Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1398: : Why did he graduate early! (3 more)

Xia Xiaolan also explained to Daisy what the "Flower of Gaoling" is.

Ning Xue not only refused Xia Xiaolan's team invitation, but other people who heard that she was alone also invited her. Naturally, Ning Xue didn't agree with them.

So capitalists are evil. When they are happy, they come to the school to sponsor a competition. They also engage in this kind of competition rules that allow free team formation. The registration deadline is only three days. Before the deadline, the registration information is allowed to be changed... People change back and forth. A stable team like Xia Xiaolan's team is rare. Several participating teams have actually caused conflicts, and many of them have changed temporarily.

Friends have conflicts, lovers quarrel, why bother.

Since Ning Xue doesn't join, Xia Xiaolan's team doesn't plan to add people anymore. The new team members will have to spend time running in. After the registration deadline, the time to deliver works is only half a month, so how can you have time to run in new team members.

Xia Xiaolan arrived in the United States in mid-February, just over a month in a blink of an eye. Approaching April, Xia Xiaolan thought that Zhou Cheng's birthday would be in late April. She also specially selected Zhou Cheng's watch as a birthday present.

Zhou Cheng always liked watches, and Xia Xiaolan and him also had an agreement to send new watches every year.

Watches represent time, and it is quite romantic to interpret it deeply. The love of time is always there every year!

In the past, you had to trust someone to buy a Rolex, but now in the United States, Xia Xiaolan can go to the mall to choose slowly, with a wide range of options, and she can also control the price.

Her own watch is more than 200 US dollars, and it is slightly more expensive to buy a branded mechanical watch for Zhou Cheng, which is only more than 300 US dollars.

There is no shiny diamond, but the style is good. Xia Xiaolan thinks it suits Zhou Cheng's temperament.

This is Xia Xiaolan’s opportunity to go out of "tolerance" to do private affairs. Since he wants to take the Electronic Commercial Plaza to participate in the competition, it is even more necessary to sculpt the details. On weekends, Xia Xiaolan drove Daisy three people around to visit those hypermarkets. Want to get inspiration to improve the overall design.

There are several types of large stores in the United States:

The first is supermarkets. This model later affected the world, even in China, there are also all kinds of large supermarkets.

People's daily life is inseparable from supermarkets, which provide daily necessities, from various ingredients to processed foods, as well as kitchen supplies, newspapers, and books.

"This model is not suitable for electronic commercial plazas. Choose electronic products by yourself?"

Don’t be funny, don’t say if those electronic products are left unattended, will they be slapped by others, will they be broken by bears and children, without enthusiasm and meticulous sales, most Chinese consumers are confused about what electronic products are going to be. Use.

Can't choose the product that suits you, and finally leave the store empty-handed, without leaving the money in the customer's pocket, it is the most failed plan!

For the same reason, vending stores are not feasible.

"Only Mall!"

Yes, there is only Mall, which is now a mature pedestrian business district in the United States.

The concept of "ShoppingMall" was introduced by Foshan two years ago. In 1982, Foshan City built a five-story commercial retail mall with 13 commodity departments and western restaurants, amusement parks, concert halls, dance halls, and rooftops. The garden, the beauty and skin care center, and the makeup art photography department are named "Xinghua Shopping Mall". Once it opened, it was very popular because of the complete range of products and services. No bills were needed to buy things. It has been popular since 1982.

The example of "Xinghua Shopping Mall" is also a good material for Du Zhaohui to persuade the Pengcheng government.

Xia Xiaolan used the SEG Plaza in his memory to design for Du Zhaohui, and wanted to integrate the Mall concept. This was the new design.

In two days, Xia Xiaolan carried Daisy and the three people around the Mall.

In 1986, the most famous retail giant in the United States was not Wal-Mart.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, Sears has occupied the top position in retail sales in the United States. In the Mall field, Sears is a well-deserved big brother, and Xia Xiaolan's four mainly go to this store.

There are Sears in every major city in the United States, and Xia Xiaolan went to shops in New York and Washington.

The town of Ithaca is about the same distance from Washington and New York City.

I went to Washington on Sunday.

All the fuel, accommodation, and food expenses along the way are all four people AA.

In this regard, Xia Xiaolan still appreciates American culture, and no one takes advantage of others. Whether it is classmates or friends, they can get along more equally.

There are two major seasonal events in Washington, DC, one is Christmas, and the other is the flowering season that begins on March 29 each year.

Thousands of cherry blossoms surround Potomac Park, and straight daughters like Xia Xiaolan can't walk.

"This is the place to fall in love!"

It would be great if Zhou Cheng was there.

This thought came to Xia Xiaolan's mind.


Spring is here.

The willows are stripped, and the flowers are spit. China and the United States are in the northern hemisphere. The United States is spring, and China is also spring.

Xia Xiaolan was enjoying the cherry blossoms in Washington, and Zhou Cheng received the certificate of completion of advanced studies from the leaders of the college in advance.

An outstanding student cannot escape.

In advance of the exam, Zhou Cheng passed all the subjects.

He saluted the college leaders.

The leader also said a lot of words of encouragement, and only when Zhou Cheng was about to leave the college did the students who were with him get the news.

"You kid, too impatient!"

"Okay, everyone has graduated in two years. You have only stayed for a year and a half and are leaving?"

For a year and a half, we trained together, took classes together, and performed tasks together. The students who originally came from various units have now become familiar with each other.

Zhou Cheng took a picture of his roommate: "There is no banquet in the world. Don't be so hypocritical, you may meet again. Although I graduate first, I will still keep in touch with everyone!"

That is, Zhou Cheng can graduate first in one and a half years, so why not allow others to leave?

From November 1984 to April 1986, Zhou Cheng left the original unit for a full year and a half, and then went back. The regiment headquarters was still the regiment headquarters, and his battalion was still there, but there were a few soldiers he led here. During the period, he was discharged from the army, and Zhou Cheng was also very embarrassed.

"Captain Zhou is back!"

The regiment didn't hear Zhou Cheng's name for a long time. Alchemist Zhongchu, who had a rift with Zhou Cheng, was a father. It was when he was proud and happy, and he didn't hate Zhou Cheng that much.

"I didn't mean to study for two years, why did Zhou Cheng come back so soon? Could it be that he made a mistake and was returned by the Army Academy?"

I don't hate Zhou Cheng so much, it doesn't mean that I like Zhou Cheng suddenly, and Fang Shizhong's mouth is still so bad.

Gao Fei has not seen Zhou Cheng for a year and a half.

She has never been successful with Zhou Cheng, and now she has just given birth to her daughter for more than a month, and the fat she gained during pregnancy has not lost, and she is not too embarrassed to appear in front of Zhou Cheng.

It's not that she still likes Zhou Cheng, how can she have such a deep relationship?

What's wrong, she and Fang Shizhong even had their daughters born!

Gao Fei lifted up the clothes to breastfeed the child, while Shizhong said, "You go to the regiment department to find out. What is wrong with Zhou Cheng's completion of the business early? Come back, don't mix up your chances of promotion!"

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