Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1527: : Promotion Special Assistant (2 more)

"Second Young Master, I don't want to!"

After living for more than 20 years, Ye Xiaoqiong has had enough of being fooled.

The word "deception" has run through the first half of her life.

With a little bit of deception, Ye Xiaoqiong is extremely sensitive.

Du Zhaoji closed the document, "I also don't like being fooled."

Who was fooled?

It was fooled by Du Zhaohui.

A **** pretending to be a fool.

Du Zhaoji used to think that this eldest brother was not a big threat. He sympathized with the other party's loss of his mother when he was young. No matter how extreme and gloomy Du Zhaohui was, he was somewhat tolerant of him.

Even from the bottom of my heart, I want to join forces with Du Zhaohui to push Du's business to new heights in the future!

He also thought that if Du Zhaohui was not good at business, he would let the other party get dividends to live easily.

Now... Du Zhaoji only thinks that he is the stupidest. Du Zhaohui's image for many years is a disguise, to let everyone relax their vigilance.

It was Du Zhaohui's conspiracy to advise Du Zhaohui to transfer Liu Tianquan to take charge of the smuggling business and exchange Du Zhaohui to open up the mainland market in Pengcheng.

Du Zhaohui has established a network in Pengcheng step by step and has a close relationship with local government leaders.

Finally, Du Zhaohui was asked to wait for the 5% group share test.

Du Zhaoji is now suspicious that this competition is also deliberately acting, and has turned to Du Zhaohui before it even started.

The Second Young Master is a very cold person, and now his face has changed with anger, Ye Xiaoqiong couldn't help asking, "What do you need me to do?"

Du Zhaoji dropped the file:

"When a competition loses fairness, it doesn't matter whether the methods are noble or not. I need you to gain their trust. I want to defeat Du Zhaohui from the inside. I think you need to strengthen contact with your old friends!"

Let her approach Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng?

Ye Xiaoqiong suspected that the content of the conversation when he contacted Xia Xiaolan had been known to Du Zhaoji.

But Du Zhaoji didn't mention a word, and Ye Xiaoqiong couldn't confirm it.

Close to Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng, she didn't even need to find a reason, as long as she pretended to agree to Xia Xiaolan's proposal...

Ye Xiaoqiong made a fist.

Du Zhaoji did not urge her, let her decide for herself.

If you press too hard, you will be rebellious. Ye Xiaoqiong made his own choice, and Du Zhaoji would not allow the other party to regret it—the betrayer must accept severe punishment. This is the creed taught by the Du family to Du Zhaoji. Wash away the mark.

Finally, Ye Xiaoqiong's fist unfurled.

"Second Young Master, I listen to your instructions, you are right, we are in the same camp!"

Du Zhaoji had a faint smile on his face, "Ye Xiaoqiong, you have made the right choice. When we succeed, you will find that some things that were originally difficult to do are actually very simple! All the difficulties in this world are in money The power is not difficult, the only thing that bothers us is that there is not enough money and power."

On the same day, Ye Xiaoqiong was transferred back to Du Zhaoji from the workshop.

The post was promoted from secretary to special assistant.

Putting it in the Chongrong Group, the special assistant next to Du Zhaoji can also be regarded as middle-level management.

Just looking at Du Shaoji’s personal business in Thailand, Ye Xiaoqiong is already a bit of an executive posture-Ye Xiaoqiong has not been in the Hongrong Group for a long time, but he has jumped from ordinary clerks to Du Shaoji’s secretary room, and the members of the secretary room are trusted by Du Zhaoji. The personal secretary went to the workshop to work as a female worker for a period of time. Until then, he returned to Du Zhaoji and was appointed as a special assistant.

Others don't know the inside story, and have much speculation about this fate confession.

When it was announced to the public, it was said that Ye Xiaoqiong had outstanding abilities, and even the experience of working as a female worker in the workshop was packaged as a grassroots training for deep understanding of the production line.

