Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1524: : You have the thickest skin (4 more)

Hearing Ge Jian talked about Mao Kangshan's performance on the closing day, Xia Xiaolan couldn't help but laugh.

Lao Mao is really bad.

Xia Xiaolan really wanted to rescue Mao Guosheng at the beginning, this person was too awkward, and she could not be rescued. Since Mao Kangshan now has his own attitude towards Mao Guosheng and Zheng Shuqin, Xia Xiaolan doesn't want to care about it.

She didn't need to care about the thoughts of Mao Guosheng and his wife. It didn't make much difference to her whether they were resentful or jealous.

As long as Teacher Mao and Sister Song can see clearly, it is impossible for these two people to influence Xia Xiaolan.

However, Luo Yaozong unexpectedly returned to sail again, and honestly went to work for a period of time, as if he had changed a person.

"Do you think he is really okay?"

Ge Jian has been observing Luo Yaozong for a long time: "It should have been scared by the last time. He survived a catastrophe and changed his mind."

"Then let him go to work, this man fell once and his brain is a little smarter."

Can you stop working if you get more than 200,000 compensation?

In her previous life, Xia Xiaolan did not read news reports less. Those demolition households who had taken tens of millions of demolition funds + a number of suites, after demolishing and getting rich overnight, some people quickly became habit of pornography, gambling, and drugs, and no amount of money would be lost. .

Some people bought a luxury car and felt empty after a period of financial freedom. They still drove the luxury car back to continue working as security and cleaners.

There is a job, and the people's mind is not so impetuous and down-to-earth. On the contrary, the wealth from the demolition is preserved.

Luo Yaozong licked his face and returned to set sail as a security guard. He should have been scared by the last incident.

The people arranged by Ke Yixiong wanted to kill him and frame the Golden Sand Pool. Those people had their own ideas. Not only did they want to kill Luo Yaozong, they also planned to knock out the Luo family's compensation.

Luo Yaozong escaped from the dead, and now everyone seemed to be making money and killing him, except that he tremblingly broke off with his friends.

It is estimated that this person has to think about it, and only has the option of returning to Qihang to go to work.

After all, working as a security guard at Qihang is Luo Yaozong's only work experience.

Xia Xiaolan just said a few words and got rid of the matter, "Xu Jing and Ma Hai have already left the United States. When they arrive in Pengcheng, you will receive these two people well. You can provide some convenience, mainly relying on them. Myself."

"Mr. Xia, I know."

Ge Jian never questioned Xia Xiaolan's words.

After instructing Ge Jian something, Xia Xiaolan hung up, wondering if she should say hello to Du Zhaohui.

Little did he know that in Pengcheng, Du Zhaohui was happy to buy the Tianhuang seal of "Blessed by Heavenly Officials" from Tang Yuanyue.

Tang Yuanyue actually liked this seal.

Because Xia Xiaolan expressed her intention to buy.

Although Xia Xiaolan later bought another yin and yang fish jade pendant and gave it to Wu Daonan, Tang Yuanyue regarded this yellow seal as a little connection with Xia Xiaolan.

It is a pity that he completely screwed up the dissolution of the marriage contract, and Xia Xiaolan is now reluctant to pay attention to him.

Du Zhaohui also gave Du Xingrong an excuse to find a birthday gift to fool Tang Yuanyue, asking him to cut his love and transfer the Tian Huang seal.

Tang Yuanyue is strange:

"Didn't you find Master Qiu?"

Du Zhaohui said in a huff, "Don't tell me, I couldn't buy a vase from that Master Qiu. It really depends on people to buy a dish. It must be that I am out of power and ignored me!"

Du Zhaohui made Master Qiu very black.

He didn't appreciate the fact that people asked him to eat seafood on the boat, because the attitude towards him and Zhou Cheng was different, and Du Zhaohui's anger at the moment was not acting at all.

Tang Yuanyue was dubious, "Doing business and making money, why doesn't Master Qiu sell you the things that can be sold, and don't even want to make money?"

