Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1447: : The competitor is him! (1 more)

Xia Xiaolan doesn't really value people like Li Yong and Xiang Li.

I don’t have enough time to spend time with my boyfriend every day, so I don’t have time to bother with two foreign students.

They want to calculate Xia Xiaolan, and it depends on the strength of the two sides. Xia Xiaolan is too lazy to pay attention to it. Since Song Minglan can't swallow that breath, let Song Minglan take care of it.

Zhou Cheng promised to help get the production line. The next day, she followed Deng Changxing and Song Zhicheng to negotiate. Xia Xiaolan also went there. Instead of negotiating, she volunteered to help as a driver.

Didn’t I want to stay with Zhou Cheng for a while? Anyway, it was the weekend, and there was no difference between carrying Zhou Cheng alone and carrying Director Deng and Song Zhicheng.

Deng Changxing said that he would pay Xia Xiaolan for gas, but Xia Xiaolan resolutely refused to ask for it. Deng Changxing sighed:

"Look, Mr. Song, Xiao Xia is also highly conscious. It's no wonder that he can deal with Comrade Zhou Cheng, he is clearly like-minded comrades!"

Song Zhicheng didn't want to listen.

What kind of like-minded people, Xia Xiaolan can deal with Zhou Cheng, because she is Tang Hongen's stepdaughter!

Xia Xiaolan actually didn't mind acting as an interpreter, but Deng Changxing would not hand over such an important negotiation to an international student interpreter. The interpreter was assigned by the embassy. Xia Xiaolan brought her own car and could only be a driver for her own gas payment.

When he arrived, Xia Xiaolan waved, "Zhou Cheng, you and Director Deng will go upstairs, and I will wait downstairs."

In broad daylight, the building is equipped with security, and there is no danger.

The person in charge of the other party was waiting, and Zhou Cheng couldn't afford to delay either. In front of Deng Changxing, the two could not kiss me and I, so I could only let Xia Xiaolan stay downstairs.

To introduce the production line, there are many details to discuss. The buyer and the seller must sit down and negotiate for several hours for the first time. Xia Xiaolan wants to stroll around.

She drank two glasses of orange juice in the waiting area, which was quite boring. The elevator door dinged and someone came downstairs.

Xia Xiaolan just glanced at random, but she did not expect to see a familiar face--isn't the person walking in front of Du Zhaoji? If it is easy to admit mistakes once, then Ye Xiaoqiong and Xia Xiaolan who are behind him will definitely not admit mistakes.

I haven't seen him for almost 3 months, and Du Zhaoji hasn't changed much.

Ye Xiaoqiong has changed a lot.

A high-end tailored professional suit, wearing high heels and walking flat behind Du Zhaoji, with a decent light makeup on his face, dressed as a standard female secretary in a large company office. Ye Xiaoqiong, whom I saw in Hong Kong in February, was still a bit old when I met on the train. It was only two or three months. Ye Xiaoqiong has evolved so fast?

Just look at the current Ye Xiaoqiong, who would believe that she was almost abducted by traffickers on the train!

Human traffickers also focus on choosing targets. It seems that they have never traveled far, and those who have no social experience are best cheated.

Shrewd and capable office female secretary, human traffickers have no chance to approach!

"Strange, how come Du Ershao and Xiaoqiong are here? Du Ershao should be busy opening a factory...the factory! Yes, he opens a factory in Southeast Asia!"

Didn’t Zhou Cheng say that the U.S. did not see Deng Changxing before because there was an Asian buyer who was contacting the U.S. company and wanted to buy a production line. Is that Asian buyer Du Zhaoji?

Haha, the production line is nearly tens of millions of dollars, and Du Xingrong gave Du Zhaoji the 20 million Hong Kong dollars.

Not to mention how much it costs to open a factory, even if 20 million Hong Kong dollars are left intact, it is not enough to buy. Du Xingrong did not give money privately. Xia Xiaolan believes that Du Zhaoji honestly used 20 million Hong Kong dollars to start a business, Xia Xiaolan said. I don't believe it.

She was sitting in the rest area, and Du Zhaoji and Ye Xiaoqiong and others didn't see her, and walked away.

After Xia Xiaolan inquired clearly that Du Zhaoji was indeed an Asian customer who wanted to buy a production line, Zhou Cheng and Deng Changxing hadn’t come downstairs yet, and they had been talking for so long. It seemed that there was some talk.

Du Zhaoji is also unlucky.

Without Harold's intervention, the U.S. side obviously wanted to sell the production line to Du Zhaoji, so Deng Changxing, Song Zhicheng and others were not seen in the first two days. With Harold's intervention, things will change, and the Chinese side will at least have a chance to compete.

Xia Xiaolan saw that Zhou Cheng hadn't gone downstairs, so she ran outside to find a phone call to Pengcheng.

After waiting a full ten minutes for the transfer to be successful, Du Zhaohui was surprised and delighted when he received the call:

"Hello? Xia Xiaolan?"

There was no red rain in the sky, and Xia Xiaolan actually took the initiative to call him. Guessed that it was mostly for official business, Du Zhaohui was still a little bit humble.

As a result, when Xia Xiaolan spoke, a basin of cold water poured on his head: "I saw Du Zhaoji just now. In the United States, he came to the United States to buy a production line with a price of tens of millions of dollars. Guess what he is going to do?"

What are you going to do?

Expand the scale of production!

Du Zhaohui gritted his teeth with anger, accidentally bit his tongue, hissing in pain:

"Did the old man stuff him money behind my back? It seems that I only borrowed 50 million Hong Kong dollars or too little!"

Bah, shameless.

Only allow himself to borrow money, not allow Du Zhaoji to think of ways to ask for more money?

Only Du Zhaohui is so obsessed with half-parents. For Du Zongrong, whether it is Du Zhaohui or Du Zhaoji who wins, the meat is rotten in the pot, it is his son!

With her eyes closed, Xia Xiaolan can imagine Du Zhaohui jumping with anger on the other side of the phone:

"You can stop, the money is not necessarily from Du Dong, don’t you know that, now it’s the Du family’s third house to deal with you, Du Zhaoji wants to expand production, the capital may be a loan, or it may be from Du’s family People secretly provided it. In fact, I have to congratulate you. Your project in Pengcheng is about to succeed. Not only Du Dong knows, Du Er Shao also knows... It is because they feel the threat that Du Er Shao wants to expand. Production!"

Good end, what production line came to the United States to buy.

Don’t you need money for the production line? It’s also a huge cost investment.

It should be that Du Zhaoji was a little panicked. He chose the way to open the factory and invested the 20 million Hong Kong dollars given by Du Xingrong. There must be money from others. I think the factory does not have a big win for Du Zhaohui’s electronic square. May divest halfway!

With this divestment, even the cost can't be recovered, and there is still talk about making money.

Even if the cost is barely recovered, three months have passed since February. After these three months, Du Zhaohui has even spread out the stalls. What does Du Zhaoji pursue?

If you can't change the way of business halfway, Du Zhaoji can only bite the bullet and expand production.

The scale of the factory must be increased, and it must not be lost to the electronic plaza that has not yet been built!

Hearing Du Zhaohui hissing and laughing, Xia Xiaolan could realize the feeling of pride.

"Master Du is a little panicked about expanding production, but it doesn't mean that he will fail. But I can confuse him when he buys the production line this time, drag him for a while, and you will increase your winning side."

Du Zhaohui was overjoyed, Xia Xiaolan cared about him.

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