But Ye Xiaoqiong's promotion was so fast, and the news came back to Hong Kong, and it was all considered that Ye Xiaoqiong was Du Zhaoji's favorite.

Liu Keying also joked with his second wife:

"Second sister, you have to be careful that Zhao Ji is trapped by the female secretary. He has always been a good boy. It is not surprising that he fell into the hands of a woman at once."

The second wife was calm: "Zhao Ji should also have a girlfriend, and have fun with the female secretary. It is better for him to go out and find the inconsistent women to fool around. It's the master, do we have to add another sister? ?"

Du Tingrong has had less time to go home recently.

When I went home, I didn't get too tired of being with Sanfang Yi, obviously just being fed by the women outside.

The three wives of the Du family have been fighting with each other for many years. Which one Du Xingrong prefers, the other two will be jealous, and they will fight like black-eyed chickens.

Now that Du Xingrong is not coming back, Liu Keying is the most anxious!

The second concubine had Du Zhaoji to rely on, and the third concubine was not very favored. Only Liu Keying had been a favorite of many years, and she couldn't stand Du Xingrong's recent neglect.

She hadn't found her second concubine to settle the account, but the second concubine first brought up this topic, Liu Keying sneered:

"Second sister, I don’t know if Du’s family will add new dishes. I happen to know the woman who has become so fascinated by the master recently. It’s called Vivi, she’s in her 20s, and she used to work in Zhaoji’s secretary room...I see Zhao Ji’s secretary room specializes in raising vixen. One fascinates Zhao Ji himself, and the other can’t catch the young, so he has to attack the master!"

The second wife's face changed, "What do you mean?"

Liu Keying wronged her second wife to send a woman to Du Xingrong. The second wife really wanted to squeeze the water out of Liu Keying's mind:

"I don't know anything about Vivi, what's the advantage of doing this, don't get the enemy wrong!"

Liu Keying was skeptical.

She knows more than anyone about the pillow wind. She is the most proud of Du Xingrong's side in recent years. From a tutor to the fourth concubine, not only she flew on a branch and turned into a phoenix, but also the entire Liu family was reborn.

On what?

It's not her elder brother Liu Tianquan who is a business wizard, but Du Xingrong's preference for her.

Liu Keying turned the diamond ring on her hand. She couldn't sit and wait for death. It was too late when Du Xingrong asked to marry the fifth concubine and came in. She had to meet with the Vivi for a while in advance to see if she could send him away.

With his understanding of Du Xingrong, Liu Keying keenly perceives that this time is different from the past.

Du Xingrong used to have other women out there, but he would not leave the famous family in the cold, this time--

"Second sister, it's best to be someone who is not yours. We are not united. We really want to be stepped on to **** by others. In the future, the tabloids will say how ugly, you can guess the second sister."

Hong Kong giants, it is not only Du Xingrong who married a few rooms.

After all, Hong Kong did not promulgate the "Marriage Law" until 1971, emphasizing "monogamy" and abolishing polygamy.

Before 1971, it was legal to marry a consort.

Like Liu Keying and the second concubine, when they walk outside, they are called "Tao Du". They are also called "Du Tai" when attending various events and newspapers.

Du Xingrong now has to get home a fifth concubine. It is not legally possible. Others can say a few words about Du Dong as a strong and active. However, the gossip tabloid will definitely laugh at Liu Keying and others. They will lose face when they go out to socialize and laugh at them. Du Chengrong couldn't help bringing new people home.

The worst is Liu Keying, who brightly posted a "out of favor" label on her face, affecting her and also affecting Liu Tianquan.

The second wife's reaction is actually not big, after all, she is already relying on her son to fight for favor in her old age.

However, Du Zhaoji and Du Zhaohui were fighting, and the second wife and the other two rooms were temporarily allied. Liu Keying was anxious, and she was not indifferent, so she comforted Liu Keying:

"If you don't rest assured, let's meet that vivi, I also want to see what kind of character it is."

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