Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1498: : Who can save who? (Plus)

"Why should I help that woman surnamed Zhou?"

"She would be cheated, what about me."

"At least half of my pain is caused by her!"

"Perhaps, letting her also taste the bitterness I have eaten is the real revenge!"

These thoughts emerged one after another, and Ye Xiaoqiong couldn't control it at all.

She even thought cynically that Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng refused to help on the production line before, but now that people close to them are involved, they have to come to the door and ask her if she needs any help. Do you want to work together to clean up Yuan Han?


If something on the production line succeeds, she is fully capable of taking revenge on her own.

Obviously she has been valued by Du Er Shao, but because one thing has not been done, she has been pushed to the bottom.

Xia Xiaolan asked what department she was transferred to?

She changed from a secretary beside Du Zhaoji to a female worker on the production line!

The rumbling of the machines in the workshop continued, and the glamorous image of the female secretary had gone away from Ye Xiaoqiong. She was like the workers hired locally in Thailand, and she was sweaty.

Ye Xiaoqiong dragged heavy steps toward the residence.

She will not admit defeat.

Since she can carry large packages at the pier in Hong Kong, she can also work in the workshop.

She hoped that Du Er Shao would be angry for a while, and if she could calm down, she would be transferred back to Du Er Shao.

That was Ye Xiaoqiong’s previous plan. It’s different now. Now she has a fire in her heart. She can’t continue wasting time in the workshop. When she was suffering, Yuan Han was the leader’s son-in-law and lived a good life in the capital. Too!

Why is she going to save Zhou Yi?

Who can save her!

"...It's ridiculous to be a good person."

So why did Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng care about her on the train and let her fend for herself? She wouldn't be so entangled now.

Why must we tell her the truth.

Why, it must be Zhou Cheng's cousin?


There are so many things in the world why.

If it happened, it happened. You can use an eraser to erase it. Forcibly, it didn't happen.

Ye Xiaoqiong felt miserable. Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang also couldn't understand. Zhou Yi would blindly fall into the big hole of Yuan's family. It was not that these two people hadn't stopped them, they couldn't stop them at all!

Zhou Yi eloped.

Zhou Yi is pregnant.

Zhou Yi is going to get married.

Zhou Yi gave birth to a baby.

Zhou Yi was rescued after giving birth.

These things happen one after another, Zhou Wenbang and Jiang Hong still have to worry about it.

The child born can't be stuffed back again. If Zhou Wenbang chooses, he would hope that Zhou Yi will be killed when she is just pregnant!

Today Zhou Wenbang called Yuan Han to the hospital to inform him that Zhou Yi was going abroad. This was the first time Zhou Wenbang approached him after Yuan Han and Zhou Yi got married.

Yuan Han was nervous and didn't know what Zhou Wenbang was going to say.

Yuan Han himself felt wronged about Zhou Yi’s postpartum shock. He didn’t understand the woman giving birth. He took care of her during Zhou Yi’s pregnancy. Yuan Han believed that he had done well enough. Does he have to take part in obstetrics and gynecology? Knowledge?

His mother doesn't like Zhou Yi giving birth to a daughter, and Yuan Han is also doing ideological work at home these days.

Who doesn't like sons?

Yuan Han also hopes that Zhou Yi can be a man in one fell swoop.

But Zhou Yi gave birth to a daughter. Now that family planning is so strict, if the policy does not change, he and Zhou Yi may only have this daughter. Yuan Han is very sorry, but can't express this regret at all.

The conscience of heaven and earth, he really hopes that Zhou Yi will be safe, just like Jiang Hong yelled on the phone at the time. Without Zhou Yi, he would have nothing to do with Zhou's dime!

Zhou Yi walked through the ghost gate, the Zhou family must be very angry. Yuan Han has been busy coaxing Zhou Yi these days, and waiting for Zhou Yi’s attitude with fear. Zhou Wenbang finally wants to talk to him alone, don’t mention Yuan Han. Nervous.


"Don't call it that way. I never admitted that you are Zhou's son-in-law, and that Zhou Yi himself is going to marry you stupidly. I don't like you, but you and Zhou Yi both gave birth to children. Let's not talk about what happened. , I will ask you what you plan to do in the future."

Zhou Wenbang really pinched his nose to talk to Yuan Han.

Yuan Han was very surprised.

Zhou Wenbang didn't blame him unexpectedly. Hearing this, he wanted to arrange a job for him?

Yuan Han restrained his joyful expression:

"I definitely want to go to work. It's not that I don't want to take care of Xiaoyi at home. I am a big man who asks Xiaoyi to work and raise her. Isn't it hard work for her? But Xiaoyi has just given birth to a baby. I will wait for her to be discharged. I have to help bring the children at home, and wait for her to get better before I talk about going to work... That's how I planned."

There is really nothing wrong with this.

Everything puts Zhou Yi in an important position. If it weren't for the Yuan family's lack of virtue, after a long time, Zhou Wenbang and Jiang Hong might have softened their attitudes.

Now, Zhou Wenbang only feels sick to see Yuan Han's hypocritical behavior!

"You will still go to work in your original unit, and there will be changes in your job position. You will not be allowed to sit on the bench. As for Zhou Yi, she doesn't need you to take care of her. After she finishes her confinement, she will go abroad for further studies. These two things must be done together. Go ahead, you can discuss it with Zhou Yi yourself."

Zhou Wenbang stubbornly left these words and left.

Yuan Han was still happy when he heard the first half, and slowly recalled.

Is this going to separate him from Zhou Yi?

Zhou's family re-arranged his work and used this to appease him?

The Zhou family dismissed him as a beggar!

Yuan Han was furious, but his face was all uncomfortable, and he walked into the ward by himself: "Xiaoyi, we have to talk, I know you haven't calmed down yet. Father-in-law said that you should go abroad for further studies. Is this what you meant?"

Zhou Yi rolled her eyes, "You don't want to go back to work?"

Yuan Han choked.

Of course he wants to go back!

Men have ambitions. Yuan Han is not only ambitious, but also willing to give. Finally Zhou Wenbang let go. He knew there was weirdness, but he couldn't help being moved.

Zhou Yi went abroad to study?

He didn't worry at all when he was in a good relationship, but Zhou Yi now made it clear that he was angry, and Yuan Han hesitated very much.

He is afraid of picking up sesame seeds and throwing watermelons. If Zhou Yi never returns, what should he do?

Zhou Yi turned her face to one side, "You are willing to do so. Then let my dad. If I go abroad, you go back to work. Why did I go to the hospital early? My parents don't know, Yuan Han, don't you know? Your mother prevented the doctor from giving a cesarean section. I don’t want to see anyone in your family now. It’s just right to go abroad. I can’t live without going abroad!”

Zhou Yi's words actually made Yuan Han put down half of his heart.

Just be willing to speak, Yuan Han is not afraid of Zhou Yi's temper:

"I'll go back to work at my work. Don't go abroad. I told my mother and sisters to go back to their hometown. Can't you let them bother you? You said that we have just been married for half a year. You are willing to leave me and leave your daughter behind. ?"

##### First add more, I still decided to believe you, today’s birthdays are: "Miko", "930394786", "Trickling 201212", the above three book friends named happy birthday~

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