However, Du Zhaohui was unreasonable, so he only had to roll around saying that others looked down on him. He believed the Hong Kong tabloid and thought he had no hope of turning over.

"I heard that Du Zhaoji had participated in the private shooting held by Master Qiu. Maybe the two of them were embarrassed long ago. Do you think Du Zhaoji is a person who likes antiques? The things he photographed must be given to the old man!"

Du Zhaohui was playing a rogue, saying that he was pitiful and pitiful.

Tang Yuanyue thought about it, Du Zhaoji did bid him the price that day, did he want to take a seal to please Du Xingrong?

In the end, Tang Yuanyue still did not bear Du Zhaohui's crookedness, and agreed to transfer the Tian Huang seal to him.

He didn't even earn him any money. He bought it for 150,000 Hong Kong dollars, and sold it to Du Zhaohui for 150,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Seeing Du Zhaohui holding the seal with joy, Tang Yuan couldn't help but stabbed him with a few words: "Zhaohui, you and Du Er are fighting for the family property. There is no reason to lose. I am really more and more optimistic about you!"

Du Zhaohui asked Ahua to put away the seal, and promised that Tang Yuan would regret it for a while and would not take it away. He nodded:

"I know you have foresight, and it must be right to support me."

"Yes, Du Zhaoji is not as thick-skinned as you. If you can't beat Du Zhaoji, you can still roll around in front of Du Dong... Du Zhaoji went to the UK to study business. You have the thickest skinny self-taught."

Du Zhaohui had just deceived Tian Huang's seal from Tang Yuanyue's hands. He was in a good mood and was not angry when he faced Tang Yuanyue's irony:

"If you can win if you roll around, you think I won't do it?"

Tang Yuanyue really subdued Du Zhaohui's cheeky, and gave in.

Du Zhaohui cut, "The winner is the winner and the loser is the loser. No matter what method you use, winning is winning! You are so happy that you can be the heir of the Tang family when you are born."

Tang Yuanyue ignored Du Zhaohui's sour tone.

"Zhaohui, I didn't hesitate to introduce Master Qiu for you. If you want a seal, I will pass it to you. Tell me honestly, are you and Xia Xiaolan cooperating?"

It took Tang Yuanyue a while to figure it out.

Du Zhaohui's brain suddenly opened up, how likely is it to come up with such a high-profile project as Electronic Plaza?

If Du Zhaohui had been doing business so well, what Du Xingrong would hesitate to do, he should have handed the Du family to Du Zhaohui long ago.

It is not easy to find a good heir. Du Zhaohui is invincible if he has the ability. No matter how many aunts Du Xingrong has, he can't shake Du Zhaohui's position!

But Tang Yuanyue had known Du Zhaohui for so long and admitted that the other party was treacherous, but did not admit that Du Zhaohui had such a strategic vision.

Looking at it again, Du Zhaohui’s electronic square was built by Guangdong Provincial Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., and Mao Kangshan led the help... These are all related to Xia Xiaolan. What does Tang Yuanyue do not understand!

Du Zhaohui and Xia Xiaolan joined forces.

It should be during the time he invited Xia Xiaolan to go to Hong Kong. He Zhitong was dissatisfied with the resignation. It was a statement issued in the newspaper and broke the news, which made Tang Yuan more devastated.

At that time, Du Zhaohui ran around Xia Xiaolan before and after the horse. Tang Yuanyue was angry at first and thought Du Zhaohui was taking advantage of it.

It is only now that I understand that Du Zhaohui’s entry is not a relationship between men and women, but a business cooperation with Xia Xiaolan!

Although Tang Yuanyue was inquiring, in fact, he had already found the facts, and Du Zhaohui evaded the emphasis:

"If you want to talk about cooperation, I will find Xia Xiaolan for the design of the electronic square."

Is it just a design made by Xia Xiaolan?

Tang Yuan didn't believe it at all.

However, Xia Xiaolan obviously hated Du Zhaohui before. How did Du Zhaohui ease the relationship with Xia Xiaolan and would like to cooperate with Du Zhaohui? !

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