Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1487: : Retreat as a soft means of advancement (3 more)

During Zhou Yi's birth, Zhou's family had basically been to the hospital.

Like the two aunts of Guan Huimo and Zhou Cheng, they gave Jiang Hong "heart" early. Of course, it was not as big as the passbook of Grandma Zhou, and it was not more than the 30,000 Chinese dollars given by Zhou Cheng last year.

In addition, Jiang Hong’s relatives at the family’s family actually had about 40,000 yuan in bits and pieces. This money can be exchanged for several thousand dollars on the black market. If you take the official route and find a bank to exchange it, it can be exchanged for more than 10,000 dollars. ...Zhou Wenbang and Jiang Hong are also rich, not to mention sending Zhou Yi abroad for a year, even two or three years of raising them at home will be fine!

This is the unity of the "family". There are many people and great power. A certain junior in the family wants to go abroad, get married, or start a business. Who doesn't pay a little when they need money? This is because Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang didn't speak. The couple said that they wanted to send Zhou Yi abroad for further study. They had a lot of money to turn this 40,000 into 80,000 or 100,000. Everyone must express their support.

This is the same thing about relatives, who stumbling at ordinary times, but they are more reliable than others at critical times.

Jiang Hong felt the deepest. She used to look down on this one who didn't look down on that one. She didn't expect Zhou Yi to make such a joke, but Zhou's family all helped her.

Zhou Wenbang saw that she pinched out all the passbooks and looked at the direction of the ward:

"Yuan is here again today? What did he say, and how did Zhou Yi react?"

Jiang Hong curled his lips. "The old tune was repeated, saying that Xiaoyi had worked hard and had been wronged, and he said that he would take the child home to take care of him. Zhou Yi didn't say a word. Why don't we let Yuan Han do this all day long? About having a child, Zhou Cheng came to the hospital today and said that this is the child of the Zhou family... Wenbang, do we want to stay with this child?"

Jiang Hong wanted Zhou Yi to stay away from the stinky **** of Yuan's house.

With the involvement of the child, can you completely break off with Yuan Han?

"Of course you have to stay, and leave the child to the Yuan family. Zhou Yi will worry about it. If the Yuan family violates the child, don't you say she cares about it? Our family does not lack money to raise the child, the bones and blood of the Zhou family, why should we give it to others! You, don’t think that after Zhou Yi’s mind is sober, let her leave the child with her, and want to deceive her that she is an unmarried girl, this kind of thinking can’t happen. Could it be that Zhou Wenbang’s daughter was married and had a child Can't marry again if you take it with you?"

Some people will dislike Zhou Yi's point, and Zhou Wenbang will not agree to the marriage.

Zhou Yi still has to focus on her career. When lesbians make themselves outstanding, they can naturally attract high-quality objects.

If you really don’t find it, you have children anyway, and you’re doing a good job, so just live it alone.

Zhou Wenbang could have figured it out. As long as Zhou Yi can separate from Yuan Han, he would be willing to raise Zhou Yi all the time.

Jiang Hong had a headache when he heard this.

Her thoughts are different from those of her husband. The first time she was blind, was she still not good at fighting the second time?

But at this time she was unwilling to argue with Zhou Wenbang, even if the two had disputes, they had to settle Yuan Han first.

Zhou Wenbang also had a plan in his heart, and only Zhou Yi was in the ward.

"Are you asleep?"

Zhou Yi's eyelids moved, "Dad, I haven't slept, do you have something to say."

Zhou Wenbang found a chair and sat down, "Yes, I want to talk to you about Yuan Han, are you tired of talking now?"

It's here, it's finally here!

Zhou Yi was afraid that others would mention Yuan Han to her, but where could she hide while lying in bed, she couldn't cover her ears and listen.

Just like Xia Xiaolan guessed, this time is when Zhou Yi's mentality is most vulnerable. Whoever can bring Zhou Yi's sense of security, she will believe and listen to whoever says.

Zhou Wenbang carefully observed her look, and he had some guesses in his heart:

"First of all, what is the child's last name? It has been a few days. The child must have a name. She wants to register? I don't know what you think. My opinion is that the child follows your last name Zhou. The second thing is that I I hope you will take the time to learn a foreign language after your confinement. Your family wants to send you abroad to study for a period of time. You are a mom now. It's not easy to continue to do nothing. Don't you be a role model for your children? You are also a graduate It’s better to go abroad to study for a while, and then return to work in the country."

The child's last name is Zhou.

Send her abroad.

Zhou Wenbang mentioned two things at once, the first one was fairly well-prepared, but the second one surprised Zhou Yi.

She had never thought about going abroad. This proposal was so sudden that Zhou Yi couldn't help but blurt out:

"What about Yuan Han, I don't care about the child?"


At this moment, she thought of Yuan Han, her father must scold her to death.

Zhou Yi felt that she was going to accept the baptism of the storm, but Zhou Wenbang was calm:

"Yuan Han is not a big problem. You have your own development. I will naturally arrange for him. He is a man doing laundry and cooking at home all day long. If he is studying abroad, I will arrange him back to work at his original unit. The position is not lower than the original position. Do you think Yuan Han will agree?"

Will definitely agree.

Yuan Han himself didn't want to stay at home. How could he disagree if he heard that he could go back to work in his original unit or be promoted back?

Zhou Yi's expression was slanderous.

"I thought you would let Yuan Hanli and me..."

Zhou Wenbang stood up and said, "I do not agree with you to marry Yuan Han. You are also married. The marriage must be managed properly. You can't veto a person's everything because of one thing. Your mother and I still hope you can have a good life. "

Zhou Yi's eyes were teary when she heard it, and she felt that her father really loved her.

But I don't know that Zhou Wenbang was thinking that he would not let Zhou Yi divorce. The more parents objected, the more Zhou Yi defended her true love, and refused to admit mistakes easily for the sake of face. He wanted Zhou Yi to be disappointed in Yuan Han. He felt that life could not go on. He went to find out what kind of person Yuan Han was...have been bitten by a dog, is it just a bite in vain? I must take this opportunity to impress Zhou Yi, let her learn from her lessons, and keep her eyes on people in the future!

Isn't there another Ye Xiaoqiong?

Let Yuan Han's ex-wife Ye Xiaoqiong speak to Zhou Yi himself!


"This year Luna will not be crazy to expand stores, but there are dozens of franchise stores selling, Luna can make a lot of money in supply. You don’t lack this little money, and I don’t need it, 30,000 yuan. Just give it."

Again, everything that can be solved by spending money is easy to handle. For Xia Xiaolan, it is more troublesome and difficult for Xia Xiaolan to repeatedly worry about one thing and let everyone worry about it.

She was really surprised.

Ye Xiaoqiong is actually Yuan Han's ex-wife, she has never thought about it!

When Ye Xiaoqiong was rescued on the train, the other party only said to join him.

When they met again in Hong Kong in February this year, Zhou Yi married Yuan Han. The children in her belly were several months old. It was useless to know that Ye Xiaoqiong was Yuan Han’s ex-wife.

Zhou Cheng said two things casually, Xia Xiaolan felt nauseous, and suddenly she remembered Yuan Han selling calligraphy and painting:

"Since Ye Xiaoqiong's family has the ancestral capacity to return, then her family's ancestors are also someone with a bit of origin. Yuan Han cheated Ye Xiaoqiong's house. Will the calligraphy and painting sold also belong to Ye Xiaoqiong?"

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