Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1537: : I can't afford to provoke you, can I hide (2 more)

"Hello, my husband Ivan disturbed you a few days ago, I apologize for him!"

There are traces of medical beauty on Mrs. Wilson's face.

She is George's biological mother. She must be over 60 years old. Most women are very resistant to natural aging. "Growing gracefully" is bullshit. What they want is to look like 30 when they are 60!

Natural beauty and acquired maintenance are the reasons, but there are still no obvious wrinkles on the cheeks over 60 years old, and no amount of essence lotion can be used.

In 1986, the vocabulary of medical cosmetology and plastic surgery was very unfamiliar to women in mainland China. In the forums of later generations, there will always be people who scan old pictures over and over again to miss the female stars of the golden age of Hong Kong entertainment circles in the 80s and 90s, and praise them as Pure natural beauty.

Most people don't know that in the 80s, some of the contestants who were elected to Hong Kong retired because they were reported to have plastic surgery.

It's natural, but everyone didn't dare to move too ruthlessly, and was not treated with crooked aesthetics, making any stereotyped awl faces and open corners of the eyes.

This is just the status quo in Hong Kong. At this time, Korean cosmetic surgery has not been sought after along with Korean dramas in Asia. The strongest cosmetic surgery is in the United States, Japan and other countries. Mrs. Wilson is not short of money, and she must have undergone top-notch medical surgery. Xia Xiaolan just thinks she has no wrinkles on her face. It is a bit strange. In fact, overall, Mrs. Wilson's US dollars for this is still very successful. The whole person looks very good. Good!

She was enthusiastic and came to pull Xia Xiaolan's hand. The skinny hand exposed her true age.

The face can be straightened, the neck and hands are not straightened, these two major difficulties will still be plagued by countless women who want to stay young forever.

"Madam, I am not angry with Mr. Ivan, but I cannot meet Mr. Ivan's request, so I feel very sorry."

Xia Xiaolan is a cheeky self-familiar, she is very uncomfortable to meet the Wilson and his wife who are also familiar with each other.

Isn't there an old saying in Huaguo, "Nothing to do is to commit crimes or to steal... She is alone in a foreign country, who knows that people or ghosts enthusiasm for her, it is always right to be vigilant.

"My dear, don't call me Mrs. You can call me Cynthia, Cynthia Wilson."

Xia Xiaolan was grasped by Ivan’s wife Cynthia firmly by her wrist. She wanted to break free, but she was afraid of breaking this Mrs. Wilson, who looked more than 40, but actually had more than 60.

Cynthia was too enthusiastic. She stayed at the hotel where Xia Xiaolan was staying, and showed up with old Ivan with a clear goal, just to catch Xia Xiaolan.

Said it was to apologize for the old Ivan, but the purpose has not changed. She wants to persuade Xia Xiaolan to stand on the same front with their husband and wife and save poor George from the horrible transnational marriage... Xia Xiaolan really wants to roll her eyes.

"Madam, all right, Cynthia, I don't think I can do this myself. My studies at Cornell are too busy and I don't have the energy to do this kind of thing."

Xia Xiaolan hopes that Ji Ya doesn't have an ATM machine like George, but it would be inappropriate for her to go to battle to break up the marriage of the two.

This has gone beyond the conventional means of commercial competition.

If she is involved in this matter, Ji Ya will do something to break the lower limit, and Xia Xiaolan will also be unreasonable after the trouble. It is said that the first one is cheap, and Ji Ya is the first one. Xia Xiaolan's request for an apology is reasonable. For this reason, the two must compete in the market! But if she wants to intervene in Ji Ya's marriage, the nature of the matter changes.

The situation of George and Ji Ya is different from that of Zhou Yi and Yuan Han.

Yuan Han is a bad guy who relies on a woman to dominate, and after squeezing out the value, he still tramples on the woman's side.

The object he wants to squeeze is Zhou Yi, that is, the Zhou family, and it will affect Zhou Cheng's quality.

It was impossible for Xia Xiaolan to wade in this muddy water without Zhou Cheng.

But George--

George has nothing to do with her. Didn't she panic when she was full?

No matter how pitiful Cynthia and Iwan were, Xia Xiaolan did not let go, and did not agree to cooperate with the couple to drive George out of Pengcheng or China.

George is a foreign businessman!

Unless she is crazy, she will cause these troubles for Tang Hongen.

If George wants to leave China, he can only choose his own choice. His business failed, or he did something illegal and disciplined... If he doesn't break the law, that's a foreign businessman who makes a legitimate investment. Isn't this an abuse of privilege?

Tang Hongen has never restricted George from returning to the United States. He has a contradiction with Ji Ya, who is aimed at Ji Ya.

George didn't leave by himself.

Xia Xiaolan sighed, "Whether to return to the United States or not, George should choose himself. The two are George's parents, and they should know George better than I do."

Cynthia didn't touch much on the plate in front of her, she put down her knife and fork:

"Xia, in the words of your Chinese nation, Ivan and I are willing to unite all the forces that can be united. It is really surprising that you are unwilling to cooperate. Of course, you have your own ideas and principles, and we will not force you anymore. . I like you very much. If the cooperation is not successful, I can still give you a free message. George’s trust fund was frozen by us. He lasted for two months, but he still couldn’t afford to return to the United States. We were not too happy because He will come back with his Chinese wife...I really hate her too much."

George is so miserable, the trust fund is frozen, which puts a lot of pressure on his cash flow, right?

Harold is really hurt. He must know the internal affairs of the Wilson family. Taking advantage of George's frustration at the hands of the old Iwans, he still has to keep George from getting the golf course decoration project... Hey, it's not right. Look at it this way, ha Rod’s approach is like helping the old Ivan couple to force George back to the United States!

The old Ivan ran angrily to ask Harold what he did?

Is it acting...

The Wilson family's water is so deep!

Xia Xiaolan couldn't afford to provoke, Xia Xiaolan could only slick her feet.

It happened that Hoffman needed Xia Xiaolan to go back to New York. Xia Xiaolan booked a ticket and left Washington without hesitation:

"Cynthia, thank you for your trust in me, but I really can't participate in your family conflicts. I'm glad to meet you and Mr. Ivan. I'm going back to my room to pack my luggage. See you both!"

Cynthia smiled and waved goodbye to her.

When Xia Xiaolan walked away, the smile on her face also subsided:

"Ivan, can you confirm? Harold likes this Chinese girl? She may be very smart and very beautiful, but she looks like a little girl who is incomprehensible."

Old Ivan glanced at his wife, "Men’s appreciation of women is different from your women. I can be sure that Harold likes her. This summer is different from the women Harold used to interact with. Seriously, I I thought it would be impossible for Harold to enter a marriage, but I didn't expect such a person to appear suddenly."

Cynthia did not fully understand her husband's plan:

"A man likes a woman, and a man wants to marry a woman are two different things, right? Ivan, what are you thinking about? Will the existence of Xia affect our arrangements?"

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