Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1415: : You want to give it to me, don’t you want it (1 more)

"What do you ask Zhou Cheng to do?"

Song Zhicheng thought, don't be naive, Liu Fen and Tang Hongen marry, so Sheng Xuan is not settled, Song Minglan is going to grab Zhou Cheng back... Song Zhicheng is not a moral hobby, he is afraid of his father getting angry.

No one was indifferent to the old man's anger, just being angry damaged the old man's own body, and that was also a great loss for the entire Song family.

The Song family is inseparable from Mr. Song. All children and grandchildren know clearly that they hope that the old man will live a long life!

Song Zhicheng was wary, Song Minglan couldn't laugh or cry:

"Dad, there are no men in the world!"

Yes, Zhou Cheng has a good family background, he worked hard enough, and he has a bright future at first sight, and he is so handsome that makes his heart pounding!

So what?

Is she Song Minglan only worthy of picking up Xia Xiaolan's leftovers!

It's not impossible to **** it over to play, it can make Xia Xiaolan sad, and Song Minglan feels relieved.

However, Song Zhicheng is afraid of Song Lao. Isn't Song Minglan afraid?

The Song family does not say what they are doing internally, but when externally, they really maintain the image of Song Lao.

Song Minglan still had the handle in Xia Xiaolan's hand, and she couldn't bear the reputation of robbing her boyfriend... If Xia Xiaolan was really an ordinary rural girl, Song Minglan would grab it, and outsiders would never know. However, Xia Xiaolan is now Tang Hongen's stepdaughter, and it is impossible to pass this kind of loss silently. It is too ugly for Song Minglan to handle.

Forget it, this outstanding man with no shortcomings in the world is not only Zhou Cheng.

He said he was not interested, but his eyes kept looking towards Zhou Cheng.

Song Zhicheng was a little worried, "Ming Lan, don't mess around."

"Dad, where did you think about it? I'm thinking about something else. Let me ask you for a little favor, and give Zhou Cheng a holiday for the security personnel accompanying the inspection group. If you come to the United States from a long distance, you will definitely see each other. Girlfriend."

Song Zhicheng was puzzled, what the **** was this?

Seeing his girlfriend, Song Zhicheng didn't understand how Minglan had anything to do with him. Song Minglan came to New York just a week earlier than him, so he was in a hurry to do a good deed. When did he become so familiar with Tang Hongen's stepdaughter.

Song Zhicheng was not afraid of anything else, just because Song Minglan was confused, and what he wanted to do for Sheng Xuan.

"If I don't say the reason, I won't help. If others don't see each other, what does it have to do with you!"

What's Sheng Xuan?

It's just his wife's cousin.

When they are useful, they are wives and sisters. They have no value of their own, and they are relatives of Song's Ba Lu.

There is no shortage of such relatives in the Song family. As long as Song Zhicheng wants it, there will be a large group of them voluntarily posted at any time. It is certainly not worthwhile to influence Ming Lan for Sheng Xuan and then Song Zhicheng himself.

Song Zhicheng disapproved, Song Minglan grabbed his arm and acted like a baby: "Dad, you help me, just this time, I promise it's not a bad thing!"

We can't talk about the party. Song Minglan was embarrassed when she was fooled by two foreign students when she first arrived in New York.

However, Song Zhicheng agreed with her, but she was crooked.

Song Zhicheng is not the head of the inspection group, but he can talk to the cadres led by the Ministry of Economics and Trade. Song Zhicheng has decided that this is a trivial matter.

"Do not leave a name for good deeds, not a true hero, but an idiot."

He told Song Minglan this sentence.

Soon, the bus pulled a cart of people to the booked hotel. Due to the financial relationship, the place where the heads of the inspection group lived is really not good. This is worth learning from later generations of cadres who go abroad for business. Food and housing are secondary, and the country's foreign exchange reserves can be saved. Less, it’s all in US dollars, it’s impossible to be unconscious.

When he arrived at the place, Zhou Cheng followed the team members to carry the luggage.

As soon as the plane landed, Zhou Cheng's heart ran in the direction of Ithaca.

But the quality of the soldier is still there. Before he left, he had agreed with Captain Fang that he could move freely in New York, but he needed to wait for the delegation to settle down before Zhou Cheng could leave the group in a low-key manner. If someone asked, Captain Fang would say Send Zhou Cheng to do something else.

Zhou Cheng was carrying his luggage, Song Minglan did not enter the hotel with Song Zhicheng, but took the initiative to walk towards Zhou Cheng:

"You are Zhou Cheng, aren't you? Hello, my name is Song Minglan. I just met Xiaolan the day before yesterday. Does she know that you are coming to America?"

Young lesbians talked to him, and Zhou Cheng always stayed away.

If he has to pay attention to all of them, there is no time to do business. 24 hours a day, he will have to deal with the care of women when he goes out to eat and sleep. The rest of the time... Go to see him specifically.

However, Song Minglan said that he knew Xiaolan, Zhou Cheng immediately showed his courtesy:

"Hello Comrade Song, do you know Xiaolan?"

Song Minglan nodded and smiled, "Of course I know, Xiaolan's mother married Mayor Tang Hongen. Mayor Tang has a very good relationship with our family. Xiaolan and I are not outsiders. This time my father was also on the inspection group and mentioned If you want to accompany you to the United States, I guess you are here to meet Xiaolan. It's not as famous as to meet. I've heard of you a long time ago!"

Song family.

You have such a good relationship with Xiaolan?

What a nonsense.

Do you think he doesn't know the reaction of the Song family to Liu Fen's marriage to Mayor Tang?

Zhou Cheng has kept the frequency of making a phone call with Xiaolan once in two or three days, but he has never heard Song Minglan's name mentioned by his daughter-in-law.

What Song Minglan said, all the information was true, but it was all artistically processed... Zhou Cheng didn't believe a word.

He didn't know why Song Minglan wanted to talk to him, and there was always nothing wrong with being vigilant.

"Thank you Miss Song for caring about me and Xiaolan."

He nodded politely to Song Minglan, and walked forward with his luggage.

Song Minglan was a little confused.

Who is this guy, just a pretty face, a dull gourd?

Zhou Cheng's legs were still long, and he was walking like flying with luggage. Song Minglan finally caught up with him.

"Oh, I didn't tell Xiaolan about your coming to the United States. I asked my dad just now. You are not allowed to move freely in the United States and the discipline is very strict. But don't worry, I just asked my dad for help. He greeted the group leader and allowed you to—"

Zhou Cheng finally stopped, there was no surprise on Song Minglan's face, but speechless.

This Song Minglan is really too enthusiastic.

Does he need help from the other party?

I have already talked to Captain Fang, leave the group secretly, and come back quietly, no one knows where he has gone.

Song Minglan now asks Song Zhicheng to "apply for leave" with the head of the delegation, not to mention that the leading cadres of the Ministry of Economics and Trade will not be given leave. He will disrupt his plan at once, and how can he leave the group secretly.

The entire delegation knew that he had come to the United States to meet his girlfriend.

Zhou Cheng's expression was wrong, Song Minglan felt it too, she didn't finish her words.

Zhou Cheng endured his anger, his voice was calm, but his tone was serious:

"Miss Song, I am very grateful for your enthusiastic help, but I don't need it. In fact, you and Mr. Song ignore me and pretend not to know me, which is the greatest help to me and Xiaolan. Mr. Song hasn't spoken yet, right? , I will meet him personally!"

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