Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1514: : Are we familiar? (3 more)

Xiang Li's eyes dimmed.

Han Jin also looked dazed.

Xia Xiaolan is not a small self-employed person, she is familiar with Song Minglan, how could she be a small self-employed person.

But thinking that Xia Xiaolan might be able to bring out millions, Han Jin still feels discomfort.


Song Minglan held the cup, "Are your brain burnt?"

Unexpectedly take the initiative to reveal the rich!

Obviously it was very low-key before.

Xia Xiaolan whispered: "You think too much. I just said that Xu Jing and Ma Hai have obtained millions of investments. Did I say that the investor is me?"

Didn't Xia Xiaolan vote for it?

Song Minglan was confused for a while.

Impossible! It must have been invested by Xia Xiaolan. Xia Xiaolan couldn't worry about other people's money and came to bother with it.

It must be Xia Xiaolan’s money. Others don’t know. Song Minglan knows that Xia Xiaolan has this money. Jinshachi's profit alone is more than one million. When the real estate was launched, many people robbed the house and sold it so expensive... Earning the capital invested, she soon repaid the bank loan, which made her cousin Shengxuan caught in the middle and didn't touch the world. The situation was very difficult!

Thinking of Sheng Xuan, Song Minglan couldn't help being farther away from Xia Xiaolan.

She almost forgot that she had an enmity with Xia Xiaolan, why was she so close to Xia Xiaolan.

Song Minglan was really hiding his ears and stealing the bell. Only now I remembered to stay away. The eyes of others are not blind. In the last welcome party and this party, Song Minglan took the initiative to talk to Xia Xiaolan two times in a row. Naturally, the other people have a very good relationship with Xia Xiaolan.

This is why when Xia Xiaolan said that Xu and Jing had received millions of investment, these international students didn't doubt it and believed it.

Xia Xiaolan got mixed up with Miss Song.

If Song Minglan knew this, he would definitely be so depressed to vomit blood.

Xia Xiaolan didn't know Song Minglan's complicated mood, Xiang Li would definitely bite the bait once the bait was released, as long as it changed. Xia Xiaolan's eyes turned around in the field and saw Chen Qing in the corner.

Others were spinning around Xu and Ma, and Chen Qing wrote slogans in the corner.

From Chen Qing's body, it is also reminded that the theme of the party tonight is "anti-violence."

Chen Qing's writing is indeed good, and he wrote a divorce agreement to Liu Fen before.

Thinking of the old things in Qijing Village, Xia Xiaolan frowned:

"Song Minglan also acquiesced that Han Jin took care of it. Han Jin took the initiative. I wonder if Chen Qing knows?"

Intentionally reminded Chen Qing that he was afraid of making a show.

Anyone can tell Chen Qing these words, but Xia Xiaolan is the most embarrassed.

What's more, Han Jin also watched too tightly. When Xia Xiaolan appeared, Han Jin refused to be robbed of her presence by others, and walked towards Chen Qing quickly: "Enough is enough, you have written enough tonight."

Han Jin took Chen Qing's arm affectionately and took away all the slogans written on the table.

She clapped her hands and interrupted everyone's siege of Xu Jing and Ma Hai:

"People are almost here, let's get into the theme of tonight! What happened to Senior Sister Xiang Li, I must all understand it. It was originally a simple emotional entanglement. It is enough for everyone to calm down and speak clearly, because the emotions are out of control. It has evolved into violence! Gay men are naturally stronger than lesbians. Brothers present here, your hands have various functions, but you can’t turn it into a violent fist! Senior sisters and sisters here, if you encounter misfortune Violent treatment, we must say NO to the perpetrator, bravely resist, and use legal means to protect ourselves when necessary..."

Don't tell me, Han Jin said it was pretty good, and at first glance he didn't have stage fright.

It seems that there is no shortage of speaking under the national flag. They must be the kind of outstanding students.

Everyone at the scene also left Xu Jing and Ma Hai aside and listened to Han Jin's speech. Someone sent a slogan to everyone. When talking about emotions, even Xia Xiaolan couldn't help but shouted two slogans.

Song Minglan was very surprised.

Xia Xiaolan whispered: "What she said is correct, what if she can really encourage some people?"

Domestic violence is definitely wrong.

Song Minglan held the slogan in silence and said nothing.

Han Jin was so just now.

Xiang Li, that idiot, didn't know that she was designed by Han Jin, and now she is still used by Han Jin as a prop to win people's hearts, squeezing out the last bit of use value.

Maybe you know it too, because Xiang Li is not a good thing, and Han Jin uses each other.

"It's very boring. I won't come to this kind of gathering in the future. Xia Xiaolan, Han Jin said you were not in Ithaca recently, where did you go?"

Xia Xiaolan glanced at her strangely, are everyone familiar?

"Where can I go, of course I am busy doing internships."

Song Minglan was surprised, "Are you going to practice internship?"

If she remembered correctly, Xia Xiaolan had just finished her sophomore year, and she was so anxious to come to the United States as an exchange student.

Song Minglan felt a little flustered.

She came to New York with gold plated, but there is an example of Xia Xiaolan. If she doesn't do something, doesn't it seem that she is useless?

Xia Xiaolan is just Tang Hongen's stepdaughter.

She is the biological daughter of the Song family.

The last time Xia Xiaolan gave an idea for the delegation to negotiate, Director Deng praised Xia Xiaolan. Song Zhicheng couldn't help but said sour words in front of Song Minglan before returning home. Song Minglan, who was irritated, was uncomfortable.

Song Minglan wondered, should she be more serious about studying abroad in New York?

New York University is also a good university.

There are those who like to socialize like Han Jin, and those who are devoted to studying like Chen Qing.

Song Minglan had a wave in his heart, and Xia Xiaolan didn't know it.

Xia Xiaolan is paying attention to Xiang Li.

On the one hand, it was so miserable that Han Jin used it as a prop, and on the other was the ex-boyfriend who seemed to be on the pinnacle of life with a million investment. Xia Xiaolan felt that Xiang Li would definitely not be able to bear it.

No, Han Jin's slogan was over, and the atmosphere of the party really became lively.

Ma Hai was surrounded by the crowd again, biting the bullet in the cowhide Yuan Xia Xiaolan had blown for them.

Xu Jing might not be used to the excitement. When he walked to the balcony to breathe, not many people paid attention to Xiang Li, and Xiang Li slowly moved over.

She was interrupted by Li Yong with her hands, but her feet were unobstructed.

Song Minglan pointed to the next door:

"You don't want to hear what they say? Let's go!"

There are many rooms in the venue that Han Jin borrowed, most of which are open and some are locked. Han Jin naturally gave her the key to please Song Minglan. Song Minglan secretly thought about Xia Xiaolan's failure to test people's minds, and offered convenience to Xia Xiaolan to eavesdrop.

Naturally, Song Minglan will also go.

The next room was close to the balcony. They acted a little bit less and didn't turn on the lights. Xu Jing and Xiang Li couldn't find anyone eavesdropping.

Song Minglan wanted to see a joke, right?

Xia Xiaolan pouted in the dark, and Miss Song had no routines to follow.

The room was very lively, and the door to the balcony was clean, and Xu Jing's voice came to her ears clearly:

"...Xiang Li, don't do this."

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