Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1396: : My Xia always has no face? (1 more)

Daniel's question is precisely the meticulous masterpiece of Harold's men.

Boss said that if there is no trace, if it looks like a coincidence, like a "fate", the most normal thing is to deepen cooperation with the hotel management profession.

Isn’t it weird to add an architecture major?

But if the College of Agriculture is also added, one more construction major will be less obtrusive, right?

After all, there is a cooperation with the Agricultural College... Oh, Wilson Hotel wants to provide guests with the best organic food, can't it cooperate with Cornell Agricultural College to cultivate organic vegetables?

As for the construction major, Harold's men were brain-wounded.

It can only be said that in order to promote the newly opened hotel in Washington, Wilson Hotel decided to sponsor an on-campus design competition for the architecture major.

The architecture major belongs to the Cornell School of Architecture, Art and Design. This design competition is aimed at the entire school of architecture.

Daniel had questions, and the news spread, and the students of the School of Architecture were ecstatic.

Daisy was very excited:

"Xia, the first place in this competition can get a prize of 50,000 US dollars! God, this is too generous, 50,000 US dollars is enough to complete college!"

The cost of schooling at Cornell University is at least about $10,000 a year.

Xia Xiaolan was a little confused: "So generous, which company did you just mention sponsored?"

"Wilson Hotel! They also sponsored hotel management and agricultural colleges. I heard that they are going to cooperate with Cornell in many ways!"

Xia Xiaolan's eyelids jumped when she heard the Wilson Hotel.

This is a coincidence.

She just met Harold a few days ago...

But for her to sponsor a design competition for the School of Architecture?

Her relationship with Harold is not so good!

Xia Xiaolan cast aside the thought, "Daisy, do you want to participate in this competition?"

"Of course you have to participate, the first place is 50,000 US dollars, the second place is 30,000 US dollars, and the third place is 10,000 US dollars-these are all nothing to do with us, but in addition to these three awards, there will be 10 special prizes. , A prize of $2,000, can't we compete?"

Classmate Daisy is a little swollen.

I just took an A from Professor McCarthy. With Xia Xiaolan in the same group, Daisy also felt that it was the peak of her strength recently, and the school of architecture was like a cloud. She dared to win the prize!

Xia Xiaolan didn't know if she should praise Daisy for her promise:

"You mean, take the design of the Electronic Commerce Plaza and register for the competition? What about Richard and Lyle, have you asked their opinions!"

As soon as Xia Xiaolan’s voice fell, Richard and Lyle had come together: “Xia, let’s take part in the competition! 10 winning prizes will be selected, 2,000 US dollars, and we can split the prize equally... NO, you have contributed the most to the group, you You can get more bonuses. If we win the prize, I propose that Xia get 1,000 dollars alone, and the remaining 1,000 dollars will be divided equally between the three of us. Do you have any objections?"

"I agree!"

"No one objected!"

Xia Xiaolan chuckled, Richard was more promising than Daisy, so she came straight to the "winning prize". As for the top three, she didn't mention it at all.

It is impossible to get the top three, this is Richard's assessment of the strength of their team.

But for Xia Xiaolan, it doesn't matter if you don't participate in the competition. If you participate in the competition, you will be mixed with a winning prize. Are you embarrassed to write it in your resume in the future?

"During his studies at Cornell University, President Xia participated in the college's architectural design competition and won the tenth place..."

——Haha, this kind of introduction sounds nice?

Xia Xiaolan snapped two fingers, interrupting the trio group who had already cheered up:

"Hey, guys, listen to me! I agree to participate in the competition. The distribution of bonuses is also a trivial matter. Of course, we are equally divided. We are in the same group, and the work is the result of everyone's labor. These are not the main points, the main point is everyone. Our goal is too low. If we want to participate, we have to rush to the top three! Daisy, you know the most news. For you, besides the generous bonus, what are the benefits of the top three?"

Daisy's face flushed, and Xia Xiaolan's goal was too high!

But the top three must be treated differently.

"I heard that although this competition is only for students from the Cornell University School of Architecture, the judges are not only professors from this school, but also invite partners from large firms... There is another news that has not been truly confirmed. I heard that the top three teams in the competition may be invited to participate in the design of Wilson’s new hotel!"

Daisy was breathing fast.

She, Richard, and Lyle didn't know that the Electronic Commercial Plaza Xia Xiaolan wanted them to do was a real project. If they could participate in the design of Wilson's new hotel, such an experience would be even more precious than a high bonus!

This is a precious "first time" for the Daisy trio.

The "first time" of most architecture students will only happen after entering the office. They can participate in the architectural design of five-star hotels as sophomores, which is enough for them to enter the world-class architectural affairs in the future. The stepping stone.

Didn’t you say you want to squeeze into Jonathan’s circle?

If everyone seizes this opportunity, they will not only squeeze into Jonathan's circle, but also lead Jonathan and squeeze into a smaller circle!

Said by Xia Xiaolan, Daisy was full of desire to take the top three.

The chance is very slim, but if you don't try it... Daisy won't be reconciled!

Xia Xiaolan recently gave them inspirational chicken soup, and with the first victory in the hands of Professor McCarthy, Daisy and others are no longer as unconfident as before.

"You have to sign up for the winners, and you have to sign up for the top three. The same application form is filled in!"

Daisy makes a fist.

Xia Xiaolan was happy: "You are right, and the registration will not let you write down how many places you want to win. If you don't get it, you will be ridiculed. Besides, as long as it is a competition, who doesn't want to win the first place! Even shout out loud. Goal, are we still afraid of others' ridicule?"

There are so many people who are not optimistic about the group, so it's not like asking them to win the next "A".

Lyle suddenly reacted:

"If we take the top three and use the design to be given to Professor McCarthy, then the professor will definitely give us all an A at the end of the term?"

Needless to say.

So now, both goals are the same way to achieve it, so what else can be said.

Xia Xiaolan and Daisy went to get the registration form.

"Individual participation and group participation are acceptable, and the maximum number of group participants shall not exceed 5 people."

The four-member team happens to be eligible for the competition.

If the number of people is small, there will be fewer people who will divide the prize money. Winning the first prize alone will definitely be very impressive. But that possibility is too small, only half a month of preparation time, it can't be done by one person, right?

A design competition stirred up the entire school of architecture.

To mobilize students’ creative and design enthusiasm, such activities, colleges and schools are strongly supported ####中午好~

Today, I won’t make a mistake in the order of the chapters o(╥﹏╥)o

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