Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1426: : Club appointment (3 more)

Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng arrived in New York on Friday night and brought Jiang Yan's information to Klaus.

Klaus got feedback on the next afternoon:

"Dr. Bellman is an authority in this regard. He is willing to take over the patient after reading the information, but he does not have time to go to China for surgery. You have to send the patient to the United States for treatment. The entire treatment lasts for one year and wants to be perfect. You’d better follow Dr. Bellman’s advice."

Let Dr. Bellman take the team to visit China from time to time?

This cannot be solved simply by spending money, and Dr. Bellman himself would not agree.

Jiang Yan is not a celebrity, nor a politician. In order to treat her, it is unrealistic to ask Bellman to take the initiative to go to China. The current medical environment in China is far from that of the United States. If there is a good medical environment, it is not selected, and if you have to go to backward places for surgery, Dr. Bellman is at fault.

Jiang Yan was treated in the United States for one year?

"Zhou Cheng, don't you say yes, Jiang Yan and her family fell out, so will someone accompany Jiang Yan to receive treatment in the United States?"

It's not that Xia Xiaolan has no sympathy, and heal Jiang Yan quickly to avoid contact between Jiang Yan and Zhou Cheng.

"It did fall out, because Jiang Yan and her parents had different ideas. I visited her before going abroad. Her parents had already returned to Jinling and left her alone in the capital."

Convex (艹艹艹)!

There are people who are parents like this. Sure enough, they can raise Jiang Wu's abnormal Jiang family. Jiang Yan's parents' practice did not live up to Xia Xiaolan's bad impression of Jiang's family.

Why is this different in thinking, it is clearly a report of grace, leaving Jiang Yan in the capital alone, will Zhou Cheng take care of it?

That’s really embarrassing. The Jiang family’s plan is going to be frustrated. Zhou Cheng just wants to take care of it. It is impossible to give up his career and stay in the United States for a year to take care of Jiang Yan. Xia Xiaolan's hands.

After translation, Klaus also understood the concerns of Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng.

"Patients who receive treatment from Dr. Bellman can be taken care of by someone. In this regard, professional nurses are more suitable than the patient's family members. We do not advocate family care. Most family members lack basic medical knowledge."

The nurse is the most convenient.

The hospital has a unified nutritious meal, wears uniformly sterilized medical clothes, and provides food, clothing, housing, and transportation, so the patients don’t have to worry about themselves.

It doesn't matter to Klaus that the family members are not there.

As a surgeon, he has seen too many patients who were admitted to the hospital alone for surgery, and were discharged from the hospital alone after healed. From start to finish, he has not disturbed his family members!

Klaus thinks that a Chinese female officer can't bear this.

Zhou Cheng nodded, "Give me some time to ask the patient's own consent."

Klaus doesn't matter.

It was Jiang Yan herself who was injured. If she wanted the best treatment, she would come to the United States. If she didn't want to go abroad, Claus would not force her. He just conveyed what Dr. Bellman meant, and was not a multinational medical intermediary who wanted to collect fees from it!

"Zhou, I said last night, do you want to go to the club to see it? I don't have surgery today or tomorrow."

Klaus just did a favor. Zhou Cheng couldn’t cross the river to tear down the wall. Xia Xiaolan said last night that he would support him. You don’t need to carry the bag to the state-owned enterprise executives of the inspection group when you come to the US. Of course you should!

"Klaus, can Connie and I go together?"

Klaus gave her a surprised look. "You like shooting? Connie doesn't like it at all."

Shooting is a high-precision control, and the same is true for surgery, so Klaus likes it. When he and Winmany were separated for a while, the club was a place where he relieved the pressure.

"I only touched a rifle during military training in college, but I think Zhou Cheng would definitely be willing to teach me?"

Zhou Cheng thought to himself, being watched by such a pair of eyes, teaching her what to do with guns, even giving her life.

Winmany doesn't like guns.

Fortunately, the club is not only shooting, there is also a racecourse next to it, she can go for two laps.

"Connie, you can ride a horse!"

Among the people Xia Xiaolan knew, maybe Ji Jiangyuan would?

Even in the United States, horse riding is not a sport for ordinary people. It takes a lot of time and money.

The wealthy people in the upper class rode horses, choosing expensive and docile pedigree horses. The horses were washed with clean and shiny fur and ran on the well-maintained horse farms.

There is also the cowboy on the farm who can ride horses, but they are raised in the stables of the farm. Cowboys and horses are not regarded as sports, but necessary for life.

Xia Xiaolan can't ride horses either.

Customers who have been in contact in the previous life have not yet played such high-end games, so they learn to learn golf, taste Kung Fu tea, and also learn a little wine tasting.

"Riding is not difficult, I am also an amateur, if you like, you can also learn."

Xia Xiaolan was going, and Wen Manni decided to follow.

Xia Xiaolan felt that Wen Manni didn't tell lies last time. The two have not only ended their separation, but they seem to have really started again.

Klaus helped her twice with such enthusiasm, isn't it because of Winmany's face?

It is impossible to maintain a relationship with one-sided efforts. Klaus is willing to help, because Xia Xiaolan and Winmany have a little bit of a relationship. Now Klaus wants to go to the club to relax. Winmany doesn't like it, but he is willing to accompany him. .

This is mutual accommodation.

Klaus is an old member of the club and easily brought in Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng.

"Hector, man, I didn't expect you to be there too!"

As soon as he arrived at the club, Klaus met an old acquaintance.

But this Mr. Hector had finished training and was ready to leave. The two separated after a few words. Mr. Hector seemed to be in a moody mood.

Klaus shrugged, "Hector is in a bad mood. He seems to have lost his job recently. He is really unlucky. The old boss has invaded the company's property and implicated many people. The case is still represented by Connie's law firm."

Zhou Cheng retracted his gaze, "He had experience in the army before."

Klaus was surprised, "Can you see this?"

Zhou Cheng nodded very surely.

Klaus gave a thumbs up, "You are very observant. Hector is the security director of a hotel and served in the Marine Corps! Hector was lucky enough to find a job after he retired. See if he can be The members here know that his job is pretty good."

Klaus is arguing for Hector.

Winmany took Xia Xiaolan aside, "Unemployment is very common in the United States. It's nothing good. China is different. I heard that jobs in China are lifelong... Honestly, it's really scary."

Is it okay to work without unemployment?

Stability is stability, but if Winmany never changes her place of work, she finds it very scary and will make people lose competitiveness.

The United States and China have different national conditions, so these places are naturally different.

Xia Xiaolan has no intention of arguing with Winmany on this matter. She also agrees with Winmany in principle. The current situation of China's "iron rice bowl" will change drastically within a few years.

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