Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1549: : Let go and let her vent her anger (2 more)

"Okay, I get it! By the way, I took back the money she was robbed. A **** was injured and it seems that she will not die. She was robbed of $937, this money..."

Xia Xiaolan frowned.

Zhou Yi, that idiot, don't save the living expenses in the bank, and bring it all with him?

Even if there is no gangster that Ye Xiaoqiong finds, Zhou Yi's action like this is the most popular target for robbers. Xia Xiaolan is not defending Ye Xiaoqiong, she is angry with Zhou Yi:

"You collect the money for me first, and you will give it to me when you meet next time."

She couldn't say generously that all this money belonged to Jim. The 1,000 US dollars that Zhou Yi carried with him, Zhou Wenbang spent thousands of Chinese dollars in savings to redeem it, and it was also Zhou Wenbang and Jiang Hong's work salary.

Although Zhou Wenbang's administrative level is not low, he is in a position with good welfare benefits, but he only has that income.

He didn't want other people's money in Zhou's family, and it would definitely be all the money for Zhou Yi to collect 10,000 US dollars.

With this money, it is enough to buy a well-located courtyard in the capital. For example, Liu Yong bought the courtyard in Nanluoguxiang in Xu Jing's hands for more than 60,000 Chinese dollars.

In a slightly remote place, such as the third outer ring of the capital, those old bungalows are even less valuable. So much money can not only buy a set.

For the locals in Beijing, the countryside is now beyond the second ring of the capital, and the second ring of the capital basically follows the old city walls of the former capital!

Beijing Third Ring Road?

What the hell!

What a great investment opportunity. This money will be used to buy a house. What can Zhou Yi worry about in another 20 years? That money is really not used up when lying down and sleeping. But does Zhou Wenbang want Zhou Yi to be material-free in the future? No, he obviously wanted to break Zhou Yi upright, so that she could be clever and have an independent career, which is what Zhou Wenbang really wanted.

Therefore, Xia Xiaolan can not return the money to Zhou Yi, but must return it to Zhou Wenbang.

She had to ask Zhou Wenbang how to deal with tonight's affairs.

Xia Xiaolan thought Zhou Yi would call her, but half an hour after hanging up Jim's phone, the phone in the apartment was as quiet as a chicken.

Xia Xiaolan didn't expect Zhou Yi to understand a little bit, anyway, tomorrow she will go to the Broadway Survey Theater.

But this matter must be told to Zhou Wenbang.

At this time, it was 10 pm New York time, and there was a 13-hour time difference between Beijing time and Beijing, and it was 9 am in the country.

"If it's normal, Uncle Zhou should be at the unit."

Needless to say, this call must be made.

Xia Xiaolan made a call back to China, and Zhou Wenbang got on the phone after 9:20. His habit is to make a cup of strong tea before going to work. The strong tea can refresh your mind and help Zhou Wenbang better carry out the event. Work all day.

After receiving the call, Zhou Wenbang was uneasy and accidentally knocked over the teacup.


The secretary slammed the door gently.

"It's okay, no need to come in, I will pack it myself!"

No father can remain calm after hearing that his daughter was almost raped.

Xia Xiaolan waited for him to slow down before asking:

"Ye Xiaoqiong did this deliberately. She finally turned back to rescue sister Zhou Yi. It may be a conscience discovery, or she may want to make Zhou Yi trust her more. If it is the former... shall we bet on her next conscience discovery?"

Anyway, Xia Xiaolan can't call the shots, she must tell Zhou Wenbang about this matter, only Zhou Wenbang can make a decision.

Zhou Wenbang fell his teacup in shock.

But Zhou Wenbang quickly calmed down and asked Xia Xiaolan:

"Do you think this Xiaoye is very smart?"

