Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1542: : Xia, you come to receive customers (3 more)

Xia Xiaolan was resting at home for a day, and she happened to make Tang Yuanyue take a break.

Mr. Tang is miserable.

Booked a ticket to fly to the United States early.

When I arrived at Ithaca, I went straight to Cornell University... Ha, Xia Xiaolan was doing an internship at GMP, not at school at all.

He finally understood Xia Xiaolan's whereabouts, and thought of a reason Xia Xiaolan could not refuse, and he was quite confident that he went to the GMP office in New York, and Xia Xiaolan went to Washington on business!

This is obviously a typical fate and no part. The better Tang Yuan's cultivation is, he will not be angry and will not give up.

I'm on a business trip, and I'm not based in Washington, so I always have to go back to New York.

He was really too deliberate in chasing after Washington.

Besides, why are you chasing?

The GMP people said that Xia Xiaolan is in the Wilson hotel project, and Tang Yuanyue will not go to Harold Wilson's site to give someone away!

"Harold Wilson, Wilson Hotel in Queens, New York. This guy was too low-key before."

The hotel is not the main business of the Wilson family, at least before Harold started the Washington project, there was no such thing.

Tang Yuanyue's Yuhua Group has businesses all over the country, including hotels, resorts, and office buildings. Some are operated by themselves, and some are leased to others.

Tang Yuanyue must pay attention to the five-star hotel chains here in the United States. When Harold appeared at the Pengcheng Merchants Cocktail Party, Tang Yuanyue did not know each other at all, because the business areas of the two sides were very different.

Now, the Wilson family is going to invest money in the hotel industry?

He didn't have to compete with Harold. Harold was better. Xia Xiaolan was invited to participate in the design of the new hotel in Washington.

"The drunkard doesn't mean to drink!"

When I was in Pengcheng, it was a bit like that. What kind of eyes do men have interest in women, wouldn't Tang Yuanyue know?

But this did provide Mr. Tang with an idea.

When he communicated most with Xia Xiaolan, it was about working time.

Xia Xiaolan would put aside personal emotions. Work is work... To be honest, there are very few women Tang Yuanyue knows who are not affected by personal emotions. He appreciates Xia Xiaolan because of the advantages that are different from ordinary women.

Tang Yuanyue stayed in the United States for a long time. He came by himself at first, and then he called several assistants over:

"Do we have a resort project in Indonesia?"

The assistants looked at each other, wondering why Tang Yuanyue asked this.

"President Tang, the three young masters are responsible for the Indonesian resort..."

"I take the initiative to help, Ze Rui will not refuse."

That's also true.

The brotherhood of the Tang family is much more harmonious than that of the Du family.

Tang Zerui was also very convinced by Tang Yuanyue's eldest brother. Tang Yuanyue and He Zhitong's retiring from his previous marriage caused Tang's father to reprimand him. Tang Zerui was very supportive of his eldest brother.

Tang Zerui, born in a wealthy Hong Kong family, has a free and romantic personality. Tang Yuanyue only needs to talk to him, and he is eager to throw out the projects he is responsible for.

"President Tang, you are right."

Tang Yuanyue got the resort project from his younger brother with a phone call, and Tang Zerui personally sent him the information to New York.

Tang Yuan turned over:

"Have you signed the contract? If you haven't signed it, don't you mind changing to another office!"

Although he didn't know why his elder brother left Meihua's business and wanted to complete the work for him, Tang Zerui already bubbling beautifully: "Don't mind, just change it!"

Tang Yuanyue and his party descended to GMP as a customer.

For the GMP firm, this is a business falling from the sky.

Customers from HK are not short of money. The project is in Indonesia, and they found the GMP New York office. Partner Kissinger warmly received Tang Yuanyue and his party. Tang Yuanyue thought that Xia Xiaolan would be in the office, but he just happened to meet Xia Xiaolan to ask for leave.

Xia Xiaolan was not there, could Tang Yuanyue wink his eyes to the blind man? Naturally, this business could not be negotiated.

The GMP folks are not surprised at all.

Customers can negotiate business once they come to the door, dreaming about it!

HK clients have been very sincere in going straight to GMP, and New York is more than just an architect firm GMP.

This customer must be caught.

When Tang Yuan left, Kissinger's eyes scanned in the office:

"Has Xia not come today?"

"She took time off today!"

"Oh, when she comes to work tomorrow, let her come to my office."

Xia is a Chinese, right?

Should you have a common language with HK customers?

Cultural inheritance is all in the same vein. Last year or the year before, there was an agreement to determine the time of Hong Kong’s return. These big news will also be reported internationally, and partners like Kissinger are also more concerned about international news. The international situation is also the same. Business matters...Anyway, GMP will not build houses in war-torn places. If you have your life to make money, you have to spend your life. If you accidentally die several people in the line of duty, the compensation can make Kissinger vomit blood.

Early the next morning, Xia Xiaolan arrived at the office and heard Kissinger summoned.

When I went to the office, Kissinger said that there was a Hong Kong client who wanted to be received by her.

Xia Xiaolan will naturally not refuse:

"Sir, what is the specific situation?"

"HK customer, Indonesia's resort development, yesterday I talked to the customer, they should just want to find GMP to do the design plan. The purpose of GMP is to provide customers with a full range of services, if you can convince customers to change their minds, the best and the worst To finalize the commission of the design plan!"

What a full service.

Didn’t you make all the money from architectural design, construction, and interior decoration?

Kissinger seemed to be afraid that Xia Xiaolan would not work hard, so he added:

"If you can finalize the client's commission, I will not only let you participate in the project design, but also use the qualifications of a formal architect to calculate the project commission for you."

The Wilson hotel project, Hoffman and the entire team members have commissions.

Hoffman himself took the highest, and an assistant like Grey took the least. The two interns, Xia Xiaolan and Matthew, naturally received internship salaries, but the two did not receive additional rewards.

Xia Xiaolan will stay at GMP for at most 20 days. She doesn't know if this resort commission can be finalized, but this should be the last project she came into contact with in GMP.

"I will work hard, sir!"

Xia Xiaolan waited for Hong Kong customers to come to the door.

If the Hong Kong customer does not come today, she will call the other party actively in the afternoon. You are really a fool. You are waiting for the customer to come, but you don’t know that the customer has been hooked away by other dogs... It doesn't matter, you have to take the initiative to seize the business when you come!

Matthew sneaked up:

"Xia, take me with you. I've heard about it. Mr. Kissinger wants you to receive customers from HK."

"Well, how wrong is it for you to give me a hand?"

Matthew was wronged: "I am happy to be unjustified!"

Matthew couldn't help it. In this GMP internship, he and Xia Xiaolan have already separated themselves from each other.

It was Xia Xiaolan on a business trip to Washington. Hoffman couldn't easily remember Matthew. After the Wilson Hotel won the bid, Matthew became an intern under Grey's supervision.

Seeing Xia Xiaolan had another chance, Matthew must take the initiative to lean on it!

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