoy it, you really like Cornell University!"

Xia Xiaolan did not deny: "Yes, I like it here. Huaqing University is also very good, but Cornell University is another kind of good, I don't know how to describe it, but the exchange students this year are really worth it! "

Xia Xiaolan has to worry about many things in China.

When she arrived at Cornell University, she became a runaway horse, swimming freely in this academically rich but tolerant university.

"I will definitely pressure you to win. If those people don't understand you, you haven't lost."

Women need to be soft, not so aggressive, they will be more cute-shit, what Zhou Cheng likes is Xia Xiaolan, who has always been determined to make progress.

He can't fall too much either.

Although the duration of the advanced studies was less than two years, which was barely a year and a half, Zhou Cheng was about to take the advanced study completion exam.

Is the junior college level the same? It's a bit worse than his wife.

But it was just a refresher course. The time he actually spent studying was less than one and a half years. As long as he kept the habit of studying in the future, his knowledge would always accumulate.

Zhou Cheng hung up the phone and walked into the examination room prepared for him alone.

One candidate, two proctors.

"Zhou Cheng, are you ready?"

Zhou Cheng nodded, "I have been preparing for a long time!"

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