Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1500: : Promise me to be a quiet mascot (2 more)

If you don't believe her so much, why send her abroad!

Zhou Yi actually wanted to refute, so she opened her mouth and closed it again.

She was considered rich since she was a child. Don't look at her lack of clothing or food, because she has no career ambitions, that is, she is in the nest of the capital. Say she's bad, she can only do half of her bullying, and she doesn't really need her to fight, so she messes with Tong Lili and the group of people.

Playing foolishly into his 20s, one of the most daring things to do is to go to Yuan Han secretly.

That was the farthest place she ran away from the capital.

Now Zhou Wenbang lets her go abroad by herself, Zhou Yi really has no confidence to do it.

How much can she improve in English in such a short period of time?

If she doesn't know anyone abroad, she really...does not dare to go abroad.

To figure this out, Zhou Yi would definitely have to shut up. Anyway, it wasn't she who asked Xia Xiaolan for help this time. It was her dad who said it. She just did it!

Isn't it just a phone call?

Hit it!

Could Xia Xiaolan still eat her?

Zhou Yi was also very helpless.

She thought that when Xia Xiaolan went abroad for a year, that Jiang Yan was going to take the position. As a result, a little splash was raised and she was silent again. Zhou Cheng was as loyal as the wolf dog Xia Xiaolan raised in the air. Her parents were still firmly subdued by Xia Xiaolan. Damn, even if you send her abroad, you have to choose the United States where Xia Xiaolan is in!

The Zhou family seemed to be affected by Xia Xiaolan from top to bottom. Zhou Yi's status was not as good as that of others, so she could only silence her voice and obey Zhou Wenbang's arrangement honestly.

Zhou Yi also admitted that Xia Xiaolan had completely beaten all the juniors in Zhou's family when it came to studying and going to school.

This is really a depressing fact!

Thinking of Xia Xiaolan's journey from China to abroad, Zhou Yi is really depressed.


Zhou Yi was wrong, and Xia Xiaolan is really not so good recently.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day Hoffman went to see Harold again.

Xia Xiaolan was not involved in the design, so Hoffman went to Wilson Hotel with her.

"Can you explain to the client?"

According to Hoffman, it’s always useful to “participate” throughout the office.

Xia Xiaolan was depressed, with a sincere smile on her face: "Yes, Mr. Hoffman, I'm fine!"

I watched the whole process, knowing the overall design ideas of the team, and the explanation must be good. What Xia Xiaolan had no choice but to do was Hoffman's behavior of using her as a mascot.

Asking her to follow along is nothing more than telling Harold that GMP really values ​​Harold's proposal and let Xia Xiaolan join the team-Xia Xiaolan has a reputation for nothing. In fact, this design has nothing to do with her!

Worse than being a mascot, I ran into a group of P&W people at the Wilson Hotel.

Mr. Holm, who was previously a judge in the CW design competition, led the team. He was followed by several people, including Ning Xue.

Ning Xue is climbing so fast, have you been exposed to project design? !

Also, Holm originally invited her and Ning Xue to P&W after graduation, and admitted her and Ning Xue's strengths in disguise.

Xia Xiaolan refused P&W's invitation because she was going back to China.

Ning Xue doesn't have to go back to China in a hurry. Now that she went to P&W for an internship, isn't it just a hit, and it's a matter of course that Mr. Holm is valued?

Xia Xiaolan expressed her envy.

Ning Xue didn't know the inside story. Seeing Xia Xiaolan and the people from GMP appeared together, she also thought that Xia Xiaolan had joined the project design. GMP office is Ning Xue's first choice. Xia Xiaolan is like a fish in the water, and Ning Xue also has a touch of envy.

Unimaginable, Holm and Hoffman met, and the two chatted for a while.

Although they work in different architect firms, New York is so big, they must know each other. In the crowd, are the naive little devils ignoring each other? It is still necessary for business to blow up each other, and to spy on the enemy's situation by the way.

Holm held Hoffman's hand and glanced at Xia Xiaolan, "Oh, how is Xia adapting to GMP? In the CW competition, Xia showed mature architectural design ability. I also invited her to P&W for internship. Thinking that she finally chose GMP!"

Home is still a little regretful.

When encountering a talented person, he is naturally willing to train for the firm.

However, Ning Xue is also excellent, and the gap between second and first is almost negligible, just because the judges have different choices. Xia Xiaolan did not go to P&W. It would be nice to have Ning Xue. During the days when Ning Xue was intern at P&W, Holm became more sure that her idea was right.

Holm was telling the truth, and Hoffman nodded sharply:

"Not bad! Xia performed very well at GMP!"

But I was complaining in my heart. Isn't Home ignorant of the truth? Bah, obviously ran to the CW competition and became a judge. Without the cooperation of the judges, how could Harold Wilson hold Xia Xiaolan as the champion of the competition!

Hoffman thought Holm was sarcastic.

Ironically, GMP clearly knows that Xia Xiaolan is a related household, and she brought it to meet customers, which is a kind of unfair competition.

Hoffman didn't want to.

Nair is just a senior architect. To listen to the partners, Kissinger doesn't care how the architect's self-esteem is laid. From the perspective of the partners, GMP must get the Wilson Hotel project.

For many years in the industry, Hoffman must also accept the fact that sometimes whether he can win a project depends not only on the design itself, but there are too many factors that affect the results of the bidding.

But from the bottom of his heart, considering the problem from the standpoint of an architect, Hoffman particularly hates these "factors" outside of the design.

He had to bring Xia Xiaolan with him.

But I really don't like Xia Xiaolan, because Xia Xiaolan's existence is destroying the fair rules of architectural design!

Hoffman said a few perfunctory words, and Holm took the people away.

Ning Xue passed by Xia Xiaolan, nodded, and looked at Xia Xiaolan more.

Surprisingly, Xia Xiaolan still seems unhappy to be able to follow the architect of GMP?

Only when Xia Xiaolan is happy can there be ghosts.

Hoffman almost said to ask her to "respect herself" and remember her identity as her mascot.

No, it can't be like this anymore!

Seeing that he was about to enter the conference room, Xia Xiaolan stopped, "Sir, are you sure you really want me to explain later?"

No explanation, why do you want you to follow?

Hoffman frowned: "If you don't want to, then sit quietly next to me."

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "No, I am willing to explain, I just want to explain my views, can I diverge?"

Of course not!

This intern is crazy!

Hoffman's bottom line has been crossed!

Isn't it the tacit understanding that both parties should have when being a quiet mascot?

He has provided Xia Xiaolan with a separate desk, let her go to get off work on time, and let her sit at the long table to observe the team's creative design process... Now, Xia Xiaolan actually asks for more?

Hoffman's face is very ugly:

"Xia, maybe you should go back to the company now, or even go home to rest. You are unwell today—"

The door of the meeting room was opened.

"Mr. Harold invites everyone in."

Xia Xiaolan blinked. Hoffman really wanted to hit someone, until she entered the conference room and still warned her with her eyes: This is an important business of the firm, don't mess around!

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