Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1485: : What is the child's surname (1 more)

Yuan Han's ex-wife Zhou Wenbang has been looking for.

If Zhou Wenbang wants to find someone, it is not difficult in China, unless the other party hides in the mountains and old forests, and the requirement that the letter of introduction is required to go out has not been completely cancelled. Is it not easy to just find someone?

Even if people leave their hometown and go to a big city, they will inevitably leave traces.

Unless you are determined to be a black house.

Zhou Cheng hasn’t talked about this issue with Zhou Wenbang, so it’s not too difficult to think about it:

"I take time off this weekend and go home to talk to my uncle about it."

Xia Xiaolan hummed: "Let's also go to see Sister Zhou Yi next time. Since the uncle and the others want to take the opportunity to hold Sister Zhou Yi's heart together, relatives should care more about her."

Guimenguan walked in a circle and was psychologically fragile. The drowning person subconsciously wanted to catch something. At this time, the Zhou family didn't show it. Are they waiting for the Yuan family to unify their thoughts and slowly calm Zhou Yi?

Xia Xiaolan felt that Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang hadn't completely calmed down on Zhou Yi, but at this time the couple had decided to go together first, and then slowly teach Zhou Yi, the daughter of the Chinese Love Gu, what the Zhou family can do, they can only choose to support!

"Also, the uncle only arranged for the nurses to stumble upon the Yuan family. Isn't it too gentle? You should find sister Zhou Yi's good friends before, preferably the kind who loves to show off with a mouth hurt... What do I mean?"

She was still a little bit shy when she made a bad move.

Zhou Cheng happily accepted his daughter-in-law's suggestion.

"I know what you mean, this method is definitely useful."

It is now easier for Zhou Cheng to ask for leave than before. The garrison troops are only tens of miles away from the capital, so they can go to Beijing casually.

He didn't know what Zhou Yi needed. Jiang Hong always took care of everything. There were so many professionals in the big hospital. Could it be that he couldn't take care of a pregnant woman?

He also specially asked for leave to come back, and Zhou Yi was astonished.

Zhou Yi hasn't looked at Zhou Cheng for too long, including when she got married, it is said that Zhou Cheng's cousin should give her married... Thinking that Zhou Cheng mentioned the deputy group not long ago, Zhou Yiwo was talking in bed:

"Zhou Cheng, I haven't congratulated you yet!"

Zhou Cheng didn't ridicule her, and said thank you very seriously, and in turn congratulated her:

"Sister Zhou Yi, you became a mother in a blink of an eye, can I take a look at the child?"

This child was born a few days ago. Not only did he still have no name, but Zhou Yi's mother was not very close to the child. The small mouth and small chin are very similar to Zhou Yi, and Zhou Yi thinks it is ugly. In fact, among babies who are less than a hundred days old, Zhou Yi's daughter looks really good.

It’s not easy for this child to look ugly. Grandpa Zhou had thick eyebrows and big eyes when he was young. Grandma Zhou was very elegant and dignified. Zhou Wenbang and other generations of Zhou’s family members did not have crooked melons. The strengths of parents are exceptionally outstanding.

Zhou Yi is not as good as Zhou Cheng, and that is also good in facial features.

Xia Xiaolan doesn't like Yuan Han's handsomeness, but it doesn't mean that Yuan Han is ugly.

Yuan Han's face is partial to the Chinese character. It is the face of the main character of the drama. The girl has such an unsightly face. Zhou Yi's daughter just looks like her in the chin and the corner of the jaw instead of Yuan Han... The child looks good and is Zhou Cheng's first nephew.

The child was held by the nurse, and Zhou Cheng didn't dare to hold her for fear that he would hurt the child clumsily.

The child looks so soft, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but think, if he and Xiaolan have a girl in the future, he can spoil her.

"Excuse me, please put your child by my sister's bed."

"The parturient still has wounds—"

"It's okay, the child won't move around, just put it next to the bed for a while."

Zhou Cheng's momentum is no ordinary person now. Although he is a younger brother, Zhou Yi didn't dare to tease him before. Now the nurse doesn't dare to defy Zhou Cheng's will.

Zhou Yi was a little stiff, her incision still hurts, and she almost lost her life just to have a baby.

Zhou Cheng looked at her like this and became a mother.

"This is your daughter. No matter who her father is, she is the little princess of our Zhou family. Do you think her surname is Yuan or Zhou?"

It has been a custom in China for many years that children have their father's surname.

Unless the husband is married or the child’s parents are separated, the child will follow the mother and the child will have a surname dispute...Of course, in a few years, there will be many children who follow the mother’s surname. Some people prefer to have two and follow the father and mother. Different surnames.

Zhou Cheng asked this not because he was old feudal thinking, the subtext is Zhou Yi still want to live with Yuan Han!

Zhou Yi couldn't help shrinking her hand.

She has a bad impression of Yuan's family now, and she also has great opinions on Yuan Han, but when it comes to divorce, it seems that the situation is not that serious?

"I don't know, I really... Zhou Cheng, I know what you mean, let me think again!"

Zhou Cheng didn't show a disappointed expression either. This was expected long ago.

When he came, he bought a small golden lock and a small bracelet and put them beside the child: "This is the heart of me and Xiaolan, and it is given to your daughter."

Jiang Hong didn't say a word, Zhou Yi looked at the child in a trance, Jiang Hong and Zhou Cheng left the room together.

I just ran into Yuan Han, and he brought a thermos bucket to Zhou Yi:

"Zhou Cheng is here? Mother-in-law, how is Xiaoyi today? Isn't her appetite better?"

Jiang Hong only regarded him as air.

The surnamed Yuan has a thick skin. The meals Jiang Hong sent to Zhou Yi every day are not for Zhou Yi to eat. The food is good, but it is a pity to eat. Fortunately, it is not only Zhou Yi who is a pregnant woman in the hospital. In the ward downstairs, there was a woman whose family conditions were difficult, and she had to be sent to the hospital to give birth only because she was pregnant with triplets. Jiang Hong forwarded the nutritious meal sent by Yuan Han to the woman.

Yuan Han was also surprised to see Zhou Cheng there.

He thought that Zhou Cheng didn't pay much attention to Zhou Yi's cousin. She didn't show up when she got married, but Zhou Yi came back after giving birth.

Zhou Cheng ignored him either. Yuan Han held the thermos tightly. Isn't he just a deputy?

Zhou's family members all had the same eyes on the top of their heads and looked down upon him. Zhou Cheng didn't even call his brother-in-law!

Where does Zhou Cheng know that Yuan Han has so many inner dramas, and the focus of the matter has always been not Yuan Han, but Zhou Yi. When Jiang Hong saw Yuan Han enter the ward, his eyes couldn't help following.

"Auntie, don't send me off. I'll go directly to the uncle and have something to talk to him in a while."

Jiang Hong nodded, "Then I won't send you down...what are you doing? Take it back quickly!"

Zhou Cheng actually gave her a passbook, Jiang Hong's hand trembled, this amount is really not small.

Zhou Cheng didn't take it back. "You can take it for Sister Zhou Yi first. I will explain the money to the uncle clearly. It has something to do with the next step. Don't you want to solve this problem completely?"

Zhou Cheng did not know how much savings the uncle and his wife had, but those who depended on wages for food would definitely not have the money to take advantage of the business. Zhou Cheng did not lack this money, and Xia Xiaolan also agreed with him to pay this money-it can be solved with money. What's the trouble, it's just a headache if you can't solve it with money!

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