Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1516: : Waiting to teach her to be a new person (plus)

Xia Xiaolan really wanted to use the million dollars that had been lying quietly in her account for five months.

This money is a consultant fee given by Du Zhaohui, and for buying an egg-laying golden rooster that makes a steady loss and does not make a profit, Du Zhaohui will definitely not lose.

However, Xia Xiaolan insisted on converting this money into U.S. dollars, because she originally wanted the United States to collect it.

Who would have thought that the schoolwork is so heavy, and finding a relative for Grandma Yu is more complicated than she imagined. Apart from encountering Xu Jing and Ma Hai by chance, she really didn't have the opportunity to spend the money.

A person's energy is always limited, and Xia Xiaolan is not three-headed and six-armed. Even Xu Jing and Ma Hai have created this electronic dictionary. She just wants to invest rather than manage, and she doesn't have that much energy!

This million dollars can also be invested. I originally thought that I couldn't spend it, so I continued to invest in new projects with Qihang who made money in the sand pool.

Halfway through June, Xia Xiaolan was also worried about the next step of sailing.

Is to continue to develop the residential area?

Still put the building materials city on the agenda.

Where should I buy the land?

The Jinshachi project has come to an end. These are all things Xia Xiaolan has to worry about.

It is also OK to vote for Xu Jing and Ma Hai. There is more money and less money, and there are projects that can be done. When she was engaged in the development of the Jinshachi community, how much money really belonged to her, and she could still build the house!

Ma Hai and Xu unexpectedly had millions of dollars.

How much does it cost to change into Chinese currency?

Seeing the two men was dumbfounded.

Xia Xiaolan was helpless, "As long as you two start up the electronic dictionary market, this money can be earned back. This time, when you return to China, you will return to Pengcheng with foreign capital to start a business..."

The money invested must enter the country through official channels.

One million U.S. dollars, less than 4 million Chinese dollars, does not sound like a bargain.

But 1 million US dollars of foreign exchange can bring more than 4 million Chinese currency. Just like Du Zhaohui invests 50 million Hong Kong dollars and can lend 100 million from the bank, this is the correct use of foreign exchange.

Both Xu Jing and Ma Hai were a little nervous.

It doesn't matter if you brag at the party, you are really responsible for such a large sum of money, and they are afraid of losing money!

Making an electronic dictionary is two different things from putting the electronic dictionary into production. At their level, is it really possible?

After doubting himself, Ma Hai wiped his face:

"Sister Xia believes in us like this, and Old Xu and I can only do our best!"

Xia Xiaolan endured and tolerated, the money was supervised, and it was impossible for Ma Hai and Xu to use it indiscriminately. Look at Ma Haimei!

Besides, whose site is Pengcheng?

Whether these two people can spend money in her base camp, that is a kind of ability that even Xia Xiaolan's side is.

"Hurry up and pack your things and prepare to go back to China. Go back and make preparations. I want to see the electronic dictionary go into production by the end of this year at the latest. Also, after returning to China, you will meet a person named Du Zhaohui. He is from the Du family in Hong Kong. He touched it to see if he could pick a good place in his unfinished electronic plaza."

What did SEG Plaza sell in the last life?

Before the rise of mobile phones, SEG Plaza sold all electronic products.

Calculators, electronic watches, stereos, tape recorders and pagers, as long as they are related to "electronics", can be found in SEG Plaza.

Now, Du Zhaohui has seized the opportunity of SEG Plaza and started the Electronic Plaza himself.

It is larger than the old SEG Plaza, and it always needs to be filled by merchants after the market is built. Electronic dictionaries are always more technical than electronic calculators and electronic watches, right? She and Du Zhaohui are nothing but mutual benefit.

Speaking of Du Zhaohui, Xia Xiaolan thinks of Du Zhaoji, and naturally also thinks of Ye Xiaoqiong.

After that phone call, Ye Xiaoqiong didn't hear any more.

She was in New York, and Ye Xiaoqiong was in Thailand. It was inconvenient to contact. The other party still avoided her a little, and Xia Xiaolan couldn't help it.

Zhou Yi, the culprit, really committed a crime.

Zhou Cheng wants to send Zhou Yi abroad, Xia Xiaolan agrees with a hundred. If she does not leave China, she really has no chance to teach Zhou Yi to be a new man!


Zhou Yi has had some comfort and discomfort during these two days.

What was comfortable was going back to her family's house for confinement, she was very at ease.

Yuan Han took care of her when she was pregnant. Zhou Yi was moved and heartbroken. Yuan Han also cooks for her personally. How rare is it for a man to do this for his wife? Anyway, Zhou Wenbang never cooks at home. Zhou Yi still remembers that when she was a child, she didn’t hire a nanny at home. Jiang Hong did the cooking. Her father was like a shopkeeper. When he came home from get off work, he took off his coat and washed his hands and waited for the meal. The oil bottle was poured. I can't help it anymore.

Therefore, the aesthetics of a woman's choice of a spouse is more or less related to the family environment. Zhou Yi has never seen a man doing housework. Zhou Wenbang treats his wives and daughters seriously. The family atmosphere is different from that of ordinary people. Tenderly, Zhou Yi sank.

Yuan Han's cooking for her is very touching, because the cooking technique is totally different from Zhou Yi's favorite taste.

Yuan Han is from the south and Zhou Yi is from the north.

She has a strong taste, and her eating habit is the nanny who has been in the family for many years. Since she was 13 years old, she has been cooking with the current nanny at home. Zhou Yi eats confinement meals at her natal family. According to the rule of confinement is less salt. Light, Zhou Yi was stunned that he drank a familiar taste from the chicken soup that didn't add much salt... People's appetites are old, just this meal fits your appetite.

Zhou Yi drank it with tears, "That's it, it's Aunt Fang's craftsmanship! Mom, you and my dad are too cruel. I was pregnant with a child before. Every time you come back, you won't have a meal. Leave me to eat, I want the taste of Aunt Fang's cooking!"

Hearing that voice was still aggrieved, Jiang Hong was too lazy to get used to her, "It is you who want to marry the surname Yuan. If you marry someone else, I will ask Sister Fang to cook with you. You marry Yuan Han, your salary Enough for a nanny?"

Zhou Yi's face turned into pig liver red, and the chicken soup was not too fragrant.

Look, this is the uncomfortable place. Jiang Hong would stab her and choke her from time to time.

"It's my dad that doesn't allow Yuan Han to go to work. Of course, I can't afford a nanny to make money alone. It's different for two people to work..."

Jiang Hong nodded perfunctorily.

"You sounded the English tape, but now you can't use your eyes. Let's listen with your ears first."

Yuan Han has already returned to work in the past two days. He is probably very satisfied with the new job arranged by Zhou Wenbang, and he can't wait to go to Zhou's house eight times a day. Jiang Hong was disgusted when he looked at him. In order to reduce Zhou Yi's vigilance, he even pretended to accept Yuan Han, but Jiang Hong was suffocated.

Now Jiang Hong hopes that Zhou Yi will be able to master English as soon as he wakes up, and he will be sent abroad as soon as he is out of confinement. Without Zhou Yi, who is dying and pulling his legs, he can let go of his hands and feet to clean up Yuan Han.

No, she has to talk to Wenbang, Yuan Han still has time to run here, that is, the new job is not busy enough!

Don't you want to climb up, give him a little right, Yuan Han himself is intoxicated.

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