Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1418: : Feeding rewards (4 more)

Xia Xiaolan was flushed with her dear's ears, and Zhou Cheng didn't let her go until she had some symptoms of hypoxia.

It was only a second or two, and kissed her fiercely again, and plausibly said that she couldn't bear her breathing difficulties, and she wanted to pass the qi to her-who taught Zhou Cheng this mess.

"Zhou Cheng, I found that you have changed a little!"

Become more domineering, and more selfish.

In the past, Zhou Cheng would not kiss her like this on campus. At most, when no one secretly kissed her, holding hands was afraid of bad influence.

This kind of kiss in the teaching building simply cannot happen!

"Xiaolan, this is America, you are right, Cornell University is a good place."

Spiritual freedom, freedom of behavior, this may be the United States.

Zhou Cheng came to the exhibition for two days with the delegation, and felt the violent conflict between two different cultures.

If you have an idea, you must express it boldly. It fits Zhou Cheng's mood, and he doesn't need to hide his enthusiasm.

It won't cause Xiaolan trouble.

On the contrary, it can drive away some mad bees and butterflies. If you don't kiss, you are a big fool!

Xia Xiaolan also understands Zhou Cheng's caution, just as she held Zhou Cheng's hand to "declare sovereignty", and Zhou Cheng kissed her in public, also stamping her.

Declare that she has a master!

Hahaha, Xia Xiaolan wanted to laugh: "Do some people have a sense of crisis?"

Zhou Cheng held her hand and didn't speak, so a man would not admit this kind of thing. It was a sign of weakness and unconfidence.

"I have no conscience, so I don't ask how big a circle I have tossed in order to come to the United States."

If you don’t listen, isn’t it right?

Since Zhou Cheng disappeared for two months without any news, Xia Xiaolan didn't want to be as empathetic as before.

Lesbians don't complain, and men will definitely become more and more excessive forever.

Xia Xiaolan broke away from his embrace, "You came to the United States specifically to show your merits to me? Let's go, I will fulfill your carefulness. You have eaten in the Huaqing Canteen, and you should also go to the Cornell University restaurant to show up. , I'm hungry!"

The big meal is the biggest, Zhou Cheng's long legs can keep up.

"Do you know someone named Song Minglan?"

"Yes, what happened to her?"

"I don't know her well, she made her own way and almost broke my business."

Zhou Cheng didn't even want to understand why, Xia Xiaolan couldn't help but laugh after hearing what he said. "It turns out that this is what she said to be humane. It's really a shame that she can bear it. It seems that you have already known that you are going to the United States with the delegation. Thankfully, she didn't tell me the news in advance, and the surprise you prepared was completely ruined."

Xia Xiaolan briefly talked about the party.

Zhou Cheng grasped the key point at once, "She is afraid that you will sue."

Ms. Song San is really interesting. If it wasn't for Xiaolan to meet her, wouldn't she also acquiesce in others spending money to organize parties for her?

However, Zhou Cheng also knew what Song Minglan was afraid of. The leading family cherished feathers and fame. He raised the family's name to cheat for a meal. No one could lose this person... or be given some clothes by Xiaolan. Now, Song Minglan is a bit unlucky.

Thinking of Song Minglan's own proposition to pay the "hushing fee", Zhou Cheng added:

"Song Minglan should thank you, if it weren't for you to break, she would have endless troubles."

It's not easy to build a good reputation. Two or three generations of people have worked hard to manage it.

But it's too easy to destroy.

Regardless of those overseas students who want to please Song Minglan, if they can go abroad to study, half of them may have backgrounds in their homes. Song Minglan’s incident was spread back to China, which really discredited Song Lao.

Song Minglan himself is also, no matter how young, when others think of it, it is the bad impression left by this incident.

"Then I should really ask her for the hush fee. Zhou Cheng, what do you eat, is the steak set okay?"

Zhou Cheng asked her to sit down and said, "I'll go order. Let's eat the same thing."

Zhou Cheng personally came forward and settled the order easily. Xia Xiaolan later realized: "Hey, your English has improved a lot. No wonder you can find a place for my class."

Zhou Cheng knows her class schedule.

But it is not easy to find where to take the class.

Cornell University covers an area of ​​3,000 acres. Didn't Du Zhaohui walk around for several days?

Thankfully, fortunately for Zhou Cheng to come here, people at the school will never mistake Du Zhaohui as her boyfriend again!

Zhou Cheng cleared his throat, "I have a few things to say. Let me talk about the improvement in English. I just passed the exam a few days ago and graduated from the Army Academy ahead of schedule. Now my degree is not as good as yours, but I will continue to work hard. "


Xia Xiaolan is happy for Zhou Cheng.

But after studying, what level is Zhou Cheng now?

After junior high school, could it be a secondary school... Xia Xiaolan held back a smile.

Of course Zhou Cheng understands her thoughts, "It is a junior college equivalent, and there will be opportunities for further studies next time. I can continue to take the exam and promise not to shame Comrade Xia Xiaolan!"

That's really good, Zhou Cheng directly jumped twice in a year and a half.

Xia Xiaolan cut the steak into small pieces and fed it to Zhou Cheng: "Study earnestly, it should be rewarded!"

Zhou Cheng bit the steak into his mouth.

The beef fed by the daughter-in-law is exceptionally tender and juicy.

After swallowing the beef, Zhou Cheng also felt that the atmosphere was too good to be destroyed.

"The second thing is that after I finished my advanced studies at the Army Academy, I returned to the original army and moved up a small rank."

Formerly a battalion commander with the rank of major, wouldn't he be a deputy regiment if he raised a small rank?

The promotion didn't mention the title, so Zhou Cheng said it was a junior.

Xia Xiaolan cut another piece of beef:

"Work hard and be rewarded! Ah, open your mouth~"

It's really bearable.

I have to surprise her at once, and tell her everything when she arrives in the United States.

However, Xia Xiaolan also admitted that sharing joy face to face can double this joy. This is Zhou Cheng's academic and career progress together, Xia Xiaolan will naturally be happy for him.

Another piece of loving beef.

When talking about Jiang Yan, would Xiaolan poke him with a steak cutting knife?

Zhou Cheng decided to adjust the order:

"The third thing, my uncle asked me to bring you a message. The education department has approved the student plan you wrote. My uncle is the person in charge of the docking at the Ministry of Education. He said he is ready to face the recruitment of colleges and universities. A group of volunteers."

This is not something that can be solved by feeding beef.

Xia Xiaolan must have a cup of coffee with Zhou Cheng:

"Zhou Cheng, thank you for supporting me. Others may think my idea is arrogant. I am glad you can understand! Do you have anything else to say?"

"The last thing, I'm helping Jiang Yan to ask a doctor, she may need to come to the United States for treatment."

Said to destroy the atmosphere.

Not to mention that there is no way to survive, how can Zhou Cheng choose?


Xia Xiaolan's knife used to cut the steak accidentally used too much force, and it scratched on the plate, and the sound was not very pleasing to the ears.

"Zhou Cheng, you are all paving the way for the last thing, right? You say it first, I will listen, and promise not to interrupt you halfway!"

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