Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1521: : Handed over in advance! (1 more)

Liu Yong received a call from Xia Xiaolan and gasped with laughter:

"It's a coincidence, Mayor Tang told me the same way."

Tang Hongen encouraged him to bid for the construction and decoration of the golf course. Liu Yong was already working on this. When Xia Xiaolan called and said, Liu Yong was more confident.

Then, I can only blame Mrs. George for being incapable of life, and my uncles have to clean up his eldest nephew, which is really hard to guard against.

Neither Xia Xiaolan nor Liu Yong hated George.

However, Liu Yong and George both have decoration companies in Pengcheng, and there must be a collision in business.

If you don't grab George's business, George will in turn grab Liu Yong's business!

"Uncle Tang said the same? That's great. This time Yuan Hui did not take the decoration of the golf course, nor could it be George... The Hong Kong decoration company he bought is operating well in Pengcheng?"

What do you say.

Pengcheng is building houses everywhere, and Liu Yong's decoration company is unable to take over all the business.

"Yuanhui" is ahead of its counterparts in the Mainland, not surpassing its counterparts in the world. Because Hong Kong is close to Pengcheng, the companies competing with Yuanhui are all from Hong Kong. Not only George bought it, but even the Hongrong Group has related subsidiaries.

In addition, state-owned enterprises such as Huajian in the Mainland can take care of everything from infrastructure to decoration.

However, it is only in large projects that Yuanhui will collide with these colleagues. Large units like Huajian do not look at ordinary residential decoration.

Hong Kong’s decoration companies don’t give a lot of attention to residential decoration. The installation of villas is almost the same. If you install one or two houses in Pengcheng, the price is too high and the owners can’t bear it. Looking for a larger business.

Only George’s company is aimed at the personal housing field that'Yuanhui' focuses on, and it competes in a targeted manner.

Liu Yong must pay attention to this matter. Regardless of whether George deliberately, when a businessman meets a competitor, is he still happily welcoming the other party to grab business?

After George's company came to Jinshachi to grab business, Liu Yong asked the people to carefully investigate the situation of the other party:

"It's okay. With the golf course project, it has generated a lot of business in Pengcheng."

Foreign businessmen still take advantage.

Of course, George couldn't get the business related to the government. The wedding at Xiangmihu last year was unforgettable for many people.

Tang Hongen's ruthless remarks were made to Ji Ya, and George was also implicated.

Even if you marry Mayor Tang’s ex-wife, you will also invite Mayor Tang to the wedding banquet...In the Chinese people’s concept, this is definitely a provocation. Tang Hongen must show his attitude at the wedding, and most people understand it.

Liu Yong is not doing government business now. After Liu Fen and Tang Hongen got married, Liu Yong became more and more evasive to pick up some business that would bring criticism to Tang Hongen.

In the past, I was grateful to Mayor Tang, but didn't want Mayor Tang to be embarrassed.

Now he has become a family with Tang Hongen. Liu Yong values ​​family affection. The happiness of his sister Liu Fen is more important than anything else. He is more cautious in doing things.

Xia Xiaolan thought for a while, still encouraging Liu Yong to compete for the golf course:

"Not to grab business with George will also help Yuanhui's development. If Yuanhui does not accept government-related business in the future, he will open up more blank areas that he has not touched before. The house decoration of Jinshachi and Luna's store decoration can help uncle. You make a lot of money, but this kind of business is not always available."

Only relying on the business related to Xia Xiaolan, Liu Yong's company will definitely not die of starvation, and it will be quite moist.

But the scale is just like that, it's not too high.

Xia Xiaolan felt that her uncle's ambition was more than that.

Liu Yong chuckled: "Then you need to say, any business is accepted, Yuanhui's qualifications are hard. By the way, Ge Jian told me yesterday that since the house in Jinshachi was completed ahead of schedule, can it be delivered ahead of schedule? "

At the time of the sale, the agreed delivery time was June 30, 1986, which was still 10 days away. Obviously, Liu Yong couldn't wait to get in and work.

"Delivery in advance is okay. As long as all the infrastructure is completed, I believe you will help supervise it, uncle. Let Ge Jian and Manager Ying rest for a period of time. New projects will be launched soon!"

With Xia Xiaolan's words, if there is anything else to say, then notify the owner to prepare to accept the house.

The procedures for setting sail are formal, the rules are the best from the beginning, and the company’s managers will adapt.

It is not because the real estate market in the Mainland now understands disorder, and Qihang also frees itself wantonly — the more disorder others are, the more it sets off the norms of Qihang? These people under Xia Xiaolan, except for Ying Jinchuan, are all "General Xia" fans. Naturally, she said what she said.

The owners have been around for a long time.

Watching the building completed, the exterior wall decorated, and the green trees being transported into the community by trucks, I felt very anxious.

Some Hong Kong property owners really come here every weekend, just waiting to close the house!

The house is clearly built, so give them the keys early.

Finally set sail and notice that the house can be closed in advance...The owners who have been waiting for a long time flocked to it.

This community was more expensive than other houses when it opened.

Where is the expensive value? Except for the auspicious feng shui of Di Yong Jinsha, today I finally let everyone see it with their own eyes.

"I'm from Unit 2 301!"

"Unit 3 502..."

The sales department squeezed a bunch of people anxiously to get the keys, and the noise was like a vegetable market. Luo Yaozong, wearing a security uniform, was trampled on several feet. I want to yell at him. Thinking that these are the owners, they are food and clothing in Manager Ge’s words. Parents, Luo Yaozong had to bear it again.

Luo Yaozong was thrown from the roof on the eve of the opening of the Jinsha Pool, suffered multiple fractures all over his body, and lay in the hospital for three months.

After confirming that his life is not in danger, the Luo family still wanted to make a fuss, but couldn't find Xia Xiaolan, who had a busy schedule.

Qihang didn't because all the houses in Jinshachi were sold, and the Luo family ignored Luo Yaozong if it was a threat. Luo Yaozong had always paid for the medical expenses during his hospitalization.

Luo Yaozong was indignant at first, and after lying on the bed for three months, he couldn't fool around with his friends and friends. Instead, the hostility disappeared a lot.

Later, Ke Yixiong, who killed him, was also arrested. On the day Luo Yaozong was discharged from the hospital, he ran to look for Ge Jian by himself:

"Manager Ge, I still want to set sail, okay?"

"Let you continue to eat inside and out when you set sail, to attract foreign thieves to come in?"

Luo Yaozong blushed, "No, no, I really want to stay in Qihang, I don't associate with those friends, who knows if they still have someone who wants to kill me."

The land in Jinshachi is 23 mu. According to Futian's compensation standard at this time, the Luo family lost more than 200,000 yuan in one go.

This amount of money is enough to make people jealous, Luo Yaozong is not a good person, and some people think he becomes worse.

How could Luo family's money be hollowed out without making him degenerate?

Ge Jian looked at him for a long while, "Manager, don't think about it. You can only be a security guard with your current ability. Can you do it?"

The security is the security.

Luo Yaozong pinched his nose and recognized.

His family is obviously not short of money, and he doesn't know why he wants to set sail again.

It hurts, who stepped on his foot again!

Luo Yaozong stared, just as Ge Jian took Mao Kangshan and a few people to take the house. When he saw Manager Ge, Luo Yaozong was honest again:

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze... hiss... don't step on me..."

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