Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1444: : To criticize Comrade Cheng Cheng next week (2 more)

Someone in New York looking for Zhou Cheng?

Zhou Cheng has been away from the delegation for several days, and is keeping in touch with Captain Fang every day, fearing that something will happen to the delegation.

I'm really afraid of what will come. Seeing that ten days are going to be passed safely, something went wrong on the inspection team.

It's not enough to give up the Washington weekend date. I must hurry back to New York right away.

"Let's go, I will definitely go with you!"

There is nothing that cannot be solved, it depends on whether a solution can be found.

It is convenient to have a car. Xia Xiaolan did not delay as soon as he received the notice from Captain Fang, and immediately drove Zhou Cheng to New York. It only took five hours to get to the hotel where the delegation was located. This is a very common standard of accommodation in the United States. Even a little rich American would not live by themselves. I did not expect a group of state-owned enterprise bosses to live in this place-Xia Xiaolan. It's a little in awe.

"You go in first. I'll wait in the parking lot. You can see what's going on first."

Xia Xiaolan didn't dare to show up. It was a provocation when she showed up, didn't she tell others that Zhou Cheng slipped away to accompany her girlfriend!

Zhou Cheng rolled down the car window, "It's the same whether you get in or not."

He pointed to the front, two Chinese men pacing back and forth together.

"The one with high is Captain Fang, and the other is the leader of the Ministry of Economics and Trade. This time, Deng Changxing, who led the delegation, is the same as Director."

What was it like to panic? The leader of the inspection team and Captain Fang squatted guarding Zhou Cheng together, with anxious expressions, and Xia Xiaolan felt a little choked in her heart. Did Zhou Cheng leave the delegation and the security team was not manpowered enough? What happened to the delegation?

"Room team, Director Deng!"

It was a disaster, and Zhou Cheng simply got out of the car.

When Deng Changxing heard Zhou Cheng's voice, he looked at it again and it turned out that Zhou Cheng couldn't be wrong:

"You kid, finally came back!"

The expression on his face was anxious and happy, and it didn't look like he was about to attack, Xia Xiaolan also slipped out of the car.

"This is my partner Xia Xiaolan."

How can Deng Changxing have the time to pay attention to Xia Xiaolan?

But Zhou Cheng is different. Zhou Cheng is the walking dollar.

"Comrade Xiao Xia, it's not bad... Comrade Zhou Cheng, I personally want to criticize you, don't be nervous, it's not about you leaving the group to see your partner, you did a good thing in the United States, why didn't you say it earlier? I know you These soldiers are accustomed to doing good things without leaving a name. We just need to stay in the country for that kind of virtue. This is the United States, and we have to follow the American habits, right?"

Did Director Deng of the inspection team know about Zhou Cheng's capture of the gunman?

That's not right.

This kind of "just act bravely", the first is not to praise, but to investigate why Zhou Cheng left the team.

Xia Xiaolan was at a loss.

Deng Changxing had already pulled Zhou Cheng's sleeve into the hotel.

"You are the younger brother and sister, don't be surprised, Director Deng is in a hurry."

How dare Xia Xiaolan take the blame, I only hope that Zhou Cheng won't be punished.

"You're the house team, right? Zhou Cheng kept telling me about you. Thank you very much for allowing him to leave the group. It seems that this is known by the group. It won't hurt you, right?"

Captain Fang waved his hand and didn't hold back his smile:

"What's the burden? It only hurts me if Zhou Cheng made a mistake outside. I didn't make a mistake and made a contribution. That's the credit of my planning and wise deployment!"


Deng Changxing was really anxious.

The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation was called the "Ministry of Foreign Trade" before 1982. After 1982, the word "economy" was added to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. The Foreign Investment Management Committee merged to form this new institution, and the structure became bigger in a short time.

The former Ministry of Foreign Trade also managed customs import and export. Licenses for import and export and transit trade were all issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

Once these departments are merged, the new Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation cannot be viewed with old eyes.

In addition to coordinating foreign economic and trade activities in various parts of the country, it must also provide assistance to third world countries, strengthen international multilateral and bilateral economic and technological cooperation, actively use foreign capital, organize the introduction and export of technology, and carry out foreign contracted projects and labor cooperation... these tasks How difficult is it to do well?

Take this study tour.

State-owned enterprises want to earn foreign exchange, which is regarded as a local foreign economic and trade activity. Does the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economics control it?

Whether it doesn't work, these state-owned entrepreneurs have big business and make people all day long!

Organized an inspection group to bring everyone abroad to see if those production lines can be introduced, and whether they can find suitable sales channels abroad to sell their own products.

Large foreign companies are also very treacherous, saying that they are providing technical support to China. How can the production lines shipped to China not be backward or even eliminated in the international market?

If China wants to develop, it has to hold its nose to recognize it, and the foreign exchange it has saved from food and clothing should be used to buy those semi-eliminated production lines.

A large agricultural country is boring, and industry cannot develop, and everything is nonsense.

Not to mention the daily necessities of life, they can be used as soon as they are. The same is used to make guns and cannons. The materials and technology are substandard, so they will explode!

China in the 1980s crazily yearned for technology.

Half-pull technique is also fine, as long as we are willing to sell it to China, we don't pay attention to it, don't fool people with broken copper and iron!

The inspection team came out this time, not only to let the state-owned enterprise bosses eat and play with public money, but everyone is also really investigating.

Americans are really rich.

There are so many commodities circulating in the US market!

In such a big market, why can't Huaguo's products open the sales market?

The American market is flooded with imported goods: cameras, electronic calculators, home appliances, toys, clothing to footwear and so on.

Chinese people like imported goods. Imported goods make up for the gap in the market. There are many things that cannot be produced locally in China, or the productivity cannot keep up with the demand. The people can only buy imported goods. This situation has given birth to the growth of smuggling. Domestic products are expensive!

But Americans like imported goods because they are cheap.

Just say that the men's shorts produced by the Americans themselves cost 8 US dollars. If you choose to import from Asia, you may not cost 2 US dollars!

Deng Changxing first told Zhou Cheng about the current situation, and said with sorrow:

"Comrade Zhou Cheng, did you know that the American market is flooded with goods imported from Asia, not from mainland China, but from Japan, Singapore, the Philippines, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Treasure Island. We are also commodities, all Porcelain, black-bottomed embroidered shoes, cashmere sweaters... these things are not good enough, but look at Japan, what they export to the United States, export cars!"

Zhou Cheng was instilled a lot of knowledge about import and export trade by Deng Changxing.

"Director Deng, I understand what you mean. The U.S. market is very big. You think that China does not export enough goods. People sell cars to Americans. We sell cashmere sweaters. How many cashmere sweaters do we need? It's worth a car? I understand the principles, so you can tell me what I need to do!"

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