Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1506: : Qiu Ye's grotesque (4 more)

There are tables on the deck.

There is a pot of cuckoo stuff simmering.

Du Zhaohui took a probe and saw that it was all shrimp, crab, octopus and the like, and there were two slices of **** in the water—it was really fishermen’s rice. He flew from Pengcheng to Yangcheng Airport and to New Town Gaoqi International Airport. After such a big circle, he actually came to eat fishermen's meal!

"The conditions are simple and the hospitality is poor, don't be offended."

A person came out of the cockpit. I don't know what's wrong. These people walked silently.

This is Master Qiu?

He thought that Master Qiu was so mysterious, he must be high-profile and pretending when he appeared, but he didn't expect him to be such an ordinary person.

Master Qiu is an ordinary person.

Not tall or short.

Neither handsome nor ugly.

It's just that she's thinner, wearing a black long dress and trousers, she doesn't look like a big boss at all.

There were still a few people on the deck, but now they have also retreated, and Master Qiu looked even less ostentatious.

Du Zhaohui was so disappointed, he thought he would meet a big group leader, Qiu Ye was so inconsistent with his imagination!

Zhou Cheng was not disappointed.

It is not surprising to see a rich and powerful broker.

Fierce, shrewd... "Master Qiu" can have various images, no one has stipulated what the big broker must be, but the "Master Qiu" in front of him makes Zhou Cheng more vigilant.

A person who has mastered wealth can remain simple and low-key, even without a trace of domineering aura, not because this person is bully, but because everything he has achieved now may not be his ambition.

"Master Qiu, look up for a long time!"

Du Zhaohui was still in a daze, Zhou Cheng had already greeted Master Qiu.

Master Qiu made a request, "In front of Mr. Du Shao and Mr. Zhou, how can Qiu be called master? Those in our industry don't want to expose too much personal information. Others call me Master Qiu, two Please sit down."

Du Zhaohui chuckled.

Everyone has nicknames and nicknames. Those who have no status are called "someone", and those who have a little status are called "someone brother". Only when they reach a position that others must respect, they will be called "someone."

Master Qiu is obviously self-effacing.

Seeing that Zhou Cheng had all sat down, Du Zhaohui sat down too, for fear that he would appear timid and not energetic when he sat later than Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng looked at Master Qiu, Master Qiu was also looking at him.

Du Zhaohui is really not threatening, Zhou Cheng is different.

Zhou Cheng found the problem by looking at it: Qiu Ye's facial muscles were very uncoordinated when he spoke.

Although he was not smiling, it felt like "smiling but not smiling", sitting so close, it was like a dummy sitting next to him.

There is not much fresh energy, the seafood pot bubbling on the table can not make the other person smell of fireworks. Zhou Cheng has a sense of weirdness in his heart. If he wants to take a closer look, the evening sun restricts him to see more clearly. .

Master Qiu's seat was well picked, with his back facing the sunset.

As soon as they boarded the boat, the broken fishing boat drove away from the pier and slowly headed toward the sea. Du Zhaohui was far away from the pier. Du Zhaohui didn’t want to eat at all, but there was only a pot of seafood on the table. With his nose drilled, he was shamelessly hungry!

"Please use, please use."

Master Qiu picked up the chopsticks himself, and Zhou Cheng was not polite.

Will the seafood be boiled in white water and only a little **** sliced ​​to get rid of the fishy taste?

Different from the lively seafood like shark fin, abalone, and lobster enjoyed by the wealthy in Hong Kong, it is a return to the basics of taste buds.

Master Qiu’s hospitality style is the same as that of him.

It's actually quite delicious, because the seafood is fresh enough.

If you think it tastes weak, you can dip it in soy sauce.

Zhou Cheng also let go of other thoughts and had a good meal-antique brokers, wealthy Xiaokai and elite troops. These three men of different identities and ages eat such a meal on the sea, it seems very uncoordinated. , And it seems normal.

Even Du Zhaohui, who was initially disgusted, ate a lot, which is enough to show that Master Qiu's treat was successful.

Start talking after eating.

Master Qiu didn't invite everyone to drink, but he poured a cup of tea to serve.

"Master Du asks me first, so let's talk about Master Du first."

Du Zhaohui's expression was not natural. He glanced at Zhou Cheng and coughed: "What is wrong with me, I believe that Chai Hai has already told Master Qiu. I heard that Master Qiu is omnipotent in the antiques trade, and I don't ask for it. Besides, I only ask Master Qiu to get the line and let me buy a vase."

Du Zhaohui buys a vase?

Zhou Cheng reacted immediately, Du Zhaohui was talking about the vase at Grandma Yu's house.

After Grandma Yu received Xu Zhongyi’s note, she had given up looking for it. Xiaolan also stayed on hold for the time being, and made Jim turn to a more covert investigation-only Du Zhaohui was still holding on to it. He obviously didn’t know the inside story, it was simply. To please Xiaolan?

Zhou Cheng admired Du Zhaohui a bit.

Nothing else.

But Du Zhaohui has a thick skin.

How many have a good impression of Xiaolan, seeing that he and Xiaolan are in a stable relationship, Xiaolan herself is indifferent, so she won't keep chasing after her.

Du Zhaohui is a cheeky who wants to work with Xiaolan to make a fortune, but also hides his true thoughts under the appearance of a fool, wanting to dig his own wall?

Du Zhaohui had the same sense of crisis that he had been spotted by the beast just now.

It's Zhou Cheng!

Haha, this young man is rich, so he can buy a vase if he wants to buy it. Can you control it?

If you lose or lose, Du Zhaohui will not believe it. With Ahua by his side, and Master Qiu present, Zhou Cheng dare to treat him!

This was a provocation without fear of death, Zhou Cheng squinted.

Master Qiu interrupted the tension of the two men:

"Master Du, Chai Hai has told you many times that the collector of the vase does not want to sell it. I agree with you to make it clear to you. If one day the collector of the vase is willing to make a move, someone Qiu must use it. Various ways to buy the vase for Du Shao... Du Shao, those in our line also pay attention to eye fate. If you like something in particular, it depends on whether you have a fate with it. If you can’t ask for it, you might as well take a step back, if you have fate. Sooner or later, things will get you in your pocket."

Du Zhaohui's complexion changed.

Master Qiu was talking about vases. He had a guilty conscience. With Zhou Cheng sitting next to him, he always felt that Master Qiu was suggesting something else.

"Master Qiu, it's not so good. It is said that Hong Kong does not have anything you can't buy, or you make an exception and tell me who the buyer of the vase is, and I will talk to him myself?"

Master Qiu shook his head, "If we make an exception, there will be many cases. If we can't keep the customers secret, my business will not be as large as it is today."

Du Zhaohui couldn't laugh at all.

If he didn't sell the bottle to him, this Pujie, whose surname was Qiu, called him from Pengcheng to blow the sea breeze?

Du Zhaohui immediately wanted to lift the table off, and saw that Zhou Cheng was still sitting steadily.

Ah Hua, behind him, breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm really afraid that the young and the young will impulsively and Master Qiu hard work. This is someone else's site. On the vast sea, young and old can't overturn the boat in the gutter. They often say that they will tie others to rocks and sink into the sea to feed the fish. In the end, they will be **** by Mr. Qiu's people. Shen Hai-that's so embarrassing!

Master Qiu looked at Zhou Cheng, "Mr. Zhou found someone Qiu, must the purpose of Master Du be similar?"

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