"It's very smart, isn't it written in the survey data? She also took the college entrance examination, but some people reported that her family had a problem with her family and failed the political review... So her education in China is only high school, but her ability is not limited. After leaving her hometown Going to the Shanghai stock market and then smuggling into Hong Kong, both poor and white can join the Pongrong Group to work and become the trusted female secretary of Du Zhaoji's side. This person is not only smart, but also very capable of learning."

Xia Xiaolan felt that way.

The way Ye Xiaoqiong came out was very rare in 1986.

There are people who make small businesses and make money everywhere, but like Ye Xiaoqiong who get promoted in a big company in Hong Kong normally, most of the mainland university students can't climb so fast when they go to Hong Kong.

"So she is so smart and has resentment towards Zhou Yi. Besides using force, can she use a few words to persuade her to give up revenge on Zhou Yi?"

Zhou Wenbang asked, Xia Xiaolan had already guessed his answer:

"You mean—"

"I mean, let Ye Xiaoqiong let it go! I think she can't be cruel to deal with today."

There is an opportunity for a person's personality to change.

Ye Xiaoqiong must be different from the past. She agreed to wake Zhou Yi to "retaliate." Such "retaliation" is not to kill Zhou Yi with a single shot, but to cut meat with a blunt knife and torture Zhou Yi a little bit.

Zhou Wenbang was sure that Ye Xiaoqiong would not really harm Zhou Yi.

Not to bet on Ye Xiaoqiong's character, but to bet on Ye Xiaoqiong's cleverness and hatred. Knowing that Zhou Yi was looked after by the Zhou family and killed Zhou Yi, she might not be afraid of Zhou's revenge, but she still had to save her life to retaliate against Yuan Han and Yuan's family.

"I know what to do. It happens that tomorrow I am going to Broadway. I will go to see Sister Zhou Yi. What about those dollars?"

"Don't return it to Zhou Yi, she should remember this lesson. If she asks you to borrow money, you should do business and let her make an IOU!"

Zhou Wenbang was really cruel this time.

Leaving halfway is of no help to Zhou Yi.

Now that I have eaten the bitterness, I can only harden my heart to let Zhou Yi continue to swallow the bitterness.

Zhou Yi just encountered the trouble that other international students might encounter, and her family immediately solved it for her, and she would never make any progress!

Xia Xiaolan was also relieved when she took Shangfang's sword.

When she hung up the phone, she couldn't help but mutter, "Uncle Zhou finally came true this time, and if Ye Xiaoqiong did this kind of thing, he acquiesced."

How ardent and sincere is a father's desire for his daughter to become mature?

There is even guilt towards Ye Xiaoqiong.

Zhou Yi doesn't know the truth, so Zhou Yi has no psychological burden. On the contrary, Zhou Wenbang has the burden. Because Zhou Yi's willful behavior has indeed caused great harm to Ye Xiaoqiong.

Yuan Han is a scum and the culprit.

Zhou Yi is not completely innocent either.

Xia Xiaolan was actually very happy with Zhou Wenbang's attitude, not that he could educate Zhou Yi hard, but Zhou Wenbang's guilt towards Ye Xiaoqiong.

Some people are separated from the masses when they become small cadres. Not to mention the lives of their family members, that is, their family members have a cold, and fart is more important than the lives of ordinary people. Zhou Yi hurt Ye Xiaoqiong? Oops, just give Ye Xiaoqiong a little bit of compensation. If Ye Xiaoqiong is chasing revenge, Ye Xiaoqiong has no interest. Xia Xiaolan has met many people who do things like this. She likes the Zhou family because a big leader like Zhou Wenbang doesn’t think of herself. Higher than ordinary people.

I never thought that if Ye Xiaoqiong was not convinced, he would use power to subdue Ye Xiaoqiong and not allow her to retaliate. Anyway, a small commoner, without background, can his arms be twisted beyond his thighs?

No, Zhou Wenbang understood Ye Xiaoqiong, with guilt, hoping that Ye Xiaoqiong could find inner peace after tossing Zhou Yi.

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