Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1580: : We have no evidence (2 more)

Pan Baohua couldn't answer the question about how Jim is now, whether it's bad or bad.

He can easily get out of Los Angeles, it is his ability.

The private detective hired by Xia Xiaolanhuaqian, Pan Baohua has never dealt with how capable it is.

"Not contacting is not necessarily a bad thing. If you can give you this photo, it can be very informative. He may have been spotted by Zhang Jiadong, and I am afraid that the other party may find it on you."

Pan Baohua comforted Xia Xiaolan a few words.

Xia Xiaolan's face has not yet eased:

"I don't know. Maybe I thought Zhang Jiadong too much. If he can monitor everyone's every move, even a city councilman can't let go of his ambitions."

It's so funny.

People involved in crime became Los Angeles City Councillors.

Do a group of people in the FBI just get paid and don't work?

In China, cadres within the system have to check even the background of three generations of ancestors!

Pan Baohua was frustrated, and it was really uncomfortable to let him stand still.

"The gang forces are also divided. The surname Zhang is also powerful in Los Angeles. You are in New York, and he dare not move you casually. We didn’t know that he was hiding in the dark. Now that he has a name and a surname, he moved. Do you still want to run?"

Pan Baohua's attitude is very casual.

He is not afraid that someone will use the means of the underworld, that would be great, he can also have no taboos!

Xia Xiaolan frowned, "I still wonder what Cui Yiru is thinking about, is she kept in the dark to marry Zhang Jiadong, or is she coerced by Zhang Jiadong? For so many years, besides Tina and Fine, do she and Zhang Jiadong have other children? "

This Pan Baohua can assure that Zhang Jiadong is a local celebrity in Los Angeles. They all know that he and his wife have a good relationship. The two have one son and one daughter, and no other children.

"Hey, this is still a big tortoise who likes to raise children for others!"

Although the atmosphere was heavy, Xia Xiaolan was still amused by Pan Baohua: "Three brothers, how can you say that? This is a plot only in martial arts novels."

In "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", King Jin Wanyan Honglie fell in love with Bao Xiwei, killed her husband, and married Bao Xiwei home as a princess. At that time, Bao Xiwei was pregnant, and Wanyan Honglie looked at her rival’s son. If you have written... novels, you can't write about raising two children with your big love rivals. It's okay to say that the one who is pregnant in the belly is already five or six years old, so I fully remember that Zhang Jiadong is not a real father.

Pan Baohua doesn't like to guess at things:

"Just ask the Xu family boy, don't you know!"

Xia Xiaolan's heart moved, "You want to ask Fa'en?"

Pan Baohua snorted, "What the hell, isn't it called Xu Changle? Just remarry when you remarry, and the **** changed the name of the child. The whole American name is not foreign and foreign."

Farn’s name is still a bit interesting. Fayne’s interpretation is joy and happiness, doesn’t it correspond to the original name of "Changle"?

Xia Xiaolan had been looking for Xu Changle, Xu Changle appeared in front of her, but she was not able to confirm it.

Fortunately, it's not too late to recognize it now.

Xia Xiaolan thought of the similar plots of the novel, but also had a terrible headache:

"Third brother, you said Xu Changle was a five or six-year-old child back then. He is also ignorant when the family has changed. Can he judge right from wrong? He was raised by Zhang Jiadong since he was a child. He may regard Zhang Jiadong as his biological father. Now we run Go and tell him that Zhang Jiadong was the one who murdered his father Xu Zhongyi. He has recognized the thief as his father for so many years... Will he believe it?!"

Anyway, Yang Kang doesn't believe it in the novel.

Even if I believe it, my psychology is still biased towards Wanyan Honglie.

Pan Baohua touched his head, but felt that this issue was too complicated:

"You mean, we have no evidence?"

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "Yes, there is no evidence, everything is inferred by us. Is Zhang Jiadong one of the murderers back then? Is there any relationship between him and Zhang Jiaqiang? We can't come up with evidence!"

The arson occurred in San Francisco.

Zhang Jiadong is now developing in Los Angeles.

You can’t just because someone’s name is similar to Mouse Qiang, and you hire more than 20 bodyguards, you can identify the other person as the murderer, right? The rich are willing to hire 20 bodyguards, and on what basis outsiders can sentence others.

It is also Pan Baohua's judgment and the warning from Dalny that Zhang Jiadong is involved in the crime, these very side proofs.

Is there the most direct evidence?

There must be none.

If there is direct evidence, I am afraid that Zhang Jiadong will not be a Los Angeles City Councillor.

Xia Xiaolan suddenly thought of the word: a treacherous loyalty.

"One more thing, Zhang Jiadong must know my existence. Why did he send his daughter Tina to New York to study? I know someone from the Wilson family, and the Zhang family entrusted Tina to Mrs. Wilson to take care of me. Then we two I will meet sooner or later... As long as I see it, I definitely can't help but want to track it down. Zhang Jiadong should keep Tina and Faun away from me."

It doesn't make sense logically.

Tina came to New York to study, and Fine also went to New York to work.

Pan Baohua also found it tricky, and it was not easy to solve it simply with his fists.

"How about I go to Los Angeles to check again?"

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "The third brother, it's the first time you went, and I haven't contacted me yet. Zhang Jiadong hasn't warned you. You have come to Ithaca to meet with me. Zhang Jiadong can still let you check it? It was exposed, and no useful things were found. I am still worried about your safety."

Pan Baohua grinned, "What's the matter, I won't go, I will ask others to go."

Xia Xiaolan looked at him curiously.

"Just leave it alone. I didn't come to the United States alone. Didn't I say I came to deliver goods, naturally there are other crew members."

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "Then let's go to New York to visit Jiang Yan. I still want to figure out Fa'n, oh, it's Xu Changle's idea."

Zhang Jiadong is not afraid of Tina and Faen coming into contact with her, Xia Xiaolan is afraid of a fart.

Without contact, how can you be sure if you have wronged a good person?

If it really doesn't matter to Zhang Jiadong, people simply like Cui Yiru, are willing to marry her, and are willing to take care of her and Xu Zhongyi's son and daughter.

"Okay, go to New York!"

Pan Baohua decided to stay with Xia Xiaolan and leave the affairs of Zhang Jiadong in Los Angeles to others to investigate.

Xia Xiaolan drove him straight to the hospital where Jiang Yan was recuperating.

Jiang Yan has been in the United States for 4 months, except for Xia Xiaolan who visits her from time to time, Pan Baohua is the first to visit her specially from China.

She and Pan Baohua had a deep relationship. Seeing Pan Baohua was a joy from the heart.

"Brother, why are you here!"

Pan Baohua is absolutely not favoritism. He pinched a small sack of walnut kernels for Jiang Yan and let her go:

"I wanted to come a long time ago. I can’t get out of my hands. I will come to the United States to deliver goods this time. I will naturally come to see you. Jiang Yan, I promised your parents that I will take care of you in the future. Don’t blame you. The third brother is not considerate. Taking care of a woman, you can't make her suffer. I want to ensure that your living standard will not decrease, at least not lower than when you were at Jiang's house!"

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