Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1490: : Just see you two at once (1 more)

Master Qiu suddenly asked, Chai Hai was particularly nervous.

He didn't even think about this question, and thought for a while before answering:

"Because he is very confident of his family background?"

Master Qiu shook the sawdust on the table, "Not only that."


Chai Hai was still waiting for Master Qiu to answer his doubts, but Master Qiu didn't go down. He picked up the carving knife and began to carve the wood in his hand. After a few minutes, Chai Hai heard Master Qiu's voice:

"There are always people who want to see me lately, so let's see it together. You pass the message. On the 12th of this month, I will go to Fujian Province. Whether it is the young master of the Du family or the Zhou family, you can see me. Go to Fujian Province and tell him not to embarrass Lao Ding and others."


Ye Qiu always counts his words, and this time he will not only meet with the surname Zhou, but also see Mr. Du.

It’s good to solve things all at once, lest these people always come to disturb Master Qiu’s peace.

Without instructions from Master Qiu, Chai Hai withdrew from the courtyard.

There was only a cool breeze under the grape trusses in the sultry weather.

This grape was planted in the second year since he moved here. In the past few years, there were only flowering but no fruit. Only this year is fruitful. The bunches of grapes slowly grow from small to large, from blue to purple, and the sun shines brightly. Clearly let the people's tongue produce fluid.

Ye Qiu didn't want to eat grapes. He didn't ask for what to eat. He felt that the vines that never produced fruit suddenly welcomed a good harvest. This might be a sign.

In the past, Master Qiu did not believe in fate, but now he does not believe it.

Destiny is so impermanent. God will let you die, and good destiny will bring disaster to the sky.

God lets you live, even in desperate situations.


"Number 12."

Zhou Cheng was barely satisfied.

Boss Ding wanted to go crazy. Zhou Cheng didn't stay in the store all the time. He left behind and left. It was after the two of them waited for Master Qiu to get a reply. Boss Ding didn't think about bringing it. People ran all night, but the neighborhood community where his pen and ink shop was located suddenly launched a public security drill. Public security officers drove around in their cars during the day and night... Mr. Ding felt distressed while listening to other people’s discussions. , And become more and more in awe.

Just staring at them deliberately!

You can't get away even if you run, so boss Ding can only keep on guarding the shop honestly.

Fortunately, there was a reply from Hong Kong. Boss Ding was naturally very moved. Master Qiu didn't put aside these little people, who never liked seeing outsiders, but actually agreed to meet this Zhou.

For business?

It must be for the safety of people like them.

"I don't know the specific whereabouts of Master Qiu. When you go to this place, someone will naturally lead you to Master Qiu. You can ask the police to evacuate, right? Master Qiu is very reputable in doing things, otherwise his elders will not do well. This business!"

Boss Ding highly praised Master Qiu, but Zhou Cheng was not commenting on it.

However, these gangsters do pay attention to what they say, and more importantly, the troubles that can be solved by only seeing each other. Why should Qiu Ye take the risk of betting on Zhou Cheng's destructive power?

"I really want to make friends with Master Qiu. Boss Ding, I wish you a prosperous business!"

Boss Ding smiled and didn't smile, and then went on patrols, where would someone come to sell him things, get rich, and it hasn't opened for a few days.

Anxious to send the God of Plague away, Zhou Cheng walked to the door and stopped, Boss Ding's heart tightened.

"Boss Ding, I want to buy two sets of the four treasures of the study, are you ready?"

Boss Ding cursed in his heart, shit, there's still more to come, even taking advantage of this?

Boss Ding accepted his fate and took out two sets of good pen, ink, paper and inkstone, but Zhou Cheng asked him how much money, "If you don't take advantage of you, you will charge me as much as you sell to others."

"Things are a bit expensive, it costs 1,800 yuan to add up to a discount and erase zero--"

Zhou Cheng took out two stacks of money and put them on the counter, drew out 20, and pushed the rest to boss Ding: "You count."

A stack is 1,000 yuan.

Boss Ding was surprised, Zhou Cheng really paid.

He is now sure that Zhou Cheng is really not an ordinary person, and that others will not take advantage of this kind of small advantage.

Zhou Cheng took the pen, ink, paper and inkstone and left. The few "buddies" raised by Boss Ding were not convinced. Boss Ding stopped them: "You can make money with peace. Don't mess with such people. Master Qiu has to deal with it by himself. Look at it. Can't tell the depth?"

Zhou Cheng carried things and walked back slowly.

In fact, how could Boss Ding think so mysteriously, and in such a short period of time, he could not really dig out the supply network of Master Qiu in the mainland, just because of this matter, there is no need for such a big move.

Boss Ding and these people were terrified by guns and police patrols. Zhou Cheng only asked someone to say hello to the police station. It is not difficult for them to conduct a security exercise. More patrols can also deter Xiaoxiao and reduce the crime rate.

Those petty thieves have been honest in these two days!

Zhou Cheng tossed what was in his hand, feeling that he was doing something good.

Gu Siyan was worried about this, life and death must follow, Zhou Cheng or not to solve Yuan Han, she said that she has no intention of learning...This is the original words of Gu Siyan, Zhou Cheng wants to ask her if she dare to act in front of Uncle Gu and his sister-in-law. Say it again, Gu Siyan's hippie smiley:

"Cousin, it's really exciting, the boss said as soon as you came here?"

The little girl's eyes were full of worship.

Zhou Cheng is embarrassed to talk about threats and force suppression. "It's not so fast. It will take a few days to know where the things Yuan Han sold has gone. Sister Xiaolan is asking Yuan Han's ex-wife if she is willing to cooperate. , Wait for your summer vacation, there may not be results, what are you worried about."

Gu Siyan looked disappointed:

"So long?"

It's not that long.

This is a family, and Zhou Cheng is willing to spend so much time to solve it. He is the leader of the younger generation and is a **** man. The elders in his family have high hopes for him, so he naturally has to take care of the younger brothers and sisters... Zhou Yi is also older than him. His brain looks like no longer, maybe even Not as smart as two cousins ​​Gu Siyan and Cheng Min.

It's easier to clean up Yuan Han.

To teach fools to be smart, adults in their twenties have stereotyped personalities. It takes a lot of effort.

Zhou Cheng is not in a hurry.

It's okay to go to Fujian Province, he can take the opportunity to meet Pan Sange.

Zhou Cheng was really curious about the mysterious Lord Qiu.


"You said that Master Qiu would like to see me?"

Du Zhaohui was very surprised.

Could he help Xia Xiaolan buy a vase?

It's so good, and Xia Xiaolan should have a look, only he can do this kind of thing.

Just the boyfriend Xia Xiaolan asked for went to the United States to sell handsome, can he do something serious? When it comes to economic strength and personal connections, Du Zhaohui believes that he still has the upper hand.

"Master Du is too sincere. Master Qiu can only see you once. On the 12th of this month, Master Qiu is working in Fujian Province. Please trouble Master Du for a visit."

Chai Hai smiled.

I poke a few times in my heart, stinking shameless, cheeky, Qiu Ye was so annoyed that he would meet Du Zhaohui by the way, I really don't know what Du Zhaohui is proud of.

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