Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1510: : The little girl is ruthless now (3 more)


Just kidding, what Hoffman's reaction is so big.

Dick hadn’t reacted yet, Hoffman snorted with his nostrils: “GMP has always been very open-minded. As long as there are capable people, whether they are interns or not, we can let her play! Dick, after the bidding is over, you will know Can the works that the interns participate in can be put into construction!"

"Hans Hoffmann—"

Dick wanted to talk, but Hoffman ignored him.

Xia Xiaolan was holding back her laugh very hard.

These two people are definitely talking about the same thing.

Dick was talking about the "Electronic Plaza", but Hoffman thought that Dick was slandering the Wilson Hotel's bid, and Hoffman was ignited like a gunpowder keg.

Externally, Hoffman must be someone who must maintain GMP, even if he is an intern who is still under question, Dick is destined to be crippled!

Hoffman went to hand in the proposal, and Xia Xiaolan and Matthew stayed outside and waited.

Matthew was dubious. "The rumors in the school are true? Mr. Dick asked you to buy the design copyright of "Electronic Plaza."

Xia Xiaolan smiled and said:

"Do you believe it if I say it is true? Heidi doesn't believe it anyway."

Matthew didn't believe it either.

It’s not that I didn’t believe that Dick came to buy the design copyright of "Electronic Plaza". After all, this work won the CW Architectural Design Competition at that time. It's not surprising to buy design copyright afterwards.

Matthew didn't believe the reason why Xia Xiaolan and others rejected Dick. He originally guessed that the two sides were negotiating the price and it collapsed.

If you didn't sell it, you didn't sell it. Whether you want to sell to other firms or raise the price for Foster, there are so many excuses for not using it. You have to use the absurd excuse that "Electronic Plaza" has been invested in the construction?

But everyone felt that this excuse was absurd, why did Xia Xiaolan use it?

Even if you don't want to sell the design copyright to Foster, you don't have to use this excuse to offend people!

Unless—an excuse that sounds absurd is the truth!

Matthew turned off.

He took a peek at Xia Xiaolan, and couldn't help but take another look after a while.

Of course Xia Xiaolan is very beautiful, but Matthew didn't look at her because of her beauty. For the current Matthew Carlton, working in a large office is the most important thing.

Musicians want a performance.

Those who study fine arts, look forward to a solo exhibition.

Those who study architecture... spend most of their time studying architecture. Architectural design is not as demonstrative as music or art. No matter how many architectural drawings are drawn, the work has not been put into construction. That is just talking on paper.

For people like Matthew who are about to graduate with a major in architecture, the "electronic plaza" of Xia Xiaolan and others can be built, enough to make him jealous and envious.

Matthew panicked.

What's the matter with the construction industry in China, so anxious about cultivating undergraduates, even willing to let the students' works be invested in construction?

Are there any qualification exams?

Don’t you need to struggle with qualifications?

——Hey, are you too much!

Matthew's eyes were full of accusations.

Xia Xiaolan, the three interns failed to get in, and now they have handed in the bidding plan, so it doesn't matter to leak the secrets, Ning Xue still slowly walked over to get together with them.

"It seems that the situation on Foster's side is even more serious, and none of the interns were used by them."

Xia Xiaolan can’t be the master of this. It’s not easy for her to mix in GMP. All three firms are competing for the same project. It is even more unlikely that she will lead Daisy, Lyle and Richard to run forward. Up.

But according to Daisy, and Lyle had a pretty good time at Foster, it was only a matter of time beforehand:

"It's been less than a month now, don't worry, wait a minute to find out who is on the Ford's side."

Ning Xue nodded.

Both of them are a little bit speechless, because they don't know the result of the bidding yet.

Seeing that the heads of the three offices have not come out for a long time, should they announce the results on the spot?

No way.

The firm’s plan always needs someone to audit it.

Xia Xiaolan glanced at her watch, and it had been half an hour since Hoffman had entered.

Ning Xue suddenly asked her: "Do you know about Li Yong and Xiang Li?"

"I know, after listening to what Xu Jing and Ma Hai said, it seems that you have also heard. I also heard a few words. I don't know if their problems have been resolved now."

Ning Xue should be a person who doesn't pay much attention to gossip, and is doing internships in the office. Even Ning Xue knows that this is a big deal.

Ning Xue saw that Xia Xiaolan had no special reaction, and suppressed a trace of doubt in her heart.

To be honest, Ning Xue also suspected that this matter was related to Xia Xiaolan. After all, Xia Xiaolan has always been strong, and no matter who provokes her, she will fight back fiercely. It's the same thing with Ji Ya, and the two are still fighting to this day.

"It has not been resolved. Li Yong has been formally prosecuted. I heard that after Han Jin visited Xiang Li in the hospital, he called on Chinese students in New York to help Xiang Li tide over the difficulties and oppose violence against female students."

She really didn't know the news that Ning Xue said.

Xia Xiaolan was surprised, "How can I help? I want everyone to donate?"

No, after the last party, I still dare to donate money.

Ning Xue shook her head, "No, no one needs to pay. Li Yong pays part of the medical expenses, and Han Jin lent the rest to Xiang Li. I'm asking if you want to participate in their anti-violence activities."

What anti-violent activities.

This has been silent for too long, and I found another excuse to party.

These Chinese students who come to study abroad are particularly proficient in partying from Americans.

"Han Jin organized it, or Song Minglan?"

"Han Jin."

Xia Xiaolan said, "Let me think about it."

Li Yong and Xiang Li fell.

Xia Xiaolan thought that Song Minglan would naturally bring the New York students together.

It seems that Miss Song finally learned to keep a low profile, and she didn't want to be the first bird, but pushed Han Jin out.

Also, the last time I saw Han Jin at the party to please Song Minglan courteously, Han Jin came to be the leader of the new generation of overseas students, no different from Song Minglan himself. Song Minglan has become smarter. Knowing her background, she should be aloof. No matter what happens, she will naturally not cause a commotion. Sooner or later, the person who likes to set up a person will collapse, just like she has just been sued. Li Yong!

I don't know what character Han Jin has set up for herself?

Go to the hospital to see Xiang Li, and then take the initiative to lend Xiang Li money, do you have to go the way of "Li Xuechang" again.

Xia Xiaolan laughed. She was not sure why others were studying abroad. Han Jin clearly used the opportunity of studying abroad to weave connections.

That Xiang Li and Li Yong are finished, will it also be Han Jin's hand?

He pleased Song Minglan again, and he was able to achieve his goal again.

"The little girls are cruel enough now."

Xia Xiaolan muttered to herself, Ning Xue looked at her with a strange look, and the old-fashioned Hengqiu said who is the little girl?

It's like I'm very old.

She has read Xia Xiaolan's admissions file. She was born in 1965, and she is only 21 years old this year!

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