Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1572: : What are you thinking about? (2 more)

Zhou Yi didn't dare to think about it.

The Chinese restaurant included two meals, and only received a salary of US$80 in the past 12 days, which is less than Zhou Yi expected.

But without having to pay for food, she can actually support herself. The 1,000 US dollars borrowed from Xia Xiaolan can be repaid in advance... She had such a plan, but Xiao Qi persuaded her:

"If you want to worry that you can't pass the exam, then reduce the time you come to work. 6 hours a day is too long. You spend all your time on part-time work. What about the language school?"

Zhou Yi's head is about to explode.

The part-time job in the Chinese restaurant solved her living expenses, but it really delayed her study time.

From 7:00 in the morning to 10:00 in the evening, only 16 hours of sleepless hours, 6 hours of illegal work, including other trivial delays, Zhou Yi's real study time is only about 8 hours.

Is she really studying for 8 hours?

If you only learn one course, everyone will feel tired of studying. If you study efficiently for 8 hours, the effect will be very good... If Zhou Yi can do it, she will be about to take an exam, she will not panic.

It's strange to say that she knew a super university bully Xia Xiaolan, and she refused to ask Xia Xiaolan how to learn well, but it was Ye Xiaoqiong and Xiaoqi who had just met friends who said something, she always listened very seriously.

To reduce working hours, Zhou Yi was afraid that he would not be able to repay Xia Xiaolan's money as scheduled.

Without reducing the working time, she worried that she would not be able to pass the assessment.

Being afraid of wolves and tigers before and after, this is Zhou Yi's character, an indecisive counselor. She didn't want to let it go, Xiao Qi suggested that she go back to the dormitory and stay up to study after finishing work at night.

Anyway, the bedroom does not turn off the lights.

"We used to learn one or two points every night before the college entrance examination!"

What Xiao Qi said was natural, and Zhou Yi was crying.

…Have learned one or two things? Is that still a life for people?

She still didn't dare to refute Xiao Qi, for fear of revealing timidity.

Xiao Qi passed the college entrance examination. After graduating from university, he was assigned to work in a newspaper office. Affected by the craze for going abroad, the public dispatched by his own unit, he directly resigned from the United States.

Zhou Yi, a scumbag, has never even experienced whether the college entrance examination is round or flat. The secondary school is also arranged at home. I really don't know how hard a person who studies hard can be to himself.

Zhou Yi felt that she had worked hard enough, and Xiao Qi immediately told her that it would not be considered hard work if she did not learn one or two in the morning.

Zhou Yi will be suspicious:

"But I know someone who took the college entrance examination while doing a small business, and later got a provincial champion."

This is Xia Xiaolan.

It's just that there is no name or surname.

Xiao Qi didn't refute, but patted Zhou Yi on the shoulder:

"Is this person comparable to a person? Some people can memorize the same number of words by memorizing it once, and some people can only memorize it seven or eighty-eight after memorizing more than a dozen times. We are ordinary people with ordinary qualifications. Don't compare with those geniuses."

Zhou Yi: "...!"

Damn, it made sense, she couldn't refute a word.

Zhou Yi was tired to death, thinking of the upcoming exam, she dragged her tired feet back to school, and had to stay up late to review.

After only staying for one night, Zhou Yi felt that his steps were weak.

The next day, lethargic, Xiao Qi dragged him to the Chinese restaurant.

It happened that Xia Xiaolan finished her morning work and came out of the theater, preparing to settle lunch nearby with her colleagues. Xia Xiaolan, as the leader of the theater's refurbishment team, don't talk about bringing your own BGM when you walk. When a group of people came out, she was also the one who walked in the middle of the stars Gongyue.

Zhou Yi subconsciously dragged Xiao Qi away.

"What are you doing? Know?"

A group of foreigners that Zhou Yi can know is probably only that beautiful Chinese woman.

This is obviously a group of professionals.

Such a young Chinese woman can walk in the middle, Xiao Qi is also very curious: "Do you still know such a person?"

Zhou Yi opened her mouth. Why didn't she know her? Otherwise, it would be her younger siblings.

"She is the one that I said to be the top pick in the province."

When she was in China, Zhou Yi never envied Xia Xiaolan's wealth, she envied everything else.

When he arrived in the United States, Zhou Yi could feel the difference from Xia Xiaolan more and more, just like a big ditch filled with unevenness!

Xiao Qi was curious, Zhou Yi didn't say who Xia Xiaolan was, but told about Xia Xiaolan.

I heard that Xia Xiaolan came to the United States as an exchange student through an English competition, and the Department of Architecture at Cornell University could even go to GMP for an internship. Xiao Qi looked at Zhou Yi as if looking at a fool.

Xiao Qi has never attended an international student party before, and if he wants to, he must have recognized Xia Xiaolan a long time ago.

In this way, she also felt so strange:

"Do you think she is just an intern? Zhou Yi, you are not worshipping a big Buddha, and you are actually willing to wash dishes in a Chinese restaurant!"

The same is part-time job.

What useful experience can I accumulate from working in the greasy back kitchen of a Chinese restaurant?

Could it be possible to wash dishes for a lifetime!

But if you enter a major American company for an internship... Xiao Qi's breathing is a bit short. She came to the United States to do big things. If Zhou Yi had the resources, she would definitely be able to save countless ways!

Xiao Qi hates that iron can't make steel, Zhou Yi confesses:

"Didn't you tell me, we can only do illegal jobs with student visas, and it's useless to ask her to help!"

Xiao Qi poked at her, "Are you stupid? The poor students who are okay can only work illegally. Students who are related can go for an'internship' under the name of the school. Any company's internship subsidy will cut one more than mine. You don’t want to get a lot of moon dishes! You don’t want this opportunity. I don’t know how many people will break their heads and grab them. It is not only to solve the cost of living, but you are now worried about the 101-level test and assessment. Kill other college students in China and use English contests to get special prizes as exchange students... What are you thinking about?"

Is there a better person to ask for?

Teachers in language schools are not one-to-one teaching after all.

Xiao Qi feels that if the country can win a special prize in the competition, the level of English is not bad and it is equivalent to the mother tongue.

A Chinese who can speak English as well as his mother tongue must have his own way of learning.

Zhou Yi didn't want to cherish the opportunity, but Xiao Qi really wanted to ask Xia Xiaolan for advice.

Xiao Qi is now stuck at level 108, and he doesn't feel like he can't get better, and he's confused if he wants to go up.

No, Zhou Yi must go to worship this great Buddha, or Xiao Qi is embarrassed to come to him if he has no relatives and no reason.

"Zhou Yi, let me tell you..."


Xia Xiaolan felt that she had seen Zhou Yi just now.

Looking back, the person disappeared, and I don't know if it was deliberately avoiding her.

Xia Xiaolan didn't think too much. It's always right for Zhou Yi to endure more hardships. If you study hard, the language school test can explain everything. When she came out of the theater in the afternoon, Matthew probed her head at the door:

"There is a party over Tina, are you going?"

Xia Xiaolan was not interested in any party at all, she had planned to drive back to Ithaca.

But now she suspects that Tina is related to Farn and Xu Zhongyi, and she wants to wait for the opportunity to approach the two siblings quietly.

"Go, why don't I go!"

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